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Master in Civil Engineering Structures

InformationCourse/CS accredited by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).

Accreditation by A3ES

The study cycle is accredited by the Higher Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency (A3ES). More information can be found in the reports produced by A3ES.


MESTEC aims to train professionals with a sound preparation in Civil Engineering Structures, so they can enter the national and international labour market at a more competitive position. The coursework component and the dissertation of MESTEC ensure sound education in analysis and design methods for Civil Engineering works where Structures and Geotechnics closely interact. In this field of knowledge, the educational offer of 2nd cycle studies is scarce or inexistent both in Portugal and in Portuguese speaking countries. Hence, MESTEC will fill an important gap in terms of specialised education.
Those potentially interested in MESTEC include the national and international technical staff related to Structures and Geotechnics. At an international level, it can be attractive to students from countries where there is a limited offer of advanced quality education in Structures and Geotechnics at moderate costs.

Fields of Specialization

Civil Construction and Civil Engineering.

Professional Abilities

MESTEC provides the students with a solid theoretical and applied training in the fields of Structures and Geotechnics in Civil Engineering. The study cycle provides the development of the following knowledge, skills and professional competences:
- Mastery of formulations and use of structural analysis methods;
- Mastery of soil-structure interaction;
- Ability to select, characterize and apply the materials to be used in the execution of the works;
- Structural and/or geotechnical design;
- Design, construction and intervention in structural and/or geotechnical works;
- Research capacity.

Employment Prospects

MESTEC provides a theoretical and practical education in advanced topics related to both design of Structures and Geotechnics in Civil Engineering. These two fields of knowledge, taught in a complementary manner, are not easily found worldwide, and consequently will open job opportunities to the most dedicate students. Design offices and construction companies will certainly appreciate engineers having the solid background provided by MESTEC.


OPTIONAL CU: enrolment in the Optional Course Units (CU) should be considered provisional. The Optional CU will be only active depending on the number of enrolled students and on the availability of the teaching staff, ensuring, however, that 3 Optional CU will be provided both in the 2nd and 3rd semesters of the each course edition.

LANGUAGE: the basic language of the course is Portuguese. However, some Course Units of MESTEC will be taught jointly with Course Units of M.EC (Master in Civil Engineering), so in that case they may only be available in English.


Department of Civil Engineering
Courses Secretary
Schedule: 9:30-12:30 e 14:00-16:30
e-mail: mestec@fe.up.pt
web: www.fe.up.pt/dec
T:  +351 22 508 1901
Fax: +351 22 508 14 40

General information

Official Code: 6640
Director: António Abel Henriques
Acronym: MESTEC
Academic Degree: Master
Type of course/cycle of study: Masters Degree
Start: 2018/2019
Duration: 2 Years

Study Plan


  • Master in Civil Engineering Structures (120 ECTS credits)
  • Specialization in Civil Engineering Structures (90 ECTS credits)

Predominant Scientific Areas

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