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Structural Concrete II

Code: EC0036     Acronym: EBET2

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Structures

Instance: 2009/2010 - 2S

Active? Yes
Web Page: http://www.fe.up.pt/~estrb/eb2
Responsible unit: Structural and geotechnical Division
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Civil Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEC 368 Syllabus since 2006/2007 4 - 8 90 214

Teaching language



To understand the theories and models of analysis of framed structures, slabs and foundations under service and ultimate load conditions.
- To discuss the detailing rules to be applied, as specified in the regulations for concrete structures.
- To introduce students to the design of reinforced concrete structures, of the types described above.

Knowledge on subjects related to the analysis of structures are important to understand the issues addressed in this unit.
Non-attendance and/or approval at the unit of Strength of Materials, Structural Analysis and Structural Concrete 1 may raise additional difficulties.

Scientific component - 30%
Technological component - 70%

Advanced engineering fundamental knowledge (applications)
Engineering reasoning and problem solving
Experimentation and knowledge discovery
Core engineering fundamental knowledge
Personal skills and attitudes (creative thinking, curiosity and lifelong learning, time and resource management)
Professional skills and attitudes (professional ethics, integrity, responsibility and accountability)
External and societal context (roles and responsibility of engineers, the impact of engineering on society, society regulation of engineering)
Conceiving and engineering systems (setting system goals and requirements, modelling of system and ensuring goals can be met, development project management)


1. Serviceability limit states. Behaviour of structures under service load conditions. Shrinkage and creep effects. Durability of structures. Service limit states of cracking and deformation.
2. Design of columns with regards to instability (second order effects).
3. Analysis and design of framed structures. Models for structural analysis. Simplified methods for structural analysis and verification. Specific rules for the design and detailing of reinforced concrete structures. Examples.
4. Design of slabs and stairs. Analysis of slabs. Design of flat slabs. Waffle slabs. Design of stairs.
5. Concrete foundations. Introduction. Column footings and wall footings. Foundations shared by several columns and inverted slabs as foundations. Pile caps.

Mandatory literature

Nilson, Arthur H; Design of Concrete Structures. ISBN: 0-07-115425-6
Jiménez Montoya, Pedro; Hormigón Armado. ISBN: 84-252-1825-X (encadernada)
Leonhardt, Fritz; Construções de concreto
René Walther, Manfred Miehlbradt; Dimensionnement des structures en béton. ISBN: 2-88074-175-0
Renaud Favre... [et al.]; Dimensionnement des structures en béton. ISBN: 2-88074-169-6
Textos e notas de apoio preparadas pelos docentes

Teaching methods and learning activities

All the matters of the discipline are presented during theoretical classes, where the theories and models are introduced, together with the resolution of some representative practical exercises. The practical exercises to be solved by the students are discussed during practical classes.

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participação presencial 96,00
Total: - 0,00

Eligibility for exams

Students will be assessed according to General Evaluation Rules of FEUP

Students will be assessed in two different ways, being the first optional:
1- Practical assignments have to be delivered during the semester and they will be orally discussed during or at the end of the semester. This component is optional (continuous assessment)
2- A written exam according to General Evaluation Rules of FEUP

Students will complete the continuous assessment if they:
1- do the practical assignments requested and attend to 75% of the classes;
2- have completed the course in the previous year. They have to write a document to the professors stating their situation.
3- The component of continuous assessment will only be taken into account in the next year.

The practical assignments will be based on problem solving related to the program of the course. Students who are taking continuous assessment have to deliver the assignments on time. It will be made an analysis and discussion about it. At the end of the semester, professors will inform students about the grade they achieved.

In June students will be informed about their continuous assessment grades. If it is better than 10 out 20 it will be taken into account in the Final Mark.

Calculation formula of final grade

The grades of students who completed the continuous assessment component will the arithmetic average of the two components of assessment (continuous assessment and final exam- the best mark will be taken into account, students should earn at least an 8 out of 20)
1- If students achieve a better grade on the final exam than on continuous assessment, it will be taken in account the grade of the exam.
2- The final grade of the course cannot be 2 grades higher than the grade of the final exam.

Students who did not take or failed the continuous assessment component, they have to reach at least 9.5 out of 20 in the final exam, to complete the course.

Assessment components
Students will be assessed according to General Evaluation Rules of FEUP, however, students will also be assessed according to the following components:
1- Practical assignments have to be delivered during the semester and they will be orally discussed during or at the end of the semester (continuous assessment).
2- A written exam according to General Evaluation Rules of FEUP

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

For the students with special statuses (working students, etc.), elaboration of the practical assignments that are the basis of the continuous assessment component is not compulsory. Accordingly, these students will be submitted to a written examination, where they must achieve a minimum grade of 9.5 out of 20. The final mark may be complemented by an oral examination, if requested by the teachers.

Proficiency in Portuguese and/or English;
Previous attendance of introductory graduate courses in the scientific field addressed in this module;
Evaluation by exam and/or coursework(s) defined in accordance with student profile.


Working time estimated out of class: 5 hours
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