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Portuguese Literature V

Code: FLUP0727     Acronym: LITP5

Instance: 2005/2006 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Modern Languages and Literature - Portuguese and English Studies

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
EPA 10 Official Study Plan - LEPA 4 2,5 5 -
EPE 5 Official Study Plan - LEPE 4 2,5 5 -
EPF 19 Official Study Plan - LEPF 4 2,5 5 -
EPI 52 Official Study Plan - LEPI 4 2,5 5 -
EPO 17 Official Study Plan - LEPO 4 2,5 5 -


To provide students with an assiduous and thorough study of some of the most relevant texts of Galician-Portuguese Literature. To proceed with an aesthetic, cultural and social framework of the production and reception processes of those texts.


I.1 – From the assertion of the vernacular languages to Medieval Literature;
I.2 – Heritages and traditions: oralism and written culture;
I.3 – The imagery of feudal society: courtesy;
I.4 – Specificities of troubadour poetics;

II.1 - Troubadour culture in the Iberian Peninsula: chronology, geography and social stratification;
II. 2 – First generations of Galician-Portuguese troubadours and court jesters,
II. 3 – Problems of genres and their evolution;
II.4 – From the collections of the 13th and 14th centuries to the actual manuscript tradition.

Main Bibliography

BREA, M. (coord.) – Lírica profana galego-portuguesa, 2 voll., Santiago de Compostela, Xunta de Galicia, 1996.
D’HEUR, J.-M. – "L’Art de trouver du Chansonnier Colocci-Brancuti. Édition et analyse", Arquivos do Centro Cultural Português de Paris – F.C.G., IX, 1975, pp. 321-387.
COHEN, R. – 500 Cantigas d’Amigo, Porto, Campo das Letras, 2003.
LAPA, M. R. – Cantigas de Escarnho e de Mal Dizer dos Cancioneiros Medievais Galego-Portugueses, 2ª ed., Vigo, Galaxia, 1970.
VASCONCELOS, C. M. – Cancioneiro da Ajuda, 2 voll, Halle, Max Niemeyer, 1904.

ASENSIO, E. – Poética y realidad en el cancionero peninsular de la Edad Media, 2ª ed., Madrid, Gredos, 1970.
D'HEUR, J.-M. – Troubadours d'oc et troubadours galiciens-portugais, Paris, F.C.G., 1973.
FERREIRA, M. R. – Águas Doces, Águas Salgadas. Da funcionalidade dos motivos aquáticos na “Cantiga de Amigo”, Porto, Granito, 1999.
KÖHLER, E. – Sociologia della Fin'Amor, Padova, Liviana Editrice, 1976.
LAZAR, M. – Amour courtois et fin'amors dans la littérature du XIIème. siècle, Paris, Klincksieck, 1964.
MIRANDA, J. C. – Calheiros, Sandim e Bonaval: uma rapsódia de amigo, Porto, s/ ed.,1994.
MIRANDA, J. C. – Os Trovadores e a Região do Porto. Em torno do rapto de Elvira Anes da Maia, Porto, Ed. do Autor, 1996.
OLIVEIRA, A. R. – Depois do Espectáculo Trovadoresco. A estrutura dos cancioneiros peninsulares e as recolhas dos sécs. XIII e XIV, Lisboa, Colibri, 1994.
OLIVEIRA, A. R. – Trobadores e Xograres. Contexto histórico, Vigo, Edicións Xerais de Galicia, 1995.
OLIVEIRA, A. R. – O Trovador galego-português e o seu mundo, Lisboa, Editorial Notícias, 2001.
OSÓRIO, J. A. – "Cantiga de Escarnho galego-portuguesa: sociologia ou poética", in Da Cítola ao Prelo. Estudos sobre Literatura. Séculos XII-XVI, Porto, Granito, 1998.
PICHEL, A. – Ficción poética e vocabulario feudal na lírica trobadoresca galego portuguesa, La Coruña, Ed. Diputación Provincial, 1987.
PICCHIO, L. S. – A Lição do Texto, Lisboa, Ed. 70, 1979.
TAVANI, G. – A Poesia Lírica Galego-Portuguesa, Lisboa, Ed.Comunicação, 1990.
TAVANI, G. – Ensaios Portugueses, Lisboa, I.N.C.M., 1988.

Complementary Bibliography

To be indicated when necessary.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical and practical classes


No specific software required.

Evaluation Type

Eligibility for exams

To be indicated in class by the lecturer.

Calculation formula of final grade

To be indicated in class by the lecturer.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

In accordance with the FLUP’s regulations in force

Classification improvement

In accordance with the FLUP’s regulations in force


Language of instruction: Portuguese
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