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José Miguel Castro

Fotografia de José Miguel de Freitas Castro
Name: José Miguel de Freitas Castro Ligação à página pessoal de José Miguel de Freitas Castro
Sigla: JMC
Estado: Active
Email Institucional: miguel.castro@fe.up.pt
Telefone: 22 508 1867
Telf.Alt.: 22 508 1814
Voip: 3795
Extensão Telefónica: 3795
Salas: G310


Categoria: Professor Associado
Carreira: Pessoal Docente de Universidades
Professional Group: Docente
Department: Department of Civil and Georesources Engineering
Section: Structural and geotechnical Division


Cargo Data de Início
Member of the Department Council Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Georrecursos 2024-11-21
Master Master Course Director Mestrado em Engenharia Civil 2023-02-22
Chairman of the Scientific Committee Mestrado em Engenharia Civil 2023-02-22
Chairman of the Program Follow-up Committee Mestrado em Engenharia Civil 2023-02-22

Apresentação Pessoal

Current Position: Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineeering of the University of (FEUP); Integrated member of the R&D unit CONSTRUCT - Institute for R&D in Structures and Construction.

Education: Civil Engineering degree from FEUP (1999); MSc in Structural Steel Design from Imperial College (2000); PhD in Civil Engineering from Imperial College (2006).

Main interests/skills: Analysis and design of steel and composite structures; Seismic risk assessment and retrofitting of building structures and infrastructures; Structural Optimization.

Years of relevant experience: 15

Main activities: Principal Investigator of 3 research projects and team member of 10 research projects in the field of steel structures and earthquake enginering; supervisor of 8 PhD thesis; author of more than 150 technical and scientific publications.

Other relevant information: Member of Technical Committee 13 – Seismic Design of the European Convention for Constructional Steel Work; Member of WG2 of TC250/SC8 (steel and composite structures). Founder of SimpleAxis.

More information available at: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9732-9969


Categoria: Membro Integrado
Research and Development Centre: CONSTRUCT - Instituto de I&D em Estruturas e Construção
University of Porto: University of Porto
Faculty: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
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