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BIN@Porto 2024


Master in Environmental Engineering

General information

Official Code: 9508
Acronym: MIEA

Under the profissional point of view, the Masters in Environment Engineering must have the capacity to project and implement preventive technologies, intervention, abatement and rehabilitation technologies to reduce or eliminate the fatal effects of pollution and to decrease the intensity of use of natural resources, minimizing the negative impact of human activity in Environment.


  • Environmental Engineering (300 ECTS credits)
  • Engineering Sciences - Environmental Engineering (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units


EMM0003 - ECTS

The promotion of logical reasoning, methods of analysis and the theoretical development of mathematical concepts is fundamental to support the study of the majority of course units along this programme of studies.

This course unit aims to introduce the basic fundamental concepts of Linear Algebra, Vector Algebra and Analytic Geometry.

The student must be acquainted with basic notions on trigonometry, real functions, plane analytic geometry, systems of linear equations and logic operations.

The scientific component is100%.

Mathematical Analysis I

EMG0002 - ECTS

This course unit is based on the understanding and application of a compact and synthetic operational language which is necessary to the (mathematical) development of fundamental concepts and themes during this Integrated Masters. It also acts as a link between the secondary and university education.
The themes taught in this course unit are considered a tool/language of reasoning organization, and consequently a basic support to the quantitative formulation of problems, which is a typical engineering exercise.

The aims of this course unit are:
- Review of concepts such as number, function, succession, limit and derivative
- Introduction of the concept of integral;
- Operation of multivariable functions;

- A coherent connection of mathematical concepts: derivative, differential and integral;
- Identification of situations of its application;
- Mathematical formulation of simple and concrete problems and operation of its symbolic representation;

- To apply the acquired knowledge in simple problems of physics and engineering in general;
- To use algebraic manipulators in the implementation and resolution of those problems.

Introduction to Environmental Engineering

EA0009 - ECTS

The environmental engineer has currently multiple tasks dealing with the good management of natural resources or the identification and implementation of techniques to mitigate the emission of pollutants to soil, water and air. The recognition of these multiple tasks and the distinction of the specificities associated to pollution mitigation technologies are essential through the environmental engineer life. This course is divided in three modules: Thematic Sessions, Material Balances and Technical Design. 

Thematic Session: Present the main background concepts, language, definitions, descriptions and issues regarding themes underlining the environmental engineering practices. Motivate and create students a constructive criticism as well as delineating a future activity as environmental engineer. Develop personal and interrelationship skills through group assignments, reporting and communication.

Material Balance: Introduction to chemical processes and process units. Understand chemical process flowsheets. Formulate and solve material balance problems.

Technical Design: Introduction of the concept of standardization in general and of its importance in Engineering. Acquisition of deep knowledge about the representation of objects in terms of shape and dimensions. Development of spatial visualization and technical communication skills, through the representation by isometric drawings


Informatics Laboratory

EA0010 - ECTS


Project FEUP

  • To welcome and integrate the new coming students.
  • To introduce the most important services of the campus
  • To teach “Soft Skills” and to stress their importance (soft skills: team work, communication, etc) 
  • To discuss a scientific Theme / Project of limited complexity in engineering areas.

Environmental Chemistry I

EA0007 - ECTS

1. Background: using the principles of chemistry, environmental engineers develop ways to solve problems related to the environment. These principles are present in important environmental issues such as air and water pollution control, waste disposal, recycling, ozone depletion, global warming and others. Many of these issues involve understanding chemical reactions. 2. Specific aims: this basic course intends (i) to pass on fundamental knowledge of chemistry that will support the student’s education regarding environmental chemistry and (ii) to give a global vision of fundamental chemistry in an interface framework with environment and environmental chemistry. 

Mathematical Analysis II

To acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on the differential and integral calculus of scalar functions and vector functions of one or several variables and on some of their applications in engineering. To acquire an elementary knowledge in the resolution of differential equations. To develop competences in the areas of formulation, identification and modelling of engineering problems. To develop creative and critical thinking and for solving engineering problems.

Physics I

EA0019 - ECTS
  1. Present a detailed description of the basic concepts of Classic Mechanics with a special emphasis on the most essential aspects, trying to develop intuition and reasoning;
  2. To introduce the necessary mathematical tools;
  3. To develop the ability to apply mathematics to problems of the real world of physics and engineering;
  4. To include examples of application in order to show/emphasize the phisical meaning of the results. 

Environmental Sciences Laboratories I

EA0061 - ECTS


Familiarization with laboratory safety procedures.

Acquisition of elementary knowledge in the measurement of fundamental physical and chemical variables.


EA0013 - ECTS

1-Background: Environmental engineers make an increasing use of microorganisms to treat polluted sites; Additionally, environmental engineers have to implement methodologies to avoid biological contamination with harmful microorganisms. 2-Specific aims: The student should acquire basic concepts on (Micro)biology and to use them on the formulation, resolution and discussion of environmental problems; 3-Previous knowledge: Basic knowledge on biology and chemistry. 4-Percent distribution: Scientific component: 70% Technological component: 30% 5- Learning outcomes 1. Knowledge in (Micro)biology in order to apply it in the formulation, resolution and discussion of environmental problems; 2. Personal and professional skills and attributes, namely: reasoning and problem solving (identification and resolution of problems, estimation and qualitative analysis), experimentation and knowledge discovery (hypothesis formulation, survey of print and electronic literature), system thinking, personal skills and attitudes (perseverance and flexibility, creative and critical thinking, awareness of one’s personal knowledge, time and resource management), professional skills and attitudes (ethics, professional behaviour, integrity and professional responsibility); 3. Interpersonal skills: teamwork and communication (oral, written);

Environmental Chemistry II

EA0012 - ECTS

To acquire sound knowledge in chemistry. To develop reasoning and problem solving skills, knowledge discovery and personal and professional skills and attributes.

Effluents and Residues Characterization

EA0016 - ECTS

1. Technical knowledge 1.1 Knowledge of underlying sciences (chemistry, physics and microbiology) applied to the characterization of liquid effluents and wastes. 1.2 Core engineering fundamental knowledge: methodologies for characterization of wastewater, municipal solid waste (MSW) and sludge. 1.3 Fundamental regulations 2. Acquisition of personal and professional skills 2.1 Engineering reasoning and problem solving: classification and characterization of residues, liquid waste disposal regulations. 3. Acquisition of interpersonal skills 3.1 Teamwork: teamwork training 4. Acquisition of tools to conceive, design, implement and operate systems.

Physics II

EA0023 - ECTS - Acquisition of basic knowledge in the Physics of electromagnetism, optics, and atomic (nuclear) structure (CDIO 1.1.2) and the understanding of its underlaying role in some of the practical uses, appliances and tools.
- Development of personal perseverance and autononomy in study, will to deliver and resourcefulness,  self-awareness of the knowledge in Physics and its integration with Engineering, curiosity and interest in science, especially in Physics (CDIO 2.1.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.4 e 2.4.5).     
- Contribute to the practice in written communication (CDIO 3.2.3) and to an ethical and responsible attitude (CDIO 2.5.1).

(CDIO Syllabus 2.0)

Environmental Sciences Laboratories II

EA0062 - ECTS

Acquisition of knowledge in methodologies for monitoring water and air quality as well as for evaluating noise and waste characteristics.

Numerical Methods

EA0017 - ECTS

The course aims at providing the student with solid numerical methods foundations. It is topic oriented, covering numerical error analysis, algebraic and differential equation and systems solving, definite integration, non-linear optimization and curve fitting.

The student will be able to:

    • dentify numerical problems, choosing and implementing the right solution method, after doing numerical experimentation;


    • understand numerical methods in the context of engineering, working on examples from engineering practice;


  • criticise results, from the methodological, implementation and problem context points of view.


EA0018 - ECTS

The students shall acquire knowledge to perform thermodynamic analysis of processes, including the determination of thermodynamic properties, and calculations of heat and work, and phase and chemical equilibrium.

Cartography, Topography and GIS

EMG0016 - ECTS

To acquaint students with the various existing available resources for georeferencing activities and engineering works including Cartography, Surveying and Geographic Information Systems.

CTSIG course will be ministered in two modules, namely:

Module of Mapping and Surveying (TC).

Module of Geographic Information Systems (SIG).

Module of Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM).

Environmental Geology

EA0008 - ECTS Understand and acquire fundamental knowledge about the earth system as a dynamic system (internal and external geodynamic) and the components.
Understand the causes and consequences of geological processes with environmental implications.

Environmental Sciences Laboratories III

EA0063 - ECTS

BACKGROUND. This course consists of structured laboratory classes, where the theoretical concepts are applied in practice, helping to consolidate the knowledge acquired in other courses and develop skills in working in a laboratory environment.
SPECIFIC AIMS. This course aims to provide students consolidation of knowledge acquired in other courses and practical knowledge on various topics relevant to an environmental engineer: principles of instrumental analysis, physicochemical and microbiologic characterization parameters of water and wastewater and unit operations in water and wastewater treatment. It is also intended to develop teamwork and report writing skills.

Fluid Mechanics I

EA0022 - ECTS

To analyze, understand and characterize, based on the fundamental laws of mechanics and specific methodologies, the behavior of fluids, at rest and in motion, in order to solve problems of fluid mechanics in engineering.

To create the basis for solving problems in more specific areas, with the complementary knowledge to be transmitted in the scope of Fluid Mechanics II.

Statistical Methods

EA0021 - ECTS

The promotion of logical reasoning, methods of analysis and the theoretical development of mathematical concepts is fundamental to support the study of the majority of course units along this programme of studies.

This UC aims to ensure the acquisition of solid knowledge in the calculation of probabilities and statistics, considered an essential tool in many areas and situations of uncertainty, fundamental in Engineering. Another objective is to develop in students the ability to communicate accurate when referring to subjects that are based on concepts of Probability and Statistics. This UC also intends to develop a critical attitude when necessary to the analysis of statistical problems as well as the ability to apply the concepts acquired solving them. The acquisition of fundamental knowledge will give students the ability to acquire more advanced concepts that arise in the course and / or professional.

The student must be acquainted with basic notions on trigonometry, real functions, derivatives and integration.

The scientific component is 100%.

Ecology and Nature Conservation

EA0068 - ECTS
  1. Technical knowledge

1.1 Basic knowledge of Ecology, Nature Conservation and Ecotoxicology in a perspective of its application in Environmental Engineering.

1.2 National legislation related to Ecotoxicology.


  1. Acquisition of personal and professional skills

2.1 Development of research strategies and electronic search.


  1. Acquisition of interpersonal skills

3.1 Teamwork and communication (written and oral presentation)


Environmental Engineering Laboratories I

EA0030 - ECTS

- Application of engineering knowledge in the areas of fluid mechanics and heat transfer, by practice with industrial experiments at laboratory scale;

- Acquisition of skills in the fields of experimentation and scientific research;

- Development of critical and creative thinking in the resolution of engineering problems;

- Development of group work;

- Acquisition and development of oral and written communication skills (oral presentation and written reports about the laboratory work).

Fluid Mechanics II

EA0029 - ECTS

Application of the fundamental concepts of Fluid Mechanics to the design of hydraulic systems used in Environmental Engineering studies. The fundamentals os public Water Suply Systems and of Hidro-Electric Power Plants

Decision Methods

EA0026 - ECTS
This course focuses on the application of analytical methods to take better decisions and provides students with tools for modelling and optimization that will be very useful in various roles in several types of organizations (industry and services).

The main objective of this course is, through the creation of models, develop skills for analysing a wide range of real situations. These competencies are based on the ability to recognize the key problem in a non-structured situation, on the ability to develop a framework for analysing and treating the problem and on the application of analytical methods for its resolution.

Endow the students with the skills to:
  • identify and address decision problems in a structured way;
  • build models of decision problems;
  • identify and use analytical methods to obtain solutions for the models, that should act as a support for informed decisions;
  • use software packages to analyse and obtain solutions for the models;
  • extract information from the models to communicate and motivate organizational changes.

Heat and Mass Transfer

EA0028 - ECTS

This course unit aims to develop students’ skills in the interpretation and quantification of heat and mass transfer phenomena, with applications both in the environment, in industry and in the human body. A background of Mathematical Analysis and basic Thermodynamics is needed. 
Special emphasis is given to the critical thinking applied to the analysis of problems which students come across during the semester. The learning outcomes are the identification of mechanisms and the calculation of the rate at which heat and mass transfer occur in different situations.
Students will be stimulated to survey printed and electronic literature in English, as well as working in a team, this component being taken into account in the assessment.


Energy and Environment

EA0034 - ECTS

To understand the relationship between energy and environment and to be able to deal with energy conversion systems.

Environmental Decision Tools

EA0031 - ECTS

Background: the environmental engineer needs to make use of scientific tools in order to assess the impact associated to products, services and functions. Several analytical and procedures tools exists and are supporting the environmental decision making. Several currently used tools to assess impacts regarding the use of natural resources, the emission of pollution and the costs associated to the options used to mitigate pollution are presented to the students. More specifically, regarding the the tools objectives, methods, the strong and weak points, the results obtained and tools limitations.

Specific aims: knowledge in environmental decision tools together with the ability of using them in the design of solutions to solve environmental problems and in the forecast and prevention of those problems, including counterproductive effects in any environmental domain. The students apply the tools to current activities or products throughout the assignments.

Other aims include, the analysis with uncertainty, the solution and recommendation, the hypothesis formulation, systems thinking and the holistical approach is trained, prioritization and focus tradeoffs, judgment and balance in resolution. Develop personal and interrelationship skills through group assignments, reporting and presentations in oral communication.


Environmental Engineering Laboratories II

EA0035 - ECTS

This course aims to provide students with practical knowledge on various subjects relevant to an environmental engineer, as well a consolidation of knowledge gain in other units. The teamwork and achievement reports are also skills that students should develop.

Land Use Planning and Management

EA0076 - ECTS

The main objectives of this course are to provide students with theoretical and practical skills on Urban and Regional Planning, and provide technical expertise in analysis and decision support regarding urban and regional planning. The aim is to provide tools for the description and interpretation of the current problems of the urban environment and frame the main strategies, methodologies and instruments of action to solve them.

Biological Reactors

EA0033 - ECTS

To acquire with the necessary proficiency advanced knowledge in engineering regarding the design and operation of biological reactors that are used on wastewater treatment. To develop capabilities of reasoning and solving engineering problems related to the design and operation of biological reactors.

Gaseous Emissions Control and Management

EA0039 - ECTS

The main objectives of this course are: i) to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge about atmospheric pollution, air quality management and control of atmospheric emissions, namely on gas-solid separation; ii) to stimulate student participation through the contact with National and European problems. It is a priority to call the students’ attention to real industrial situations and how to solve them. Specific aims To acquire advanced engineering technical knowledge related to air quality evaluation and management and control of atmospheric emissions. To acquire personal and professional skills to: i) identify, formulate and solve problems related to the impact of air quality on human health and environment; ii) identify, formulate and solve problems of gas and particles emission by industrial processes; iii) develop initiative and critical thinking skills; iv) take advantage of the knowledge acquired; v) stimulate a responsible, persisting and flexible attitude; vi) stay current on world of engineering. To acquire interpersonal skills by developing teamwork, involving leadership recognition and task division in order to develop a common project. In an external and societal context: i) responsibility regarding environmental issues, namely concerning air quality management and emission control; ii) to acquire skills in order to implement systems in an enterprise and societal context, which allow human health and environment protection, in a sustainable development context.

Environmental Engineering Laboratories III

EA0040 - ECTS

-Consolidation of knowledge in advanced engineering concepts, namely in gas separation and effluent and wastes treatment.

Acquifer and Soil Rehabilitation


- Knowledge: Recall multi-phase equilibria, environmental chemistry, hydrologic cycle, geology and hydrogeology;

- Understanding: Identify, recognise and characterise soil and groundwater contaminations;

- Application: Distinguish the scope of different technologies; Select the most convenient technologies according to each situation;

- Analysis: Define the research to be developed in order to produce a Corrective Action Plan;

- Summary: Establish the methodology to prepare a corrective action plan; Design remediation of soil and / or groundwater units.

Water Treatment Tecnologies and Systems

EA0077 - ECTS

1. Technical knowledge Core engineering fundamental knowledge (mass transfer, separation processes, chemical reaction, ion exchange and adsorption) applied to water treatment process. Advanced engineering fundamental knowledge: water treatment technologies. 2. Acquisition of personal and professional skills Engineering reasoning and problem solving: knowledge integration skills 3. Acquisition of interpersonal skills Teamwork: teamwork development Written communication by writing technical reports 4. Conceiving, designing, implementing and operating systems External and societal context: legal framework; integration of knowledge in the resolution of real problems. Conceiving and engineering systems: concepts of processes integration; water reuse. Designing: Dimensioning water treatment systems.

Solid Waste Treatment Technologies and Systems I

EA0037 - ECTS
  1. Understand the functional elements of the solid waste management systems, their interactions and integration in the environment and society;
  2. Optimize solid waste collection and management systems, taking into account the applicable legal and technical requirements;
  3. Conceive and manage municipal waste treatment, recovery and disposal technologies.

Environmental Acoustics

EA0038 - ECTS

Thegoal is to introduce the theme of Environmental Acoustics providing strong theoretical basis in order to be able to understand all the phenomena involved and all actual and future legislation on this topic.

Environmental Quantitative Risk Analysis

EA0075 - ECTS

To understand the mechanisms of transport and fate of contaminants in multi-compartment environments; Apply the concepts to quantitative analyses of environmental risk.


Risk Assessment and Emergency


The main objectives of the course are:

  • To understand major accident analysis methods;
  • To design an integrated occupational safety and environmental system;
  • To understand the role of the different elements in a system and the relative contribution to the global risk;
  • To identify and analyse the role of the human component in the causality of accidents and malfunctions or disturbances;
  • To understand and apply risk management analysis methods;
  • To establish emergency management principles;
  • To identify and size management systems to plan and organise the response to situations of serious and imminent risk.


Industrial Ecology and Quality Management

EA0044 - ECTS

• Background The environmental engineer is required to be able to respond to the need for sustainable processes and products used in the society. Industrial ecology is the study of the flows of resources in the technological environment, and the asessment that these have in the natural environment. Industrial Ecology studies the influences of economic, political, regulatory, and social factors on the flow, use, and transformation of resources (White, 1994). The recognition of concepts underlining this concept is an essential skill of the environmental engineer.

• Specific aims Knowledge in concepts underlining the Industrial Ecology course as Cleaner Production, Life Cycle Management, EcoDesign, Integrated Waste Management, Eco-industrial parks), Sustainable Consumption and Production and Circular Economy.

These concepts/tools when applied individually or in combination are important for a detailed knowledge of the environmental systems and to identify solutions for the environmental problems. Students acquire knowledge in environmental sciences, and in the current practices and activities that cause environmental problems. Students at the end are capable of using the knowledge in the formulation, resolution and discussion of problems. Acquire a sound knowledge in the area of training and be capable of using it in the design of solutions, forecast and prevention of those problems, including counterproductive effects.

Other aims include, the analysis with uncertainty, the solution and recommendation, the hypothesis formulation, systems thinking and the holistical approach is trained, prioritization and focus tradeoffs, judgment and balance in resolution. Develop personal and interrelationship skills through group assignments, guidance and work with multidisciplinary teams, reporting and presentations in oral communications.



Industrial Facilities and Construction

EA0049 - ECTS

OBJECTIVES In a terminal stage of training in Environmental Engineering, the objectives of this discipline are: - In terms of skills to develop the ability to formulate problems, systems understanding, critical thinking, and professional attitudes. To understand the external context and the impact of construction in the profession and understanding of the processes. - In terms of knowledge and respect to the act of building, both before as during the execution of physical works: - Acquaintance with the construction activity, understand the various frameworks of buildings and industrial facilities in the practice of Environmental Engineering and the need for management of construction processes; - To familiarize students with the different phases of the constructive development - promoting research and designs, materials, construction, operation and maintenance; - Realize that the whole process of the construction is developed under a constructive framework legislative / standards; Construction planning - Importance of various construction technologies in the implementation of industrial plants including: structure, foundations, roofs, walls, floors, doors, windows and walls - Importance of the various facilities and equipment in the industry; - Importance of risk analysis and surveillance in the construction process; - Reflect on the quality and sustainability of the whole process and actions for improvement that should be taken.

Environmental Engineering Laboratories IV

EA0045 - ECTS

The main objectives are:

- to provide an adequate knowledge of environmental quality monitoring methodologies and treatability studies in the field of liquid and gaseous effluents, and be able to use them in the formulation, resolution and discussion of problems, as well as in the definition of solutions and anticipating and preventing these problems;

- to acquire knowledge of network modelling to develop analysis processes based on the simulation of different scenarios using computational tools;

- to develop personal and professional skills and attitudes, including experimentation and discovery of knowledge, systemic thinking, personal skills and attitudes, and professional skills and attitudes;

- to develop communication skills, in particular, technical results and group cooperation skills.

Water Treatment Tecnologies and Systems II

EA0041 - ECTS

1. Technical knowledge 1.1 Core engineering fundamental knowledge (mass transfer, separation phenomena, chemical reaction, ion exchange and adsorption) applied to water and wastewater treatment processes. 1.2 Advanced engineering fundamental knowledge: water and wastewater treatment technologies. 2. Acquisition of personal and professional skills 2.1 Engineering reasoning and problem solving: development of knowledge integration skills 3. Acquisition of inter-personal skills 3.1 Teamwork: training in teamwork development 3.2 Written communication by writing technical reports 4. Conceiving, designing, implementing and operating systems 4.1 External and societal context: legal framework; knowledge integration in the resolution of real problems. 4.2 Conceiving and engineering systems: concepts of process integration; water reuse; 4.3 Designing: Dimensioning water and wastewater treatment systems.

Solid Waste Treatment Technologies and Systems II

EA0042 - ECTS

Advanced knowledge regarding specific municipal waste management practiss: landfilling and thermal processing. General knowledge regarding technologies used to treat and eliminate hazardous waste.

1. To acquire advanced engineering knowledge applied to waste management technologies: municipal waste and hazardous waste
2. To understand the scientific components related to the applied technologies
3. To be able to decide between different technological solutions used in the treatment of municipal and hazardous waste
4. To conduct scientific/technical research

5. To improve inter-personal skills by performing group work.

Coastal Environments

EA0064 - ECTS

Raising awareness to the characteristics, problems and specific interventions of coastal areas as systems of very dynamic interface and polarizer of occupations, uses and transformations. Coastal environments. Environmental problems. Introduction to planning methodologies. Introduction to the typologies of coastal defence intervention. Climate change, climate variability and global change. Scenarios. Adaptation and mitigation.
Examples and Case Studies.

Preliminary Project

EA0070 - ECTS

1. Acquisition of expertise
1.3 Advanced knowledge engineering: knowledge of techniques for design process related with the environmental engineering field.
2. Acquisition of personal and professional skills
2.1 Thinking and solving problems of engineering: the ability to solve problems of design for environmental processes.
2.3 Advanced knowledge of engineering: the ability to design several equipments.
2.4 Personal skills and attitudes: security in obtaining credible solutions.
2.5 Professional skills and attitudes: economic analysis of projects.
3. Acquisition of inter-personal skills, teamwork and communications
3.1 Working in groups: Training in the development of teamwork.
3.2 Communications: ability of interaction between elements of the group and ability of presentation and discussion of projects.
3.3 Communication in foreign languages: English.
4. Design, implementation and operation of systems at company and the social levels
4.1External and social contexts: concepts of risk and environmental impact.
4.2 Background and business communication: skills related to the economic evaluation of projects.
4.3 Design and engineering systems: heuristics for processes synthesis.
4.4 Project: Project of environmental processes attending to different information sources.

Environmental Law and Legislation

EA0046 - ECTS General knowledge of environmental legislation.
Theorethical and practical knowledge of the major legal documents and their relation with the contents of the other disciples.


EA0078 - ECTS

Integration of knowledge and skills to perform a work/project on a specific subject area, which culminates with the presentation and defense of a thesis on a scientific research/development that can be taken at:
(i) Business company: completion of a thesis research/development/innovation in direct connection with a company (in the country or abroad);
(ii) University: conducting a research thesis, under a mobility program (Erasmus, MOBILE or equivalent) or in a research project in a laboratory of an internal R & D.
iii) business company cooperation: conducting a research thesis
/ development / innovation indirectly linked to a company (in the country);



Renewable Energies

EQ0138 - ECTS

The curricular unit Renewable Energies I aims to prepare students to select, acquire, operate and develop technologies and solutions in the field of Renewable Energies.
The subjects studied in this UC are: a) energy and solar radiation; b) solar thermal collectors; c) solar power concentrators; d) solar thermolysis; e) electrochemistry; f) fuel cells; g) electrolysis; h) electroreduction of CO2; i) batteries; j) photoelectrochemistry; k) photovoltaic cells; and m) photoelectrochemical cells.

Hydric Resources and Protected Areas Management

EA0051 - ECTS Skills development in the field of hydrology, in the water resources planning and management activities and in protection of water bodies and aquatic ecosystems.

Environmental Systems Management

EA0050 - ECTS Introduction to the design of systems and water companies management and other entities in the area of the environment.


EA0047 - ECTS

After approval in this course unit, the students should be able to:

1-a) Recall the fundamentals of the time value of money, the essential structure of some of the key financial analysis tools, and the logic of their articulation in order to enable the financial analysis of investment projects.
1-b) Develop and analyze, in a rigorous way, simple financial forecasts and investment projects.

2-a) Recall the definitions of the main perspectives on corporate strategy, and the concepts and structure of the analysis tools employed in each of those perspectives.
2-b) Use those concepts bottom-up in the ideation of technology based projects.
2-c) Analyze value creation in technology based projects, using those tools.

3-a) Recall the definitions of the key perspectives on operations, key objectives, and the logic for the trade-offs among them, in a supply chain context.
3-b) Use this knowledge to formulate and analyze generically operations strategies in simple supply chains.
3-c) Recall the definitions of the main concepts in systems thinking.
3-d) Identify those components in technology based systems.

4-a) Recall the definitions, classifications, assessment criteria and success ingredients of opportunities and entrepreneurship, as well as the rationale for their social and economic importance.
4-b) Recall the key building blocks for technology based products and businesses, and the factors that may limit an innovator's access to the returns from innovation.
4-c) Use these frameworks bottom-up in the ideation of technology based projects.
4-d) Use these frameworks to analyze the ability to create, deliver, and capture value, in technology based projects.

5-a) Recall the logic of the importance of enterprise and social interactions of engineering systems, and the need for systemic and interdisciplinary approaches to tackle those systems.
5-b) Identify those interactions and their importance in several engineering application domains.

At the end of the course unit, they should be able to, in a simple and introductory way, analyze of develop an engineering project beyond technology, with a wider perspective, considering multiple enterprise and social interaction issues, particularly along financial, operations, strategy, and innovation perspectives.

Seminars on Occupational Hygiene


The aims of this course unit are: Knowledge - to know and distinguish the concept of Occupational Hygiene; CompreHension: to identify the main physical and chemical agents present in the workplace and, briefly, some biological agents; Application - to characterize protective measures against physical, chemical and biological agents; Synthesis - to define methods of analysis and to specific monitoring.

Seminars on Occupational Safety


At the end of lective component of the UC, the student should be able to:

    • To know and distinguish the concept of Occupational safety:
    • To identify the most common risks of work accidents;
    • Identify some special risks;
    • Formulate an economic perspective of the accidents;
    • Point solutions for different risk situations.



EA0078 - ECTS

Integration of knowledge and skills to perform a work/project on a specific subject area, which culminates with the presentation and defense of a thesis on a scientific research/development that can be taken at:
(i) Business company: completion of a thesis research/development/innovation in direct connection with a company (in the country or abroad);
(ii) University: conducting a research thesis, under a mobility program (Erasmus, MOBILE or equivalent) or in a research project in a laboratory of an internal R & D.
iii) business company cooperation: conducting a research thesis
/ development / innovation indirectly linked to a company (in the country);



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