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José Correia

Fotografia de José António Fonseca de Oliveira Correia
Name: José António Fonseca de Oliveira Correia Ligação à página pessoal de José António Fonseca de Oliveira Correia
Sigla: JAFOC
Estado: Active
Email Institucional: jacorreia@fe.up.pt
Extensão Telefónica: 225081562
Mobile phone:(+ 351): 966559442 Confirmed Contact
Salas: G323 , M309


Categoria: Professor Auxiliar
Carreira: Pessoal Docente de Universidades
Professional Group: Docente
Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Section: Mathematics Section

Apresentação Pessoal

José António Fonseca de Oliveira Correia (José A.F.O. Correia), born 1984 (18 July) in Peso da Régua, Portugal, is Researcher of CONSTRUCT/FEUP of the University of Porto (Portugal). De 2018/03 a 2024/02, he was a Guest Teacher at the Engineering Structures Department of the Civil Engineering and Geosciences Faculty of the Delft University of Technology (Netherlands). He was an Invited Professor at the structural mechanics section in the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Coimbra (2016-2021). He was an Associate Professor (by invitation) at UTAD (2022/03-2023/02). He obtained the degrees BSc (2007) and MSc (2009) in Civil Engineering from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. He was a specialist in steel and composite (steel and concrete) construction at the University of Coimbra in 2010. He has a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Porto in 2015. He completed his Habilitation in Civil Engineering (fatigue and structural integrity) in July 17, 2024.

Since 2007, José A.F.O. Correia has developed several engineering projects for residential, commercial, hotel, industrial and agricultural buildings, including urban developments. He has designed reinforced concrete, steel, wood, and adobe structures.

Since 2019, José A.F.O. Correia is included in the world's top 2% scientists list of the Stanford University ranking – Mechanical Engineering & Transports area (2nd place in Portugal, 2024; 1st place in the subarea of materials, 2024) and Materials area (20th place in Portugal, 2024).

Honorary Positions:
- Research Fellowship at TUDelft (Netherlands), 2018/03 - 2024/02
- Adjunct Professor at the Xi'an Jiaotong (China), 2021/12 - 2024/01
- Guest Professor at the São Paulo State University - UNESP (Brazil), 2021/10 - 2026/06
- Research Fellowship at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland), 2023/01 - 2023/03
- Guest Professor at NIT Silchar (India), 2021/01 - 2024/01

Since 2008, he has lectured several unit courses, such as:
- Engineering Mathematics I and II;
- Computing and Programming;
- Physics I - Classical Mechanics;
- Engineering Mechanics I - Statics;
- Engineering Mechanics II - Continuum Mechanics;
- Structural Design;
- Steel Structures;
- Timber Structures;
- Construction Technology;
- Engineering Drawing;
- Structural Engineering Design;
- Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics;
- Analysis of Lubricants, Fatigue and Crack Propagation;
- Steel Structures for Offshore and Renewable Energies;
- Design of Bridges;
- Offshore Structures Design;
- Design of Concrete and Steel Structures;
- Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete; and,
- Fundamentals of Building Design.

He is co-author of more than 230 scientific journal papers in the most relevant scientific journals devoted to structural integrity, fatigue, and fracture of engineering materials and structures, 250 proceedings in international and national conferences, congresses, and workshops, 18 book chapters, and 22 books (15 completed, 7 ongoing), of highlighting one of them entitled "Degradation Theory of Long Term Operated Materials and Structures".

Since 2021, José Correia has been a Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) member.

Since 2015, he was appointed as a member of the editorial board of several journals and book series such as:
- International Journal of Fatigue (Elsevier)
- Engineering Failure Analysis (Elsevier, until March 2024)
- Forces in Mechanics (Elsevier)
- Structural Integrity and Life (Serbian group)

- Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale (Italian group)
- Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (Hindawi)
- Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi)
- Forensic Engineering (ICE)
- Advances in Mechanical Engineering (Sage)
Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience (Springer, until June 2024)
- Marine Systems and Ocean Technology (Springer)
- Materials Science (Springer)
- SN Applied Sciences (Springer)
- Engineering Reports (Wiley, until August 2021)
- Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction (ASCE)
- Ships and Offshore Structures (Taylor & Francis)
- Materials Open Research (Taylor & Francis, until Dec 2023)
- Advances in Computational Design (TechnoPress)
- Materials (MDPI)
- Energies (MDPI, until Sept 2023)
- Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (MDPI)
- Applied Sciences (MDPI)
- Mathematical and Computational Applications (MDPI)
- Applied Mechanics (MDPI)
- Engineering Structures and Technologies (VGTU)
- Modern Applied Science (Canadian Academy)
- Mechanics, Materials Science and Engineering Journal (Magnolithe GmbH, until 2021)
- UKM journal of Engineering (UKM Press)
- ESIS Publishing House (ESIS-PH)

He is also an associate editor of the editorial board of the following journals:
- Heliyon (Elsevier)
- Marine Systems and Ocean Technology journal (Springer, until July 2024)
- Philosophical Transactions A - Engineering Sciences (The Royal Society)
- Material Design & Processing Communications (Wiley)
- Frontiers in Materials (Frontiers)
- Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction (ASCE)
- Forensic Engineering (ICE)
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (MDPI, until 2021)
- UKM Journal of Engineering (UKM Press)

Additionally, He is Editor-in-Chief and/or Co-Editor of Book Series and international journals:
- Structural Integrity (Springer);
- International Journal of Structural Integrity (Emerald);
- Alexandria Engineering Journal (Elsevier);
- Journal of Materials Research and Technology (Elsevier);
- Smart Infrastructure and Construction (ICE);
- International Journal of Ocean Systems Management (InderScience);
- Modelling - International Journal of Modelling in Engineering Science (MDPI);
- Structural Damage, Fatigue and Fracture (Taylor & Francis)

Distinctions/awards, grants, and scholarships:
- Philo Mechanicus 2023 Award, 2023
- PTMS Award of Merit, 2023
- Top Downloaded paper 2021-2022 in FFEMS journal (1 co-authored scientific paper), 2023
- ESIS Award of Merit, 2022
- Top Downloaded paper 2020-2021 in FFEMS journal (1 co-authored scientific paper), 2022
- Highly Cited Paper (Clarivate - Web of Science), 2021
- Coffin-Manson IGF medal, 2021
- Top Downloaded paper 2019-2020 in FFEMS journal (2 co-authored scientific papers), 2021
- MDPC Award of Merit 2020
- Young Researcher level - 1st position, Scientific Employment Stimulus - 3rd Edition, FCT, 2020
- FEUP 2019 Scientific Recognition Award, 2020
- Young Engineers’ Contribution Award – IABSE 2020 (co-authored scientific paper), 2020
- Top Downloaded paper 2018-2019 in FFEMS journal (co-authored scientific paper), 2020
- Emerald Literati Awards: Highly Commended Paper (co-authored scientific paper), 2019

- ESIS/TC12 Young Scientist Award (2 co-authored scientific papers), 2019
- Honorable Certificate of Recognition and Distinction by University of Beihang (China), 2019
- Honorable Certificate of Recognition and Distinction by University of E. Sci and Tech of China (China), 2019
- Best Student Paper Award (co-authored scientific paper), 2018
- ESIS Elsevier Young Scientist Award (co-authored scientific paper), 2018
- Certificate of Distinction by Faculty of Technology and Nature Sciences, Wroclaw Univ of Sci and Tech (Poland), 2018
- Certificate of Distinction by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw Univ of Sci and Tech (Poland), 2018
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship SFRH/BPD/107825/2015, 2015
- Ph.D. Fellowship SFRH/BD/66497/2009, 2010
- Research Fellowship PTDC/EME-PME/78833/2006, 2007
- Cype Ingenieros Award, 2007

Supervision of doctoral and master's dissertations in the areas of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (Structural Mechanics):
- 24 Ph.D. (7 completed; 3 to be completed soon; 14 ongoing)
- 52 MSc. (41 completed; 11 ongoing)

He was/is also a team member of the organization and participation in approved national and European research projects (27 research projects, >100 million ¤). He was/is the (co)coordinator at FEUP of 7 R&D projects (FADEST; FiberBridge; SOS-WindEnergy; Hyperloop-Verne; PT-Chinese Project; NEXUS; ...) and consulting services (university extension) budgeted in more than 1.000k¤ and 390k¤, respectively. In business activities, he was involved in approved investment projects budgeted more than 720k¤.

He is a member of scientific and professional organizations, such as Ordem dos Engenheiros, Associação Portuguesa de Construção Metálica e Mista (CMM), and Associação para a Conservação e Manutenção de Pontes (ASCP).

Proof of the international recognition of the scientific activities developed by José António Correia were the recent appointments, 2017 and 2020,  as a co-chairman of the technical committees called "ESIS TC12 - Risk analysis and safety of large structures and components" and "ESIS TC3 - Fatigue of Engineering Materials and Structures", respectively, of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS). He is a member of technical committees, CEN TC250 SC3 WG 1-9 Fatigue and CEN TC250 SC3 WG 1-10 Fracture, of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).

His current research interests are the following: a) Behaviour to fatigue and fracture of materials and structures (steel and alluminium, composites, polymers, concrete, woods, riveted and bolted connections, pressure vessels, old steel bridges, wind turbine towers, offshore structures); b) Probabilistic fatigue modelling of metallic materials (including statistical evaluation, size-effect, cumulative damage); c) Probabilistic design of glass structural elements; d) Mechanical behaviour of materials and wooden structures (connections and characterization of ancient structures); e) Mechanical and chemical characterization of old mortars and masonry structures.

Dr. J.A. Fonseca de Oliveira Correia - Guest Lecturer - TUDelft

Dr. José A.F.O. Correia - Invited Professor - University of Coimbra

Legato Team - Computational Mechanics - Researcher & Invited Professor

Áreas de Interesse

  1. Technological sciences > Engineering > Civil engineering > Structural engineering
  2. Technological sciences > Engineering > Materials engineering
  3. Technological sciences > Engineering > Maritime engineering > Off-shore structures
  4. Physical sciences > Physics > Classical mechanics
  5. Physical sciences > Mathematics > Applied mathematics > Engineering mathematics


Categoria: Membro Integrado
Research and Development Centre: CONSTRUCT - Instituto de I&D em Estruturas e Construção
University of Porto: University of Porto
Faculty: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
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