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Code: EC0016     Acronym: ARQU

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Building Construction

Instance: 2018/2019 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: https://moodle.up.pt/course/view.php?id=884
Responsible unit: Building Division
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Civil Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEC 164 Syllabus since 2006/2007 2 - 5,5 60 145
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2019-05-23.

Fields changed: Teaching methods and learning activities, Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final, Lingua de trabalho, Programa, Obtenção de frequência

Teaching language

Portuguese and english


Whereas the Civil Engineering student may develop in their careers projects of several specialities, particularly for buildings, this would imply a need to know how to to effectively articulate his solution to that advocated by the architect and/or other engineers or designers.

1 - Technical-training objectives 
a) To provide a good and broad understanding of Archiceture as an act of creative pratice and as a system of sub-systems, as well as understanding its role in the development of its practice in Portugal. 
b) To develop the ability to read / to interpret the architecture designs, through the assimilation of the specific language of representation of technical drawing and architectural spaces, in general. 
c) To encourage students to the procedure principles which structure the architecture designs (hierarchy and its constitution, time schedules, regulatory implications, joint policies on housing construction, etc.) as well as for the effective articulation of civil engineers with architects.
d) To reflect on the challenges of architecture in the context of the new European regulatory requirements;
e) To demonstrate the importance of factors that contribute to the performance of the Civil Engineer in the filed of Architecture and Construction.

2 - Critical-training objectives 
a) To assimilate the analytical course of architecture regarding the interpretation of the historical evolution of architectural space, articulated to the constructive and structural innovations. 
b) To build a framework of the monographic review of the major artistic movements and works of architecture (till today), so as to broaden the cultural and architectural learning and to approach to the aesthetic debate.
c) To define their professional skills at the level of labor income in multi-disciplinary teams, a work that is deeply concerned with the construction and architecture professional pratice.

Learning outcomes and competences


Knowledge: to describe the key concepts of architecture and its sub-systems and identify the erudite and vernacular building techniques and the principles underlying the creation of architecture throughout History.

Understanding: to interpret and to manipulate designed and written elements that incorporate an architectural project. Identify the architectural representation codes and the technical design of building elements and link them to structural and non structural parts, identifying them and distinguishing them from each other.

Implementation: to establish procedures for categorization of the various conceptual and constructive solutions in different periods of Architecture History till the beginning of the XXI century, in order to identify new interpretations of architectural spaces.

Analysis: to compare and classify the results of research on the set of structural systems of architecture and also the strategies to solve the structural problems of the current energy and environmental challenges, among others.

Summary: to analyse alternative ways to build the current architecture, especially those that are more linked to business or residential buildings (or mixed use buildings).

Rating: to criticize the procedures and practices often used; to review critically the recent techniques; to recommend possible improvements in construction practices and in the implementation of new methods for construction.

Engineering project: to identify sources of technical and scientific literature on the Internet and on the FEUP Library and its application in national and European context.

Engineering Research: to identify the various sources of technical and scientific references, accessible via the Web at via the Library of FEUP, and its applicability in the national context.

Engineering Practice: to know and contact public and private entities, questioning the practice of architecture and the articulation of the engineering specialties projects with the architectural design.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

PRIOR KNOWLEDGE - Previous Training
In a general way, some knowledge for the  Architecture course is essential:
- to understand the antety "territory" and its topography and physiology characteristics;
- to read and to understand the architectural designs, based on the technical design;
- to understand the architectural object and its direct relationship with civil engineering and other engineering specialties;
- to understand the construction processes and the structural systems.

Regarding theknowledge and competences acquired in other courses of the Civil Engineering Programme, some of these can particularly contribute to the strenghten students' preparation together with the Architecture course, one can distinguish:

a) From the 1st academic year of the Master Programme

- The Technical Drawing course (1st year - 1st semester);
- The Topography course  (1st Year - 2nd semester);
- The History of Civil Engineering course  (1st year - 1st semester).

b) From the 3th academic year of the Master Programme
- Physic Construction course (3th year - 1st semester);
- Construction Technologies course (3th year - 2nd semester).

Thus, the non-attendance and/or the Students' failure, essentially in the Technical Drawing course and in the Topography course (both of the 1st year of the Programme)  may raise additional difficulties for students' success in the Architecture course.


Part I


Introduction. Notions of space, architecture, structure and composition.  Characteristics of the architectural space. Origins of architecture. Is Architecture an Art? What is the difference between architecture and sculpture? What is the difference between architecture and civil engineering??

The need to delimit spaces. The "emptiness" as an entity.
Notions of architecture. Architecture composing elements. Spatial perception. Empty space; abstract space. Perception of a static space and space experience. Spatial interpretation; perception along the movement; human scale - Modulor. Time as the 4th dimension of architecture.

Part II


Formal composition. The construction and representation of space architecture. Methods and construction systems. Architecture interpretation. Identification of architecture composition elements and interpreting architecture. Architecture composition; elements of architectural composition and conditionants. Composition of volumes. Organization of architectural shapes. Space visual properties.

Part III


1. Methods and means of representation; the architectural technical representation - the language of the design; methods and working instruments; the architecture design as a mean of representation and communication; graphic elements.
2. Licensing process and design; the central basic design; project specialities; base project; detailed project.
Processual Elements and Procedures.
Requirements of specification; technical, general and special conditions; map of quantities and measurement; estimated budget; designed parts; details of the project and working site.
3. Legislation / Regulations. Technical Assistance to the Architecture work. 

Part IV


From the vernacular houses from Minho and Trás-Os-Montes regions to the 'Algarve traditional house'. Regional architecture of Madeira and Azores.

Part V


The Architectural Grammar.
Selection of technical terms of Architecture and Construction.

Part VI


Construction methods and building systems. Architecture and building systems in Classical Antiquity. The Medieval Era and the Gothic Period. The Renaissance. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Modern Movement. The Actuality.

Part VII

SUMMARY lectures of the learning topics, illustrated by real study cases.
Review of the subjects taught and clarification of key questions to support the study of students for the final theorical exam.

Scientific contents - estimated distribution – 40%
Technological contents - estimated distribution – 60%


Whereas the Civil Engineering student may develop in their careers, projects of engineering specialities, particularly for buildings, this would imply a need to know how to effectively articulate his solution to that advocated by the architects and/or other designers.

Mandatory literature

JORDAN, R.Furneaux; História da Arquitectura no Ocidente, Editorial Verbo, 1985
TAFURI, Manfredo; Teorias e História da Arquitectura, Editorial Presença/Martins Fontes, 1979
Francis D. K. Ching; Forma, Espacio y orden, Ediciones Gustavo Gili/México, 1998. ISBN: 968-887-340-3
TÁVORA, Fernando; Da Organização do Espaço, Edições do Curso de Arquitectura da ESBAP, 2ª edição (Fac-simile), 1982
ZEVI, Bruno; Saber Ver a Arquitectura, Martins Fontes Editora, 1992
F. Brandão Alves; B. Rangel; Engineering as a lesson in architecture / A Engenharia como Lição de Arquitetura, International Building Journal / CDO – Revista Cientifica Internacional de Construção, nº 04 pp. 92-94 – GEQUALEC - FEUP, 2013. ISBN: 978-989-96696-9-7 (Bilingue Edition - Portuguese / English)
F. Brandão Alves; Sebenta de Arquitectura - Textos de Apoio, F. Brandão Alves, 2000
Marco Vitrúvio Polião; Tratado de Arquitectura - Os Dez Livros de Architectura, Edição em Português | IST Press (http://www.fnac.pt/Tratado-de-Arquitectura-Vitruvio/a178447)
Maria João Madeira Rodrigues; Vocabulário Técnico e Crítico de Arquitectura, Quimera, 2002. ISBN: 9789725891452
J. Paz Branco; Dicionário técnico de construção civil, Coop. Técnica, EP Gustave Eiffel, 1993. ISBN: Depósito Legal 68236/93 (Collection: Aprender Construção Civil)
Jean Dethier; Helena Cardoso; Arquitecturas de terra ou o futuro de uma tradição milenar: Europa, Terceiro Mundo, Estados Unidos, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1990 (223 Pages)
Geoffrey H. Baker; Le Corbusier. ISBN: 978-84-252-1808-8
B. Rangel; A. Guimarães; A. Sá; F. Brandão Alves; Integrated Design Concept in Civil Engineering Education, International Journal of Engineering Education, Volume 32, Issue 3, Pages 1279-1288, 2016. ISBN: ISSN 0949-149X (International Journal (Citation Reports – Thomson Reuters))
B. Rangel, V. Abrantes; F. Brandão Alves; J. Amorim Faria; Integrated Team For Progressive Housing in the XXI Century, International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications, VOL. 36 - nº 3, pp. – 151-162. USA, 2015. ISBN: 0146-6518 (International Journal - SCOPUS — SCImago Journal & Country Rank / Thomson Reuters)
F. Brandão Alves; B. Rangel; O contributo do ensino da Arquitectura na formação dos estudantes de Engenharia Civil da FEUP, Colégio das Artes da Universidade de Coimbra, 2012 (Proceedings of International - Colloquium on Design Studio Education - Teaching through Design)
B. Rangel; H. Sousa; F. Brandão Alves; Sustentabilidade e Tecnologias Tradicionais na Arquitectura Contemporânea Portuguesa, orum of Construction Technology Conference - FEUP, 2009 (Proceedings of International Forum of Construction Technology Conference)
B. Rangel; H. Sousa; F. Brandão Alves; ;A matéria como instrumento da composição arquitectónica. O contributo metodológico dos sistemas tradicionais de alvenarias resistentes de pedra na arquitectura contemporânea portuguesa, GEQUALEC - FEUP - Construlink Press, Vol. 7 Nº 21 pp. 17-42, 2009. ISBN: 978-989-96696-9-7 (Internacional Journal Construlink)
Luís Veiga da Cunha; Desenho Técnico, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2004. ISBN: 9789723110661 (854 pages)

Complementary Bibliography

B. Rangel; F. Brandão Alves;; Integrated Project Design in Civil Engineering Master Oporto University, European Society for Engineering Education, 2014 (Proceedings of 42nd Annual Conference, SEFI 2014, Birmingham)
Charles Jenks; The Story of Post-Modernism. Five decades of the Ironic, Iconic and Critical in Architecture, onh Wiley & Sons LTD, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-470-68896-0
Ricardo Aroca Hernández-Ros; QUE ES ESTRUCTURA?, Esculela de Arquitectura de Madrid, 2008. ISBN: 84-89977-98-4 (Cuadernos Del Instituto Juan de Herrera)
Alberto Campo Baeza; La Idea Construida. La Arquitectura a la luz de las palabras, COLEGIO OFICIAL DE ARQUITECTOS DE MADRID (COAM), 1996. ISBN: 84-7740-083-0 (Chapter 1 - Sobre a Arquitectura - Pensar o no pensar: ésa es la cuestión (Sobre el Arte de Proyectar y la manera de transmitirlo))
Anna Nufrio; Eduardo Souto de Moura. Conversas com Estudantes, Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2008. ISBN: 9788425222672 (This book collects a conference and a conversation that Eduardo Souto de Moura had with architecture students from the Politecnico di Milano. It covers on the current professional practice.)
Maria Paula Albernaz e Cecília Modesto Lima; Dicionário Ilustrado de Arquitetura, Vicent Wissenbach. ISBN: CDD 720.981-03 (On-line dictionary)
Herman Hertzberger; LIÇÕES DE ARQUITECTURA, Martins Fontes, S.Paulo - 2ª Edição, 1999. ISBN: 85-336-1034-3 (http://docslide.com.br/documents/herman-hertzberger-licoes-de-arquitetura.html - 2nd Edition)

Comments from the literature

Timely, complementary texts will be provided to Students

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lessons will be supported, as much as possible, by the the E-learning system and data show technologies (ex. the projection of video thematics from different authors; Architecture monografies covering different periods of architecture, regarding the program and its specific literature; projection of transparencies; Power Point projections; and other particular sources specially oriented for some of the issues - Analysis of the Architectural Shape, Typologies and Space Organization , Legislation, among others). Furthermore, discussion on different issues will be stimulated among students (debate inside classes), according to the course programme or stimulated by some study visits that will be schedule, focusing the site visiting tours of distinguished Architecture works.

The teaching methods allow to establish procedures for categorization of the various conceptual and constructive solutions in different periods of architectural history to the beginning of the century. XXI, to identify new interpretations of architectural spaces. To compare and classify the results of research on the set of structural systems of architecture and strategies to solve the structural problems. Proposing new ways to build the current architecture, especially those that are more linked to business or residential buildings of mixed use.


Desenho assistido por computador


Technological sciences > Architecture
Technological sciences > Engineering > Civil engineering
Technological sciences > Technology > Construction technology > Building construction
Technological sciences > Architecture > Design > Building design

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 10,00
Teste 40,00
Trabalho de campo 5,00
Trabalho laboratorial 15,00
Trabalho prático ou de projeto 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 5,00
Frequência das aulas 80,00
Trabalho de campo 5,00
Trabalho de investigação 10,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

Achieving final classification requires compliance with attendance at the course unit, according to the MIEC assessment rules.
It is considered that students meet the attendance requirements if having been regularly registered in the course, they don't the number of absences of 25% for each of the classes’ types were not exceeded.

Calculation formula of final grade

- Theorical-pratical component - TPC:

Work 1 + Work 2 (phase 1+phase 2)  (compulsory itens).
Eventually, a 4th work can be anounced (Work 4 - not compulsory).

- Theorical component TC:

Development of one theorical test in the final part of the classes - using or not the Moodle system (SIGEX - on-line).

The theorical written exam of the 2nd Call Exam can follow the same model of the theorical test or can be made through an oral exam, depending on Teacher's decision.
FINAL REMARK (FR) = 0.50 TPC + 0.50 CT

Examinations or Special Assignments

Students coming through International Mobility Programs can replace the theorical test for an individual monography, if approved by the Teacher.

Internship work/project

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

The one expected in the General Evaluation Regulation (RGA) - MIEC - FEUP

Classification improvement

Eventual improvement of marks can be undertaken in the 2nd Call Exam.


Estimated working time out of classes: 10 hours.

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