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Admission - 2nd cycle of studies admission - 2024/2025

Available courses



Applicants who comply with the prior training requirements set out for each Master shall be admitted to the competition (see information for each cycle of studies).

The following may apply for a Master Degree at FEUP:

1. Holders of a bachelor's degree (or legal equivalent) in the area of Engineering (or similar area deemed appropriate by the Scientific Committee of the Cycle of Studies);

2. Holders of a foreign higher academic degree in the area of Engineering (or similar area deemed appropriate by the Scientific Committee of the Cycle of Studies) conferred following a first cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a country adhering to this Process;

3. Holders of a foreign higher academic degree in the area of Engineering (or similar area considered appropriate by the Scientific Committee of the Cycle of Studies) with a duration of, at least, 3 academic years;

4. Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum in the area of Engineering (or similar area deemed appropriate by the Scientific Committee of the cycle of studies), including:
  1. applicants whose bachelor's degree is pending the administrative closure of a mobility process that has already been completed, and who are in a position to obtain their bachelor's degree by the end of the enrolment deadline of the respective application phase, regardless of their HEI of origin. These applicants will lose their right to their place within the competition in question if they are unable to enrol by the deadline;
  2. "students about to graduate from a bachelor's degree" who are in a position to obtain their bachelor's degree by the end of the enrolment deadline of the respective application phase, regardless of their HEI of origin. These applicants will lose their right to their place within the competition in question if they are unable to enrol by the deadline;
  3. applicants who, not being covered by paragraphs a) or b), are holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognised by FEUP's statutorily competent scientific body as attesting to their ability to complete the cycle of studies they are applying for.

Tuition fees:
Information on tuition fees for 2024/2025 available here.

Numerus Clausus

Programmes/Cycle of Studies Phase Numerus Clausus Curricular year
Master in Artificial Intelligence 1 5
2 54
3 5
Master in Bioengineering 1 10
2 74
3 10
Master in Biomedical Engineering 1 5
2 25
3 5
Master in Chemical Engineering 1 10
2 85
3 5
Master in Civil Engineering 1 30
2 89
3 10
Master in Civil Engineering Structures 1 12
2 21
3 3
Master in Computational Mechanics 1 15
2 22
3 5
Master in Computer Vision 1 3
2 4
3 1
Master in Data Science and Engineering 1 10
2 10
3 10
Master in Electrical and Computer Engineering 1 10
2 122
3 14
Master in Environmental Engineering 1 7
2 30
3 10
Master in Industrial Engineering and Management 1 5
2 99
3 6
Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering 1 5
2 128
3 7
Master in Information Science 1 5
2 17
3 3
Master in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship 1 15
2 15
3 3
Master in Integrated Building Design and Construction 1 20
2 22
3 1
Master in Materials Engineering 1 4
2 38
3 2
Master in Mechanical Engineering 1 7
2 137
3 7
Master in Mining and Geo-Environmental Engineering 1 6
2 12
3 7
Master in Multimedia 1 20
2 33
3 20
Master in Occupational Safety and Hygiene Engineering 1 20
2 32
3 10
Master in Services Engineering and Management 1 10
2 25
3 5
Master in Software Engineering 1 15
2 30
3 10
Master in Spatial Planning and Urban Project 1 15
2 25
3 5
1st Phase
2nd Phase
3rd Phase
Master in Bioengineering (M.BIO) 85 10 74 10
Master in Information Science (MCI) 25 5 17 3
Master in Biomedical Engineering (MEB) 30 5 25 5
Master in Civil Engineering (M.EC) 110 30 89 10
Master in Materials Engineering (M.EMAT) 40 4 38 2
Master in Mining and Geo-Environmental Engineering (M.EMG) 20 6 12 7
Master in Occupational Safety and Hygiene Engineering (MESHO) 50 20 32 10
Master in Services Engineering and Management (MESG) 32 10 25 5
Master in Software Engineering (MESW) 50 15 30 10
Master in Environmental Engineering (M.EA) 42 7 30 10
Master in Data Science and Engineering (MECD) 30 10 10 10
Master in Industrial Engineering and Management (M.EGI) 105 5 99 6
Master in Electrical and Computer Engineering (M.EEC) 140 10 122 14
Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering (M.EIC) 140 5 128 7
Master in Mechanical Engineering (M.EM) 147 7 137 7
Master in Chemical Engineering (M.EQ) 92 10 85 5
Master in Civil Engineering Structures (MESTEC) 25 12 21 3
Master in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship (MIET) 27 15 15 3
Master in Artificial Intelligence (M.IA) 60 5 54 5
Master in Computational Mechanics (MMC) 30 15 22 5
Master in Multimedia (MM) 60 20 33 20
Master in Spatial Planning and Urban Project (MPPU) 40 15 25 5
Master in Sustainable Design, Construction and Management of the Built Environment (MBUILD)*  26 26 N/A N/A
Master in Integrated Building Design and Construction (MPRINCE) 30 20 22 1
Master in Computer Vision (MVCOMP) 7 3 4 1

* Master in Occupational Safety and Hygiene Engineering - Out of the 20 places available in the 1st phase, 10 are for holders of a CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence) in OSH (Occupational Safety and Hygiene). Out of the 20 places initially available in the 2nd phase, 5 are for holders of a CPC in OSH. Out of the 10 places initially available in the 3rd phase, 5 are for holders of a CPC in OSH.

* Master in Sustainable Design, Construction and Management of the Built Environment -  the  application procedure takes place on a dedicated platform at www.mbuild.eu

- The minimum number of students for each Master Degree is available on the information for each cycle of studies.

- Any leftover places from each phase will be added to the places available for the following phase.
- The number of places available for the 2nd phase has been updated and it already includes the leftover places from the previous phase.




Deadlines for Application

  1st Phase 2nd Phase 3rd Phase
Submission of applications From January 09th to February 01st 2024 (except for M.IA)

From January 20th to February 09th 2024 (only for M.IA)
From March 18th to April 18th 2024 From August 06th to 14th 2024
Posting of provisional results February 21st 2024 (except for M.IA)

February 27th 2024 (only for M.IA)
May 27th 2024 September 03rd 2024
Prior hearing From February 22nd to March 06th 2024 (except for M.IA)

From Frebuary 28th to March 12th 2024 (only for M.IA)
From May 28th to June 12th 2024 From September 04th to 17th 2024
Posting of final results March 13th 2024 (except for M.IA)

March 15th 2024 (only for M.IA)
June 17th 2024

September 20th 2024

Submission of complaints From March 14th to April 04th 2024 (except for M.IA)

From March 18th to April 08th 2024 (only for M.IA)
From June 18th to July 09th 2024 From September 23rd to October 11th 2024
Publishing of decision about complaints April 11th 2024 (except for M.IA)

April 15th 2024 (only for M.IA)
July 22nd 2024 October 18th 2024
Online enrolment From March 18th to 26th 2024 From June 20th to August 06th 2024 From September 23rd to 27th 2024
Admission of non-placed applicants* From April 02nd to 09th 2024 From August 07th to 12th 2024 From September 30th to October 06th 2024
Publishing of leftover places April 16th 2024 August 13th 2024 N/A
Request of credit transfer regarding prior training / work experience On application and on enrolment On application and on enrolment On application and on enrolment
Publishing of credit transfer results Up to 15 working days after the end of the enrolment period or the end of the credit transfer process Up to 15 working days after the end of the enrolment period or the end of the credit transfer process Up to 15 working days after the end of the enrolment period or the end of the credit transfer process
Change of the registration in result of the credit transfer process Up to 10 working days after the publication of the credit transfer results Up to 10 working days after the publication of the credit transfer results Up to 10 working days after the publication of the credit transfer results

*The eventual call of non-placed applicants will be made by e-mail sent to the address indicated on the application process. Applicants who are called will have 24 hours to reply and say whether they are interested in the place available. After this deadline, and if there is no reply from the applicant called, this applicant will lose the chance to occupy the place available and the following non-placed applicant in the ranking list will be called.

International students who need to obtain a residence visa for study purposes must carefully check the deadlines of each application phase (namely: posting of the results, enrolment and beginning of the academic year) and make sure that they have enough time to ensure all the necessary procedures.

Ranking Criteria

The ranking criteria are defined per cycle of studies (see information for each cycle of studies).

Please note that for all Master's Degrees there is a minimum Final Mark* for the applicant to be admitted to the cycle of studies.

*Final Mark (CF - Classificação Final): weighted average of the ranking components.
In the event of interviews being carried out as a ranking or tie-breaking criterion, the call for an interview will be made by e-mail to the address given in the application.

Documents Required

  • ID document (Citizen Card / ID Card / Passport) or declaration containing the identification data (Mandatory)
  • Graduation certificate regarding a higher education degree*. “Students about to graduate from a bachelor's degree” must fill-in and submit this declaration. (Mandatory)
    - For qualifications obtained abroad see note (1) below;
  • Certificate of the curricular units of the higher education institution with indication of the regime (semester or annual), number of credit units/ECTS and classification with indication of the scale and minimum classification for approval. (Mandatory)*
    - For qualifications obtained abroad see note (1) below;
  • Curriculum vitae (Mandatory)
1 - Only applicants who provide official documents attesting that they have the necessary qualifications to apply will be admitted.

2 - Applicants who apply as "students about to graduate from a bachelor's degree" must, in order to enrol within the established deadlines of the respective phase, present the official documents attesting to their graduation.

3 - In addition to these, specific documents may be requested, depending on the cycle of studies to which the application is being presented (information available in the application process).

*U.Porto students may scan and attach the information included in their “Percurso Académico” (Academic Path).

(1) Notes for applicants from foreign higher education:
If the original certificates were not issued in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English, applicants must mandatorily submit the original documents along with the corresponding official/certified translation into one of the above-mentioned languages.
The remaining documents must also be written in/translated into one of the aforementioned languages.


Application is subject to the payment of a non-refundable fee of 55 euros.

Procedure for payment:

With ATM references
1. Click on the button Associar referência MB para pagamento next to the application fee.
2. Confirm the data displayed and click "Atribuir" (Assign) and the associated reference will be automatically generated.
3. Click "Voltar à conta corrente" (Back to current account) to see the reference generated.

With PayPal
PayPal must only be used by foreign applicants who do not have a bank account in Portugal and exclusively to pay the application fee.
To make the transaction with PayPal we suggest that you use Google Chrome as your browser.
1. Click on the button Associar referência MB para pagamento next to the application fee.
2. Choosing this option will connect to the PayPal website to make the payment.
Note: PayPal payment can only be used for the application fee and payments via PayPal for any other type of fees or tuition fees shall not be accepted.

By bank transfer
Payments from abroad may be made by bank transfer, at payer’s expenses, using the information in the attached document.
Then, you must send proof of the bank transfer to ingresso@fe.up.pt and tesouraria@fe.up.pt, with the following data:
- Name of the payer and name of the applicant, address, country, tax identification number and the purpose of the payment (application).

- After the deadline for submitting applications, applicants have 1 additional day to ensure the payment of the corresponding fee, which is required for the application to become effective. After this deadline, any applications regarding which fees have not been paid will be rejected outright.
- Applicants who have been excluded or not admitted (non-placed applicants) in one phase, and who wish to apply for another phase, must submit a new application and pay the corresponding fees.


Procedure for submission of application
  1. Choose the intended cycle of studies/course and access regime (Applications).
  2. Select "Submit Application". If you are already a student at FEUP, you will have to log in using your student’s username and password. If you are not a student at FEUP, you will be asked to complete a user registration form. The credentials (username and password) will be sent to the email address you specify on that form. For technical reasons, it is not advisable to use Hotmail or Yahoo e-mail addresses.
  3. Fill in the application form and attach the requested documents. Please note that fields in red are mandatory.
  4. Submit your application. If an error is detected (e.g. mandatory fields left blank), the system displays an alert message.
    If the information is successfully submitted, you must check all data entered and either confirm or edit the data.
  5. After confirmation of your application submission you will see information regarding the payment of the corresponding fee. For payments made from abroad, please check the information available in the Fees section (see above).
  6. If you have encountered any problems while submitting your application, you must report them to ingresso@fe.up.pt during the application submission period or on the working day following the deadline for submission.
Procedure for checking the status of your application
  1. Log into the information system with the username and password that you used in your application;
  2. Click on your name;
  3. Select the academic year of the application(s) you submitted;
  4. In the options that appear on the right hand side of the page, select "Candidaturas de Ingresso" (Applications).
Procedure to request credit transfer/recognition
  1. Credit transfer/recognition request (optional) is subject to the non-refundable payment of the fees set-out in the Table of fees of the University of Porto.
  2. If you wish to create a credit transfer request, in the field "You want to make a request for recognition" of the application form, select "Yes".
  3. In the options on the right hand side of the page, under "Reconhecimentos" (Credit transfer), select "Criar/Editar" (Create/Edit) and enter the request.
  4. After creating the credit transfer/recognition request, you must complete and submit the application.
Procedure to request a letter of acceptance
The letter of acceptance is only issued upon request by an applicant who has been admitted to the cycle of studies they applied for. The letter must be requested by sending an e-mail to ingresso@fe.up.pt after the deadlines for posting of the results indicated for each application phase and no later than the beginning of the enrolment period of the phase of admission.

Procedure for online enrolment
This procedure will be available through a link on the homepage of FEUP at the beginning of the enrolment period.

Applicable Legislation

Note: The following applicable legislation is only available in Portuguese.



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