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Code: EC0073     Acronym: FUND

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Geotechnics

Instance: 2015/2016 - 1S

Active? Yes
Web Page: http://paginas.fe.up.pt/sgwww/fundacoes
Responsible unit: Geotechnics Division
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Civil Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEC 27 Syllabus since 2006/2007 5 - 5 60 133

Teaching language



The knowledge of the main type of foundations (shallow foundations – footings and spread footings, mats, wells, deep foundations-piles and related) is the main objective of this discipline. The particularities of the different types of foundations and their specificities as conditioned by the ground nature, is thoroughly discussed and analysed. The deepening of site investigation and characterization methods is also developed. Teaching of principles and methodologies of geotechnical and structural design of direct and deep foundations, single and in group, when load statically and dynamically (with emphasis as seismic solicitations), is pursued. An introduction to ground reinforcement, treatment of sensitive soils, deepening footings and other amelioration methods, is made.

Learning outcomes and competences

The results of this learning process aim to incute in the students skills for the conception and design of foundations, their constrution and the control of their quality, congregatiing the rationality of the theory and the realism of the empiricism in many formulations and practical methodologies.

Due the fact that the theories dealing with the design of foundations are limited by the strong diversity and singularity of the natural soils and rock masses, the students will be educated to integrate the scientific method of looking for innovation and therefore create skills for research and development of novel solutions.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Ideally all UCs in the area of Geotechnics. In fact, this course has direct dependency with three otherthat precede it: Engineering Geology (GE), Soil Mechanics 1 (MS1) and Soil Mechanics 2 (MS2). These last two are largely an important basis for knowledge of the general criteria of the characterization of soil masses, theories of Soil Mechanics and its application to the design of foundations direct. The last course has, for many years, a chapter (the last) on this subject motto of serving the launch of the first part of the Foundations program. Recently introduced into a small approach to the design of geotechnical isolated piles loaded vertically. The awareness geomechanics is very dependent on the classification of rock and soil masses that is delt in the Course of Engineering Geology. It is still important and relevant for the proper routing of new material (more specific), the active part that the responsible of FOUNDATIONS UC has in courses that precede, particularly those of MS1 and MS2.


GROUND CARACTERIZATION: - Site investigation: in situ testing for evaluation of geomechanical parameters with the purpose of foundations design: - Minimum procedures to ground charactrization. - Methodologies for boreholes, sampling and in situ testing (SPT, (S)CPTu, PMT, DMT and Seismic Tests – CH), taking into account the objectives for foundations behaiviour evaluation. SEISMIC RISK: LIQUEFACTION AND INTERACTION WITH FOUNDATIONS - bases for the determination of seismic action and resistance; - Simplified methods for the evaluation of liquefaction risk, based on charts under the results of in situ test (SPT, CPT; CH…); - Characterization of national conditions and analysis os typical conditions. SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS (FOOTINGS) - Design Criteria in the light of Eurocodes: limit state design (ultimate and serviceability). - Methods for settlement evaluation in granular and fine soils, for static loading conditions. - Settlement evaluation of footings under dynamic and transient loading conditions. - Spread foundations – beams common to several piers and mats: introduction to continuum analysis (discussion of some theoretical solutions) and discrete (numerical) solutions (base on elasticity theory – Winkler models). - Structural design of shallow foundations (footings and else). CAISSONS (Semi-direct foundations) DEEP FOUNDATIONS - PILES - Classification of piles; - Single and axial loading piles; - Actions of grounds over piles: negative friction; Laterla loading; - Considerations about design: - Conventional design criteria: theoretical and semi-empirical approach; - Vertical actions: load capacity of single piles: * Theoretical or “analytical” formulations and semi-empirical approach (static formulas – LCPC, Bustamante & Gianeselli method and similar – and dynamic formulas); - Vertical actions: load capacity of group of piles - eficiency; - Vertical actions: settlement evaluation (prediction) of single piles – emprical methods and analytical methods based on the Theory of Elasticity (and MEF solutions); - Vertical actions: settlement evaluation of group of piles; - The role of loading tests in the design of piles: codes, procedures and equipments, testing methodologies and interpretation. - Piles loaded laterally: ultimate capacity and lateral displacement and associated steresses – implication in structural design; * Actions that generate transverse laods: emphasis to seismic actions; * lateral displacements evaluated by continuum theories and numerical solutions, based on the method of subgrade reaction; - Group of piles loaded laterally: methods for the evaluation of non-uniforma distribution of loads (MEF based methods – Randolph solution, etc.); - Structural design of piles (single and group of); design of pile caps on group of piles; - quality evaluation of piles: integrity testing and other methods of supervision, introduction to remediation solutions for damages on piles. DEEP FOUNDATIONS - PILES - Classification of piles; GROUND IMPROVEMENT AND FOUNADTION REINFORCEMENT - Methods for ground improvement (chemical and physical procedures): Vibro-compaction; Vibro-floctuation; Dynamic Compaction; Stone column and other hybrid methods; Jet-Grouting or Cutter Soil Mixing; Compaction piles; Micro-piles; Deep-mixing and Grouting (cement and/or gypsum mixing); Fiber-reinforcement; and diverse techniques... - Particularities of expansive, collapsible, carsic and other singular ground condtions, - Geotecnhical aspects on the rehabilitation and reconstruction of historical sites


Mandatory literature

A. Viana da Fonseca; Ebook Abordagem Unificada ao tratamento de ensaios CPT CPTU SCPTu para fundacoes, ..., 2013. ISBN: Em finalização
Viana da Fonseca e outros; A Handbook of Tropical Residual Soil Engineering, s Bujang B. K. Huat, David G. Toll & Arun Prasad, 2012. ISBN: 978‐0‐415‐45731‐6
António Viana da Fonseca ; Apontamentos da disciplina
Viana da Fonseca, A. & Santos, J.; International Prediction Event. Behaviour of Bored, CFA and Driven Piles in Residual Soil. ISC’2 experimental site, Os autores (FEUP/IST), 2008. ISBN: ISBN: 978-972-752-104-3/978-989-95625-1-6
Velloso, D.A. & Lopes, F.R. ; FUNDAÇÕES. Volume 1: Critérios de Projecto – Investigação de Subsolo – Fundações Superficiais, Oficina de Textos, São Paulo, 2004. ISBN: 85-86238-37-6
Roger Frank; Calcul des fondations supercielles et profondes, Ed: Presses de ´'École National des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris, 1999
Velloso, D.A. & Lopes, F.R. ; FUNDAÇÕES. Volume 2: Fundações Profundas, COPPE-UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 2002. ISBN: ISBN: 85-285-005137-9
Fellenius, Bengt H.; Basics of Foundation Design

Complementary Bibliography

EUROCÓDIGO 7 - Parte 1:, 1994. Projecto Geotécnico. Regras Gerais., Comissão Europeia de Normalizações, Bruxela, 1994
Coduto, Donald P.; Foundation design. ISBN: 0-13-589706-8
Wyllie, Duncan C.; Foundations on Rock. ISBN: 0-419-23210-9
Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical Design. Final Draft. prEN 1997-1, Comissão Europeia de Normalizações, Bruxelas, 2004
Fonseca, António Joaquim Pereira Viana da; Geomecânica dos solos residuais do granito do Porto
Mayne, P.W., Christopher, B., Berg, R., and DeJong, J.; Subsurface Investigations -Geotechnical Site Characterization, FHWA-NHI-01-031, National Highway Institute, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C. , 2002
Fernando Schnaid; Ensaios de Campo e suas aplicações à Engenharia de Fundações, Oficina de Textos, Brasil, 2000. ISBN: 624.150723 (CDD)
Jarbas Milititsky, Nilo Cesar Consoli, Fernando Schnaid; Patologia das Fundações, Oficina de Textos. S. Paulo, 2006. ISBN: 85-86238-45-7
Coelho, Silvério; Tecnologia de Fundações, EPGE/ISEL, 1996
Rodrigo Salgado; The Engineering of Foundations, McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 2006. ISBN: 0072500581
Gannon;JA, Masterton, GG, Wallace, WA, Muir Wod, D; Piled Fondations in Weak Rock, CIRIA, 1999. ISBN: 0 86017 4948
O´Neil, M. W. & Reese, L. C.; Drilled Shafts: Construction Procedures and Design Methods, Federal Highway Administration, US Dep. Transportation, Washington DC, 1999
Bowles, Joseph E.; Foundation analysis and design. ISBN: 0-07-114052-2
Emilio Bilotta, Alessandro Flora, Stefania Lirer & Carlo Viggiani; Geotechnics and Heritage, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2013

Teaching methods and learning activities

- Site investigation: in situ testing for evaluation of geomechanical parameters with the purpose of foundations design:
- Minimum procedures to ground charactrization.
- Methodologies for boreholes, sampling and in situ testing (SPT, (S)CPTu, PMT, DMT and Seismic Tests – CH), taking into account the objectives for foundations behaiviour evaluation.

- bases for the determination of seismic action and resistance;
- Simplified methods for the evaluation of liquefaction risk, based on charts under the results of in situ test (SPT, CPT; CH…);
- Characterization of national conditions and analysis os typical conditions.

- Design Criteria in the light of Eurocodes: limit state design (ultimate and serviceability).
- Methods for settlement evaluation in granular and fine soils, for static loading conditions.
- Settlement evaluation of footings under dynamic and transient loading conditions.
- Spread foundations – beams common to several piers and mats: introduction to continuum analysis (discussion of some theoretical solutions) and discrete (numerical) solutions (base on elasticity theory – Winkler models).
- Structural design of shallow foundations (footings and else).

CAISSONS (Semi-direct foundations)

- Classification of piles;
- Single and axial loading piles;
- Actions of grounds over piles: negative friction; Laterla loading;
- Considerations about design:
- Conventional design criteria: theoretical and semi-empirical approach;
- Vertical actions: load capacity of single piles:
* Theoretical or “analytical” formulations and semi-empirical approach (static formulas – LCPC, Bustamante & Gianeselli method and similar – and dynamic formulas);
- Vertical actions: load capacity of group of piles - eficiency;
- Vertical actions: settlement evaluation (prediction) of single piles – emprical methods and analytical methods based on the Theory of Elasticity (and MEF solutions);
- Vertical actions: settlement evaluation of group of piles;
- The role of loading tests in the design of piles: codes, procedures and equipments, testing methodologies and interpretation.
- Piles loaded laterally: ultimate capacity and lateral displacement and associated steresses – implication in structural design;
* Actions that generate transverse laods: emphasis to seismic actions;
* lateral displacements evaluated by continuum theories and numerical solutions, based on the method of subgrade reaction;
- Group of piles loaded laterally: methods for the evaluation of non-uniforma distribution of loads (MEF based methods – Randolph solution, etc.);
- Structural design of piles (single and group of); design of pile caps on group of piles;
- quality evaluation of piles: integrity testing and other methods of supervision, introduction to remediation solutions for damages on piles.

- Classification of piles;

- Methods for ground improvement (chemical and physical procedures):
Vibro-compaction; Vibro-floctuation; Dynamic Compaction; Stone column and other hybrid methods; Jet-Grouting or Cutter Soil Mixing; Compaction piles; Micro-piles; Deep-mixing and Grouting (cement and/or gypsum mixing); Fiber-reinforcement; and diverse techniques...
- Particularities of expansive, collapsible, carsic and other singular ground condtions,
- Geotecnhical aspects on the rehabilitation and reconstruction of historical sites

In this curricular unit, conception, design, construction and quality control of the foundation according to the binomial "massive class - structure type" takes into account different types of solutions, identifying the main constraints associated to each one. The importance of proper education in this area comes from the most of the damages in buildings and other structures are due to foundations’ weaknesses. Much of these problems are due to conception and design errors, but other substantial reason is associated to the lack of knowledge of the land foundation characteristics. The advent and consolidation of new design criteria based on ultimate limit states and serviceability limit states requires their adaptation to the foundations. The Eurocode 7 takes these principles into account and is the basis for development of concepts and practical applications that are developed with the students.

Students’ education must be highly interactive, searching a growing awareness of the research. Even when it comes to recognize and quantify the soil-structure interaction, there are still many limitations and uncertainties. Continued research on these issues leads to the fact that design values applied to foundations are very dependent on the accurate massifs characterization, constructive processes, calculation methods and how these can be measured in projects assisted by testing. For these uncertainties the conception engineer and the responsible for the execution of these works do not follow blindly the results of tests and analyzes. In "Foundations" is encouraged a constant reflection on the proper indexing of physical behavior, creating excellent basis for future civil engineer specialized in geotechnical engineering.


"Soil liquefaction assessment software, Cliq" - Geologismiki (http://www.geologismiki.gr/)
FB Multipier


Technological sciences > Engineering > Civil engineering > Geotechnics

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 0,00
Teste 50,00
Trabalho escrito 50,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 20,00
Total: 20,00

Eligibility for exams

Achieving final classification requires compliance with attendance at the course unit, according to the MIEC assessment rules. It is considered that students meet the attendance requirements if, having been regularly enrolled, the number of absences of 25% for each of the classes’ types is not exceeded.

Calculation formula of final grade

The final classification is defined based on distributed evaluation, and consists of:

- 2 (two) works in groups (TG1 and TG2), whose number of students must be of 5 elements;

- 2 evaluation forms done in two phases in the period of a two hours lesson, which will be focusing on the perceived knowledge of the concepts that are exposed in lectures and are discussed in practical classes in light of some exercises; the first (FA1) wil be focusing on the first part of the program (ground characterization and direct/shallow foundations) and the second (FA2) on deep foundations and soil amelioration and reinforcement of foundations (including seismic geoengineering).

The final classification, CF, will be calculated by the following formula:

CF = PA1 x CTG1 + PA2 x CFA1 + PA3 x CTG2 + PA4 x CFA2

CTG1 - classification of the first group work, to be completed by the end of additional five weeks of classes;

CTG2 - classification of the first group work, to be ready by the end of the semester;

CFA1 - classification of the first evaluation form (to be held in the ninth week of classes).

CFA2 – classification of the first evaluation form (to be held the last week of classes).

Joining the following weights:

PA1 = 30%

PA2 = 20%

PA3 = 30%

PA4 = 20%

NOTE 1: All students enrolled in the course are classified according to this method.

NOTE 2: Students who have attended the course in the previous academic year and not approved, can maintain the classification of the works done in the previous year (when taken together) or choose to make a new set of works; however, the weights applied will be the corresponding to the school year option.


Estimated working time out of classes: 4 hours

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