Código: | PDEEC0050 | Sigla: | S |
Áreas Científicas | |
Classificação | Área Científica |
OFICIAL | Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores |
Ativa? | Sim |
Página Web: | https://moodle.up.pt/course/view.php?id=723¬ifyeditingon=1 |
Unidade Responsável: | Departamento de Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores |
Curso/CE Responsável: | Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores |
Sigla | Nº de Estudantes | Plano de Estudos | Anos Curriculares | Créditos UCN | Créditos ECTS | Horas de Contacto | Horas Totais |
PDEEC | 23 | Plano de estudos oficial | 1 | - | 7,5 | 42 | 202,5 |
This course aims at providing Students with multidisciplinary background knowledge that is relevant to their activity as PhD Students and Researchers. Seminars offers the Students the opportunity to attend a number of training courses offered by FEUP under the program
Transferable Skills for Engineering (TSE)
https://paginas.fe.up.pt/~lea/competencias-transversais-e-transferiveis-para-doutorandos-e-pos-docs-da-feup-20182019/ (in Portuguese)
These courses (see in the program the list of courses available) can be attended by PDEEC PhD students aiming at:
The students need to complete 4.5 ECTS for the TSE courses. Together with the selected training courses on TSE the students need to carry out work equivalent to 3.0 ECTS with a supervisor or tutor in a topic of interest for the student future research work.
Provide the students with Transferable Skills for Engineering (TSE) depending on the type of training courses attented.
Program and General Information
Work guided by supervisor/tutor - 3.0 ECTS
TSE Courses available for 2018-2019: 1.5 or 3 ECTS (see more details below)
Available TSE courses
https://paginas.fe.up.pt/~lea/competencias-transversais-e-transferiveis-para-doutorandos-e-pos-docs-da-feup-20182019/ (in Portuguese)
Transversal Skills for Engineering: Scientific Publishing and Writing
(offered in both semesters)
It allows participants to publish more successful articles through a more systematic writing and the most appropriate choice of journal in terms of content and impact in the scientific community. In addition to writing and choosing the journal, students will also be competent in reviewing and correcting articles.
Duration: 3 ECTS / 28h of contact
Dates (1st semester): 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11 and 4/12
Time (1st semester):: 14h30 - 16h30
Transversal Skills for Engineering: basic skills to teach in Higher Education
(offered in both semesters)
Intended for those who recently joined the teaching career in Higher Education and those who intend to collaborate in the teaching of curricular units. It aims at acquiring/developing the basic pedagogical skills to teach at this level.
Duration: 1,5 ECTS / 14h of contact
Dates (1st semester): 24/10, 31/10, 07/11, 28/11 and 05/12
Time (1st semester): 14h00 - 16h30
Transversal Skills for Engineering: methods of scientific research
(First semester only)
Participants will be able to tailor the best scientific research methodology and data analysis to each of their specific fields of application.
Dates (1st semester): Oct 22, 29 / 10,5 / 11, 3/12, 10/12
Duration(1st semester): 1,5 ECTS / 14h of contact
Transversal Skills for Engineering: Time management and Personal organization (advanced module)
(First semester only)
To enable participants to effectively develop research and enhance productivity while remaining psychologically coherent/resilient to the intellectual and emotional aspects they face in the course of research.
Dates: November (1st semester): 5 (5: 00-20p.m.), 12 (5 p.m.-8 p.m.), 7 p.m. (5 p.m.-
Duration: 1,5 ECTS / 14h of contact
Transversal Skills for Engineering: From intellectual property to business creation
(Second semester only)
To develop entrepreneurial skills; provides opportunities for the development of comprehensive knowledge of intellectual property and the development of a business model for the technological entrepreneurship context
Duration: 3 ECTS / 28h of contact
Transversal Skills for Engineering: Latex
(Second semester only)
To provide opportunities for the acquisition and development of skills in LATEX Document Preparation System: a useful tool for the production of mathematical and scientific texts, due to its high typographic quality, which can also be used to produce personal documents, articles, books, theses, among others
Duration: 1,5 ECTS / 14h of contact
Transversal Skills for Engineering: Science communication for non-experts
(Second semester only)
Communicating science to a non-specialist audience requires a very different set of competencies than giving a successful lecture at a specialty conference, or exchanging impressions with peers, even from different expertise. This course provides the development of a specific set of skills and a systematic methodology, so that young engineers and scientists can improve the effectiveness of their communication and avoid spreading distorted ideas. It also aims to enable participants to acquire/develop skills that allow them to articulate their research in a discourse that is convincing and accessible to a non-scientific audience
Duration: 1,5 ECTS / 14h of contact
Place: FEUP More information : ( 220 414 717 | ext. 4717 | lea@fe.up.pt
Depends on the TSE training course
Designação | Peso (%) |
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico | 40,00 |
Trabalho de campo | 60,00 |
Total: | 100,00 |
Designação | Tempo (Horas) |
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese | 40,00 |
Estudo autónomo | 40,00 |
Frequência das aulas | 20,00 |
Total: | 100,00 |
These students will be subject to all evaluation procedures of regular students.
Not applicable.