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Physic of Constructions

Code: EC0022     Acronym: FCON

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Building Construction

Instance: 2013/2014 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Building Division
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Civil Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEC 209 Syllabus since 2006/2007 3 - 6 60 160

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


Introduction to Building Physics subjects: fire behaviour of buildings. Thermal behaviour of buildings and acoustic behaviour of buildings; Regulations applicable to the above mentioned subjects: fire safety in dwellings, thermal behaviour and noise control in buildings.

Learning outcomes and competences

Learning Outcomes:
Comprehension Application To organize information Self-oriented study Interpretation of results Writing communication Problem formulation Certification

Working method



Functional and regulations demands. Fire behaviour (Classification of building materials and elements; fire safety demands and quality rules; regulations on fire safety). Hygrothermal behaviour (Heat transfer; climate characterization; thermal behaviour demands; thermal characterization of building materials and elements; glazing solar protection; rules for thermal quality; regulations). Natural ventilation. Acoustic behaviour (basic theoretical concepts; sound absorption; airborne and structure borne sound insulation; legislation).

The syllabus of the curricular unit Physic of Constructions fit into the activity of the Civil Engineering Project. A project always has several goals where conclusions and solutions are presented in drawings, diagrams, summary tables and descriptive reports. This curricular unit deals with three types of projects: Fire Safety Project, Project Design and Thermal Acoustics, in buildings. It is not intended to develop the projects in detail but to transmit the knowledge, the basic concepts and current regulations.

Mandatory literature

Decreto-Lei nº 80/2006, 4 de Abril; Regulamento das Características de Comportamento Térmico dos Edifícios (RCCTE)
11 de Maio de 2002; Decreto-Lei Nº 129/2002 de 11 de Maio - protecção
Decreto-Lei nº 220/2008, 12 de Novembro;Regime Jurídico da Segurança Contra Incêndios em Edifícios, 2008
Portaria n.º 1532/2008, 29 de Dezembro; Regulamento Técnico de Segurança contra Incêndio em Edifícios
Despacho n.º 2074/2009, 15 de Janeiro;Critérios técnicos para determinação da densidade de carga de incêndio modificada
Decreto-Lei n.º 9/2007, de 17 de Janeiro; Regulamento Geral do Ruído
Decreto-Lei 96/2008, 9 de Junho ; Regulamento dos Requisitos Acústicos dos Edifícios (RRAE)
Decreto-Lei n.º 278/2007, 1 de Agosto; Regulamento Geral do Ruído (actualização)

Complementary Bibliography

Alexandre, José Luís Coelho; Análise do método utilizado pelo RCCTE para o cálculo dos ganhos solares úteis na estação de a
National Fire Protection Association; Manual de protección contra incendios. ISBN: 84-7100-645-6
Jesus Arizmendi, Luis; Tratado Fundamental de Acustica en la Edificacion
Castiajo, César António da Cruz; Estudo do comportamento térmico de uma moradia unifamiliar pelo RCCTE e pela proposta de revisão d
Melo, Maria Paula Alves Aguiar Rodrigues; Avaliação do impacto da proposta de revisão do RCCTE em termos de conforto de verão
Rodrigues, A. Moret; Soluções construtivas correntes para satisfação das exigências do RCCTE

Teaching methods and learning activities

Presentation of the physical phenomena and their relation with the building elements. Analysis and discussion of building elements facing fire and heat and moisture transfer. Noise control in buildings. Analysis of a building project according to regulations on the subjects previously referred. Analysis of the corrections to the project according to regulations.

The used teaching methodologies allow to deal with main themes related to the civil engineering project, analysis, discussion and critical interpretation of results, emphasizing the potential of writing communication, problem formulation and certification.


Technological sciences > Engineering > Civil engineering

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 75,00
Teste 25,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

Achieving final classification requires compliance with attendance at the course unit, according to the MIEC assessment rules. It is considered that students meet the attendance requirements if, having been regularly enrolled, the number of absences of 25% for each of the classes’ types is not exceeded.

Calculation formula of final grade

The non portuguese speaking students will be evaluated with assignments to be delivered during the semester. 


Study time at home: 4 hours/week

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