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5th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2012) / Livro de resumos do 5.º Encontro de Investigação Jovem da U.Porto

5th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2012) / Livro de resumos do 5.º Encontro de Investigação Jovem da U.Porto
International Conference Proceedings Book
Conference International
IJUP 2012
Porto, 22 a 24 de Fevereiro de 2012
Scientific classification
FOS: Social sciences
Other information
Language: English
Type (Professor's evaluation): Scientific
No. of pages: 664
ISBN: 978-989-8265-82-1
License type: Click to view license CC BY-NC
File name Description Size
Publications included
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
J. Carvalho (Author) (Other); L. Martins (Author) (Other); J. Silva (Author) (Other); J. Santos (Author) (Other); R. Torres (Author) (Other); Bateira, Carlos (Author) (FLUP); C. Fonseca (Author) (Other)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
M. Sousa (Author) (FADEUP); João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos (Author) (FADEUP); Ricardo Fernandes (Author) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Nunes, M. (Author) (Other); Costa, A. (Author) (Other); Alves, R.C. (Author) (Other); Rocha, Ada (Author) (FCNAUP); Oliveira, M.B.P.P. (Author) (Other)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
A. Silva (Author) (Other); P. Figueiredo (Author) (Other); Susana Soares (Author) (FADEUP); João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos (Author) (FADEUP); Ricardo Fernandes (Author) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Silveira, Eduarda (Author) (Other); Dias, Laura (Author) (Other); Antunes, Patrícia (Author) (FCNAUP); Freitas, Ana (Author) (Other); Coque, Teresa (Author) (Other); Peixe, Luísa (Author) (Other); Novais, Carla (Author) (Other)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Barbosa, M. (Author) (Other); Avila, H. (Author) (Other); Rocha, Ada (Author) (FCNAUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
C. Cascais (Author) (FADEUP); F. Cabral (Author) (FADEUP); A. Moraes (Author) (FADEUP); Ricardo Fernandes (Author) (FADEUP); Manuel Botelho (Author) (FADEUP); Maria Olga Fernandes Vasconcelos (Author) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Gonçalves, C. (Author) (Other); Silva, G. (Author) (Other); Camelo, Sandra (Author) (FCNAUP); Amaro, Luís (Author) (FCNAUP); Teixeira, Vitor (Author) (FCNAUP); Padrão, Patricia (Author) (FCNAUP); Moreira, Pedro (Author) (FCNAUP); Pinho, Olívia (Author) (FCNAUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
L. Martins (Author) (Other); M. Santos (Author) (Other); Bateira, Carlos (Author) (FLUP); Matos, Fátima (Author) (FLUP); M. Teixeira (Author) (Other); S. Moreira (Author) (Other); A. Costa (Author) (Other)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
A. Gomes (Author) (FADEUP); L. Oliveira (Author) (FADEUP); Manuel Botelho (Author) (FADEUP); Maria Olga Fernandes Vasconcelos (Author) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
E. Louro (Author) (Other); J. Ribeiro (Author) (Other); Susana Soares (Author) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
D. Cardoso (Author) (FADEUP); J. Pereira (Author) (FADEUP); J. Moreira (Author) (FADEUP); Manuel Botelho (Author) (FADEUP); Maria Olga Fernandes Vasconcelos (Author) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Sousa, Ana (Author) (FCNAUP); Sousa, Odete (Author) (FCNAUP); Amaral, Teresa (Author) (FCNAUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Gomes, A. (Author) (Other); Correia, G. (Author) (Other); Moz, M. (Author) (Other); Coelho, M. (Author) (Other); Teixeira, A.L. (Author) (Other); Medeiros, R. (Author) (Other); Leite, F. (Author) (Other); Torres, Duarte (Author) (FCNAUP); Ribeiro, L. (Author) (Other)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
J. Coelho (Author) (FADEUP); J. Neto (Author) (FADEUP); A .Oliveira (Author) (FADEUP); Manuel Botelho (Author) (FADEUP); Maria Olga Fernandes Vasconcelos (Author) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Rios, F. (Author) (Other); Andrade, P. B. (Author) (Other); Valentão, P. (Author) (Other); Duarte,Torres (Author) (FCNAUP); Samman, N. (Author) (Other); Silva, L. R. (Author) (Other)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Petisca, Catarina (Author) (FCNAUP); Martins, Z.E. (Author) (Other); Pinho, Olívia (Author) (FCNAUP); Ferreira, I.M.P.L.V.O. (Author) (Other)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
G. Ferreira (Author) (FADEUP); J. Silva (Author) (FADEUP); J. Vaz (Author) (FADEUP); Manuel Botelho (Author) (FADEUP); Rui Manuel Nunes Corredeira (Author) (FADEUP); Maria Olga Fernandes Vasconcelos (Author) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Novo, P. (Author) (Other); Viegas, Olga (Author) (FCNAUP); Pinho, Olívia (Author) (FCNAUP); Ferreira, I.M.P.L.V.O. (Author) (Other)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
A. Meneses (Author) (FADEUP); J. Oliveira (Author) (FADEUP); S. Silva (Author) (FADEUP); Manuel Botelho (Author) (FADEUP); Maria Olga Fernandes Vasconcelos (Author) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
R. Oliveira (Author) (FADEUP); T. Ferreira (Author) (FADEUP); T. Lourenço (Author) (FADEUP); Manuel Botelho (Author) (FADEUP); Maria Olga Fernandes Vasconcelos (Author) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
F. Silva (Author) (FADEUP); J.Molina (Author) (FADEUP); R. Santos (Author) (FADEUP); R. Monteiro (Author) (FADEUP); Manuel Botelho (Author) (FADEUP); Maria Olga Fernandes Vasconcelos (Author) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Mourão, Joana (Author) (Other); Dias, Laura (Author) (Other); Fernandes, Liliana (Author) (Other); Alves, Tatiana (Author) (Other); Novais, Carla (Author) (Other); Peixe, Luísa (Author) (Other); Antunes, Patrícia (Author) (FCNAUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Moura, Cristina (Author) (Other); Almeida, Tiago (Author) (Other); Vieira, Elsa (Author) (Other); Pinho, Olívia (Author) (FCNAUP); Ferreira, Isabel (Author) (Other); Carvalho, Beatriz (Author) (Other); Brandão, Tiago (Author) (Other)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Adão, R. (Author) (Other); Maia-Rocha, C. (Author) (Other); Mendes-Ferreira, P. (Author) (Other); Mendes, M.J. (Author) (Other); Cerqueira, R.J. (Author) (Other); Castro-Chaves , P. (Author) (Other); De Keulenaer, G.W. (Author) (Other); Leite-Moreira, A.F. (Author) (Other); Brás-Silva, Carmen (Author) (FCNAUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Maia-Rocha, C. (Author) (Other); Adão, R. (Author) (Other); Mendes-Ferreira, P. (Author) (Other); Mendes, M.J. (Author) (Other); Pinho, S. (Author) (Other); Lourenço, A.P. (Author) (Other); De Keulenaer, G.W. (Author) (Other); Leite-Moreira, A.F. (Author) (Other); Brás-Silva, Carmen (Author) (FCNAUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Barbosa, Rita (Author) (FCNAUP); Amaral, Teresa (Author) (FCNAUP); Alves, Paula (Author) (FCNAUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Carvalho,A. (Author) (Other); Rocha, Ada (Author) (FCNAUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Almeida, Tiago (Author) (Other); Moura, Cristina (Author) (Other); Vieira, Elsa (Author) (Other); Pinho, Olívia (Author) (FCNAUP); Ferreira, Isabel (Author) (Other); Carvalho, Beatriz (Author) (Other)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
A. Costa (Author) (Other); Bateira, Carlos (Author) (FLUP); E. Pacheco (Author) (Other); Matos, Fátima (Author) (FLUP); L. Martins (Author) (Other); M. Teixeira (Author) (Other); M. Santos (Author) (Other); S. Moreira (Author) (Other)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Vieira, Elsa (Author) (Other); Pinho, Olívia (Author) (FCNAUP); Ferreira, Isabel (Author) (Other); Brandão, Tiago (Author) (Other)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
André, Ana Isabel Ferreira (Author) (Other); Rodrigues, Sara (Author) (FCNAUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Resende, Carolina (Author) (FCNAUP); Rodrigues, Sara (Author) (FCNAUP); Pinho, Olívia (Author) (FCNAUP); Graça, Pedro (Author) (FCNAUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
P. Machado (Author) (FADEUP); P. Cardoso (Author) (FADEUP); P. Brito (Author) (FADEUP); Manuel Botelho (Author) (FADEUP); Maria Olga Fernandes Vasconcelos (Author) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Mendes, Marlene (Author) (Other); Novais, Carla (Author) (Other); Antunes, Patrícia (Author) (FCNAUP); Campos, Joana (Author) (Other); Freitas, Ana Raquel (Author) (Other); Abdukadir, Ablimit (Author) (Other); Peixe, Luísa (Author) (Other); Monteiro, Nuno (Author) (Other); Quinteira, Sandra (Author) (Other)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
A. Oliveira (Author) (FADEUP); R. Santos (Author) (FADEUP); T. Neves (Author) (FADEUP); Manuel Botelho (Author) (FADEUP); Maria Olga Fernandes Vasconcelos (Author) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Rowcliffe, Patrícia (Author) (FCNAUP); Rodrigues , Sara (Author) (FCNAUP); Oliveira, Bruno (Author) (FCNAUP)
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