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Early Modern Philosophy I

Code: FILO024     Acronym: FMOD1

Instance: 2012/2013 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Philosophy
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Philosophy

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
FILO 40 FILO - Study Plan 3 - 6 4

Teaching language



Students are expected to acquire knowledge of the key works of modern philosophy, analysing, at different levels, the authors and their most representative works. Emphasis will be given to conceptual intersections, repetition and innovation, rather than linking the various moments into an evolutionary characterization


1. The individual and action.
2. Knowledge as an operation and as contemplation.
3. The split between meaning and truth.
4. Foundation and fundament.
5. The project of a political science.
6. Belief and knowledge.
7. Knowledge and ontology.

Mandatory literature

Bacon, Francis ; Novum Organum (1620), trad. francesa Michel Malherbe e Jean-Marie Pousseur, PUF, Paris, 1986
Descartes, René ; Meditações Metafísicas (1641), Garnier-Flammarion, Paris, 1979
Espinosa, Bento ; Ética (1677, póstumo), trad. portuguesa Joaquim de Carvalho et alii, Atlântida, Coimbra, 1960 sgts
Galileu; Diálogo dos grandes sistemas (1632), trad. portuguesa parcial José Trindade Santos, Gradiva, Lisboa, 1987
Hobbes, Thomas ; Leviatã (1650), trad. portuguesa João Paulo Monteiro e Maria Beatriz Nizza da Silva, , Imprensa Nacional /Casa da Moeda, Lisboa, s/d
Pascal, Blaise ; Pensamentos (1670, póstumo), in Oeuvres complètes, Seuil, Paris, 1963
Malebranche, Nicolas ; A busca da verdade (1674-1675), ), Gallimard, Paris, 1979
Pico Della Mirandola, Giovanni – (1496) ; Discurso sobre a dignidade do homem, trad. portuguesa Maria de Lourdes Ganho, Edições 70, Lisboa, 2006
Maquiavel, Nicolo ; O príncipe (1532, póstumo), trad. portuguesa Diogo Pires Aurélio, Círculo de Leitores/Temas e Debates, Lisboa, 2008
Montaigne, Michel de; Ensaios (1580 sgts.), trad. portuguesa parcial Rui Bertrand Romão, Relógio D’Água, Lisboa, 1998

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theory-practical classes, with lectures on the contents and commentaries of excerpts from the main works mentioned in the reading list.


Humanities > History > History of philosophy > Modern philosophy

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participação presencial 52,00
Exame 3,00
Exame 27,00
Exame 80,00
Total: - 0,00

Eligibility for exams

Attendance (in 75% of estimated classes, unless established otherwise by law and for students who were eligible in the previous academic year).

Calculation formula of final grade

Final exam: Final exam: a 3-hour written exam, and an oral exam, whenever necessary or required. The final exam mark will be rounded to the nearest whole mark.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable

Classification improvement

In accordance with the Regulations in force.


Teaching language: Portuguese
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