Publications with the same journal as the Production of Chloride and Hypochlorite for Analytical Purposes by Sonochemical
Degradation of Organochlorines publication
Maria Gracas A Korn (Author) (Other); Daniele Cristina M B Santos (Author) (Other); Mauro Agildo B Guida (Author) (Other); Isa S Barbosa (Author) (Other); Marieta L C Passos (Author) (Other); Maria Lucia M F S Saraiva (Author) (FFUP); Jose Luis F C Lima (Author) (FFUP)
Sueny K B Freitas (Author) (Other); Valdinete Lins da Silva (Author) (Other); Alberto N Araujo (Author) (FFUP); Maria Conceicao B S M Montenegro (Author) (FFUP); Boaventura F Reis (Author) (Other); Ana Paula S Paim (Author) (Other)
Cherrine K. Pires (Author) (Other); Angel Morales-Rubio (Author) (Other); Miguel de la Guardia (Author) (Other); José L. F. C. Lima (Author) (FFUP); Elias A. G. Zagatto (Author) (Other); Boaventura F. Reis (Author) (Other)