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Soil Mechanics II

Code: EC0037     Acronym: MSOL2

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Geotechnics

Instance: 2009/2010 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Geotechnics Division
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Civil Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEC 273 Syllabus since 2006/2007 4 - 6 75 160

Teaching language



Introduction to the concepts, theories and methods used in Civil Engineering for the design of works and structures whose stability relies on the mechanical behaviour of soil masses.

Describe the main field tests that allow to characterize the mechanical behavior of soils. Identify for each test the advantages and limitations. Identify the theories and methodologies of the failure analysis (limit equilibrium) of geotechnical works, retaining walls, embankments, slopes, shallow and deep foundations. Make contact with the deformation analysis applied to settlements of shallow foundations. Make preliminary contact with the earth works, in particular the compression of landfill materials. Make contact with the geotechnical design methodologies.
To interpret the results of field tests to obtain estimates of soil mechanical parameters (strength and stiffness). Discuss the problems of interaction between a vertical structural walls (or sub-vertical) and a soil according to the relative deformation of both in order to get their limit interaction forces. Relate those phenomena and these forces with the magnitude of the distortions associated with each case. Explain the effect of time on the problems of loading to the surface or bulk excavation of clay, in association with the most appropriate options for the analysis of stability (short term and long term). Explain the phenomena involved in the instability of natural slopes. Identify the phenomena involved in the interaction of foundations with the surrounding soil in conditions of failure and in conditions of service. For the conditions of service to discuss the influence of the deformability of the foundation in the distribution of loads and settlements for isostatic and indeterminate structures. Make contact with the geotechnical design methodologies using global or partial safety factors according to Eurocode 7.
Make contact with the methodologies for the study of large earthworks.
Analysis and Application:
Select the mechanical characteristics of the soils from the results of field tests. Apply the methodologies of failure analysis to the geotechnical works (retaining walls, embankments, slopes, foundations). Use automatic calculation program for analysis of stability of land masses. Apply methods for measuring direct settlement of foundations. Design of foundations and retaining walls using global or partial safety factors by applying the Eurocode 7.
Formulate strategies for studies and projects for the stabilization of natural slopes in combination with the intervention within the Engineering Geology scope.
Formulate strategies for design of foundations, in combination with the characterization studies of the land and analyzes the internal forces of the structure itself.


Classical theories of lateral earth pressure. At-rest state of stress. Rankine active and passive states. Strains associated with Rankine states. Active and passive thrusts. Caquot-Kérisel tables. Coulomb theory. Mononobe-Okabe theory to estimate active and passive pressures under seismic conditions.
Design of gravity retaining walls. Modes of failure. Global safety factors. Limit state design and partial safety factors in Geotechnics. Introduction to Eurocode 7 - Geotechnical Design.
Stability of slopes and embankments. Solutions for infinite slopes. Wedge method. Fellenius and simplified Bishop methods. Stability of embankments on soft soils. Methods for the improvement of stability. Stability of cuttings in cohesive soils. Stabilization of natural slopes. The role of observation.
Undisturbed sampling. In situ testing versus laboratory testing. Penetration tests: SPT, CPT, CPTU (piezocone) and dynamic probing. Vane-shear test. Cross-hole seismic test. Plate load test. Self-boring pressuremeter test.
Shallow foundations. Bearing capacity. Theoretical solution and correction factors for shape, inclination of the load and influence of a rigid boundary and account for the eccentricity of the load. Immediate settlement. Elastic solution and semi-empirical corrections. Criteria for evaluating soil deformability modulus for estimating the settlement. Allowable settlement. Effect of soil-structure interaction on the distribution of the loads on the foundations and on the induced settlements.

Scientific component: 90%;
Technological component: 10%

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures for the presentation of the concepts, principles and theories with reference to works, accidents and natural phenomena conditioned by the behaviour of soil masses.
Tutorials for the resolution of numerical applications from the proposed problem sheets.
Use of a computer program for slope stability analysis.
Field trips.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Eligibility for exams

Students have to reach at least a 10 out of 20 in the distributed classification
Continuous assessment will be calculated as follows:
- assiduity (25%)
- exercises done in theoretical-practical classes (60&)
- assignments done in practical classes (15%)

Assessment components
1- Final mark will be based on the grade of the final exam and the grade of the continuous assessment
2- The grade of the continuous assessment will be based on the following components:
- exercises
- assiduity

Calculation formula of final grade

The final mark is a weighted average of the continuous assessment and the final exam grades, which will weight of 0.25 and 0.75, respectively.
If this result is above 16 out of 20 the student is invited for an oral exam, otherwise the final mark is 16 out of 20.
If the exam is marked below 9.5 out of 20 the student will fail and that will be the final mark.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Home-work exercises included in the proposed problem sheets in complement of the tutorial and practical classes. Application of SLOPEW to the analysis of the stability of an embankment on soft ground.
The total time required by the proposed home-work is estimated in 14 hours.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

In accordance with FEUP assessment regulations.

Proficiency in Portuguese and/or English;
Previous attendance of introductory graduate courses in the scientific field addressed in this module;
Evaluation by exam and/or coursework(s) defined in accordance with student profile.

Classification improvement

In accordance with FEUP assessment regulations.


For this unit is essential to have the basic knowledge taught in Soil Mechanics 1.
Working time estimated out of class: 4 hours
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