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Oral and Written Communication Skills I

Code: CL026     Acronym: TCOE1

Instance: 2012/2013 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Language Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CL 32 Study Plan-Lang.Sciences:Linguistics 1 - 6 -
Study Plan-Lang.Sciences:Port.Second Language 1 - 6 -
LA 57 Study Plan - Applied Languages: Business Relations 1 - 6 -
Study Plan-Applied Languages: Translation 1 - 6 -
LLC 146 Joint Lauguage Plan -Englis/German 1 - 6 -
Joint Language Plan - English/Spanish 1 - 6 -
Joint Language Plan-German/Spanish 1 - 6 -
Joint Language Plan-German/French 1 - 6 -
Joint Language Plan-French/Spanish 1 - 6 -
Joint Language Plan-Portuguese/English 1 - 6 -
Joint Language Plan-Portuguese/Classical Languages 1 - 6 -
Single Language Plan-German 1 - 6 -
Single Language Plan-French 1 - 6 -
Single Language Plan-English 1 - 6 -
Single Language Plan-Spanish 1 - 6 -
Portuguese and Foreign Lauguage(German) 1 - 6 -
Portuguese and Foreign Lauguage (Spanish) 1 - 6 -
Portuguese and Foreign Lauguage (French) 1 - 6 -
English Studies Plan (Teaching) With German 1 - 6 -
English Studies Plan (Teaching) with Spanish 1 - 6 -
English Studies Plan (Teaching) With French 1 - 6 -
Joint Language Plan -English/French 1 - 6 -
LRI 84 Study Plan 1 - 6 -
Study Plan - Minor in History 1 - 6 -
Study Plan - Minor in German Studies 1 - 6 -
Study Plan - Minor in English Studies 1 - 6 -
Study Plan - Minor in Spanish Studies 1 - 6 -
Study Plan - Minor in French Studies 1 - 6 -

Teaching language



- Reflect on the formative-cognitive and affective values of the mother tongue (understand the Portuguese language as a way of accessing other ways of thinking and representing the world, and human relations);
- Develop grammatical, verbal and socio-cultural skills;
- Acquire communication techniques and oral/written skills, and use them efficiently in different contexts.


- Communicative act - interactive act
- Components of the communicative act
- Factors explaining the communicative act
- The functions of communication
- Semiotic resources: verbal, para-verbal and non-verbal
- Interlocutory and monolucotory communication

Communication and oral expression:
- Specificity of the oral mode (co-presence of the speakers; strong contextual dependency; mobilising different types of semiotic elements)
- From spontaneous speech to prepared speech
- Some communication skills: commentary; presentation/explanation; discussion;

Communication and written expression:
- Specificity of the written expression: stages of the editing process: planning, textualisation, revision
- Elemental maxims of the text: cohesion, connection, coherence
- Structure of some academic texts: critical appreciation; report; summary; synthesis; commentary; dissertation.

Text and discourse:
- The variety and functionality of discourse genres
- Compositional heterogeneity of texts
- Textual sequences: narrative, descriptive, argumentative, explanatory

- Proposition vs. Sentence
- Utterance in language - direct, deferred, reported (reported speech – direct, free direct, indirect, free indirect, evoked, hybrid, narrated)
- Discourse modality (modalising the utterance and modalising the proposition; explicit/implicit subjectivity; evaluative subjectivity- quantitative, qualitative, axiological; logical subjectivity; affective subjectivity)
- Diatopic or regional variation, diastratic or social variation, diphasic or situational variation
- varieties of language;
Language registers (formal, standard, everyday, non-standard)

- simple sentence (direct order, inversion, ellipsis)
- complex sentence (coordination and subordination)
- integrated terms in the clause
- regular and irregular verbs (tense, mood, voice- their significance)
- punctuation

- word and morpheme
- grammatical and lexical morphemes
- word formation (compounding and affixation – suffixation and prefixation)

- Enriching the lexicon – conversion or improper derivation, acronyms, initials, abbreviations, amalgamation, foreign loans, foreign inflected words, metaphorical extension
- Lexical relations- antonymy, synonymy, hyperonymy, hyponymy, homonymy, metonymy, polysemy.

Mandatory literature

Adam, Jean-Michel; Linguistique textuelle. Des gentes de discours aux textes, Paris: Nathan, 1999. ISBN: 2-09-190840-1
Adam, Jean-Michel; Les textes: types et prototypes, Paris: Nathan, 1992
Adam, Jean-Michel; Éléments de Linguistique Textuelle, Liège, Mardaga, 1990. ISBN: 2-87009-440-X
Bassolds, M. e Torrent, A.; Modelos textuales: teoria y práctica, 1997
Cintra, L. e Cunha, C.; Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo, Lisboa: Sá da Costa, 1984
Figueiredo, O. e Figueiredo, E.; Dicionário Prático para o Estudo do Português, Porto: Asa , 2003
Mateus, M.H.M. et al.; Gramática da Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa: Caminho, 2003. ISBN: 972-21-0445-4
Vilela, M.; Gramática da Língua Portuguesa, Coimbra: Almedina, 2002

Teaching methods and learning activities

Expository theory classes;
Practical classes with the support of an electronic learning platform (e-learning) that will allow students to apply and assess their knowledge throughout the semester;
Guiding the students in small assignments in which they will explore the written and oral expression in Portuguese.


Humanities > language sciences > Languages > Modern languages

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participação presencial 56,00
Test/Exam Exame 2,00 2013-07-12
Elaboration of Essay Trabalho escrito 51,00 2013-05-31
Total: - 0,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Description Type Time (hours) End date
Preparation of Test/Exam Estudo autónomo 53 2013-07-12
Total: 53,00

Eligibility for exams

Attending 75% of classes, unless established otherwise by law.
Achieving a positive grade in the final exam and in distributed assessment.

Calculation formula of final grade

To be established with the students at the beginning of the semester, taking into consideration the FLUP regulations in force.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable

Classification improvement

In accordance with the regulations in force.


Teaching language: Portuguese
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