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Physics I

Code: L.EMAT003     Acronym: F I

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2021/2022 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: https://moodle.up.pt/course/view.php?id=4249
Responsible unit: Department of Engineering Physics
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Materials Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
L.EMAT 52 Syllabus 1 - 6 52 162
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2021-07-22.

Fields changed: Objectives, Bibliografia Complementar, Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem, Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final, Avaliação especial, Melhoria de classificação, Obtenção de frequência, Programa, Tipo de avaliação, Observações Bibliográficas, Observações, Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação, Palavras Chave, Bibliografia Obrigatória, Resultados de aprendizagem e competências

Teaching language



The Physics I course aims to provide students with operational knowledge in heat transfer, electrostatics, electricity, materials and electrical devices that are fundamental areas of knowledge for contemporary engineering. The termal and electromagnetic behavior of materials has a growing technological utility.

During this course students will:

  1. develop physical intuition by discussing and analysing situations of an electrical nature observed in nature and used in devices, identifying the physical laws governing them;
  2. Identify these situations, making use of approximations.
  3. measure in the laboratory electrical quantities, in a variety of situations, with critical sense, comparing with predictions of the models.
  4. Practice the work in a team and written communication.

Learning outcomes and competences

Specifically at the end of the course students are expected to:

a) describe the quantities, with mathematical accuracy, concepts and physical laws governing heat transfer, electrostatics, materials and devices with special electrical properties.

b) Build circuits and measure electrical quantities and thermal and electrical properties of materials in the laboratory, making use of multimeters, oscilloscopes and other sensors, estimating errors associated with measurements, being critical in relation to the results obtained and respecting laboratory safety rules.

c) Recognize the electric field created by charge distributions in static or quasi-static situations, identifying the symmetries present. Apply this knowledge to real situations and devices.

d) Model in simple situations the electric field in dielectric materials identifying polarization charges. Describe electrical phenomena in the art.

e) Work in groups, organizing and sharing tasks.

f) Assume a working posture respecting civic values and developing a continuous study throughout the semester.

Working method



1- Dimensions and units in physics;

2- The electrical structure of the atom and the theory of bands;

3- Heat transfer (conduction or diffusion, convection and radiation);

4- The charge and the electric current;

5- Electrostatics: force between charges, electrostatic field, electrostatic potential, electrostatic Maxwell equations, electrostatic energy, conductors electrostatic.

6- Resistance, resistivity and conductivity;

7- Electrical susceptibility, dielectric polarization;

8- Electrical properties of materials:

- conductors;

- insulators (dielectric, piezoelectric, pyroelectric, paraelectric, ferroelectric and antiferroelectric);

- semiconductors;

9- Capacitors, batteries, photovoltaics, diodes and transistors;

10- Thermoelectric effect (Seebeck, Peltier and Thomson effect) and the thermocouple.

Mandatory literature

Jaime Enrique Villate Matiz; Eletricidade, magnetismo e circuitos
Paul A. Tipler; Fisica para cientistas e engenheiros. ISBN: 978-85-216-1711-2
William D. Callister, Jr; Materials science and engineering. ISBN: 0-471-32013-7

Teaching methods and learning activities

The methodologies employed seek a more efficient and creative learning. As the student’s goal is to aquire basic knowledge about the thermal and electrical behavior of the materials, we think that by providing exercices and small experiments (material or virtual), we will able to achieve the proposed goals.

Lectures (TP): exposition of concepts by the teacher and their illustration with examples of application. Whenever appropriate, some simple experimental demonstrations and/or computer simulations will be performed during the class.

Practical class (P): Dedicated to problem solving, individual and in group, under the supervision of the teacher. In two of the practical classes of the semester, the students will go to the Physics Laboratory to carry out, in groups, practical work. The report of each practical work will be done in the class and it will be delivered at the end of the class.

Support: All the support to the course is available on-line using the e-learning facility Moodle UP. The available material includes general information and operating rules of the UC, lecture notes, worksheets, guidelines for experiments, multimedia resources, publication of classifications and contact with teacher and with colleagues in on-line forums.

Attendance to students: personalized follow-up answering questions about theory and applications.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Teste 70,00
Trabalho laboratorial 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 106,00
Frequência das aulas 52,00
Trabalho laboratorial 4,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

► Students cannot exceed the absence limit according to the General Evaluation Rules.

► The two laboratory works to be carried out during the semester are mandatory.
The student workers (TE) are exempt from doing the laboratory work. The evaluation of these students will be the average of the two tests or the classification of the final exam. However, these students may choose to attend the classes and submit to the evaluation of the laboratory component, being this option irreversible.

► The dates of the two tests and the two laboratory works will be advertised at Moodle UP at the beginning of the semester as soon as approved by the Direction of the course.

► The practical lab classes will be held in the Physics Laboratories.

Calculation formula of final grade

► The final classification will be calculated by:

CFAD=70% MT + 30% TL

CFAD (0-20 values) - final classification obtained by distributed evaluation;
MT (0-20 values) - average of the two tests;
TL (0-20 values) - average of the two laboratory works.

- to obtain a minimum score of 5,0 (five) values in each of the two tests and an average greater than 7,0 (seven) values.
-  to have done all two laboratory works and obtained a minimum grade of 10 (ten) values in their average mark (TL).

► A student who can not attend one or two distributed assessment tests, for whatever reason, can get approval in the final exam ("exame de recurso"). The final classification will be, in this case, the grade obtained in this exam weighted with the laboratory component, ie:

CFER= 70% NER +30% TL

CFER (0-20 values) - final classification in the "época de recurso" ;
NER (0-20 values) - final exam grade;
TL (0-20 values) - average of the two laboratory works.

The student will get approval if:
- the classification TL is greater than 10 values and
- the final exam grade (NER) is higher than 7,0 values.
- final classification (CFER) higher than 10 valores.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not planned.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

By exam in the seasons foreseen (General Evaluations Rules).

Classification improvement

By final exam ("Exame de recurso").

The improvement classification (CM) will be calculated as follows:


CFAD (0-20 values) - final classification by distributed evaluation;
NER (0-20 values) - final exam grade (0 to 20 values, i.e., without the average of the three laboratory works (TL));
NERTL (0-20 values) - final classification in the "época de recurso") weighting the exam grade (NER) with the classification of laboratory works (TL), i.e., NERTL = 70% NER + 30% TL. 


► During periods when the FEUP administration decrees online learning, the Physics 1 lectures will be taught at the usual hour, using the Colibri / zoom video-conference system. The links will be available on Moodle UC.

► In online classes, students must have their camera turned on during class in order to contribute to greater interactivity and effectiveness of distance learning. If the student does not have a webcam, please contact the teacher in advance to resolve the problem.

► Any questions, the student should contact the teacher by email or moodle. Depending on the evolution of the pandemic, sessions to clarify doubts in person (room H114) or via Colibri/zoom may be scheduled.

► The students can use the form available in the moodle during the tests and the exams.

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