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Joaquim Luís Faria

Fotografia de Joaquim Luís Bernardes Martins de Faria
Name: Joaquim Luís Bernardes Martins de Faria
Sigla: JDF
Estado: Active
Email Institucional: jlfaria@fe.up.pt
Telefone: 225081645
Telf.Alt.: 220413683
Voip: 3683
Salas: E408


Categoria: Professor Catedrático
Carreira: Pessoal Docente de Universidades
Professional Group: Docente
Department: Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering


Cargo Data de Início
Member of the Scientific Board 2023-05-31
Member of the Department Council Departamento de Engenharia Química e Biológica 2022-12-06
Member of the Scientific Committee Programa Doutoral em Química 2016-12-05
Member of the Scientific Committee Mestrado em Engenharia Química 2023-05-15
Scientific Coordinator of R&D Center LSRE-LCM - Laboratório de Processos de Separação e Reacção - Laboratório de Catálise e Materiais 2022-02-01
Docente Responsável de Curso de Educação contínua Comunicação de Ciência para Audiências Não Especializadas 2018-08-03

Apresentação Pessoal

Received his Ph.D (Physical Organic Chemistry – 1993) from Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal) supervised By Prof. Manuel J. E. Prieto, based on its work oriented Prof. S. Steenken at the Max Planck Institute for Radiation Chemistry (Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany). He joined the LCM - Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials (University of Porto) in 1994 as a staff member, where he founded a research line on Heterogeneous Photocatalysis. 

Published about 100 articles in international journals and more than 190 communications in international congresses and symposia. He has written book chapters, been guest editor of volumes on specific collections and reviewer of scientific journals and other non-periodic publications. Also published some works and performed public demonstrations on popular science for young people.

He is currently Associate Professor at Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Board Member of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the same Faculty, member of the Scientific Committee of the MSc in Chemical Engineering and member of the Scientific Council of the Associate Laboratory LSRE/LCM (a distinguished research unit devoted to specific objectives of the scientific and technological policy laid down by the government).

From 2010 to 2013 was appointed as Secretary General of the Portuguese Chemical Society.

Recently was elected as Associate Member of IUPAC Division I – Physical and Biophysical Chemistry Division for the biennium of 2014-2015.

His work focuses on catalysis and catalyzed reactions, with thermal and photo activation, for environmental applications, energy and fine chemical synthesis.

In 2005 he received the Scientific Prize of the Portuguese Association of PhD Studies in France (APDF) "Celestino da Costa / Jean Perrin". In recent years received from FEUP recognition for his contribute to scientific research.
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