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Projeto/Contrato PS:101084344 _ WHEATBIOME- HORIZON -CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01

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Projeto Em CursoEm Curso
Dados Gerais
Código: 82674
Referência: 101084344 _ WHEATBIOME- HORIZON -CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01
Nome Curto: Wheatbiome
Título: Unravelling the potential of the wheat microbiome for the development of healthier, more sustainable and resilient wheat-derived food & feed products
Financiamento Competitivo:
Envolve empresas?: Sim
Nº de Instituições Participantes: 1
Tipo: Projeto Financiado
Âmbito Geográfico: Internacional
Tipo de Ação: I&DT
Programa: H2020 - Horizonte 2020
Instituição Financiadora: Comissão Europeia -
Âmbito Geográfico Financeiro: Internacional
Data de Início Efetivo: 2023-01-01
Data de Conclusão Prevista: 2026-12-31
Data de Conclusão Efetiva: 2026-12-31
Moeda: EUR
Resumo: Current food production systems face many challenges (climate change, rampant demographic development) and new sustainable approaches are urgent. Wheat is a central crop in Europe and soil and plant microbial communities are of particular interest in wheat crops since (1) they are crucial solutions for restoring soils and protecting the crops and wheat-derived products against pathogens;
(2) they play a key role in regulating plant metabolisms and, thus, the quality and properties of crops; and (3) they can be promising producersfor a wide rangeof nutritional and healthyfood andfeed products. However,more studies onwheat microbiomes areneeded as the currentdata is scarce. The WHEATBIOME project will contribute in the understanding of the role of the wheat microbiome on sustainable development by undertaking cutting-edge research with strong collaboration between academia, industry, food system actors and governmental authorities distributed along 6 EU countries, and will explore the role of microbiomes in wheat production systems in a broad approach from soil to plate to:
Understand the effect of biotic/abiotic factors on wheat microbiomes with 2case studies and a lab-scale demonstrator.
Unravel the soil-plant microbiome cross-talking on wheat metabolism and nutritional quality,
and deliver sustainable farming practices for resilient and nutritious wheat crops via a new decision support system (DSS).
Discover new fermentation capacities within indigenous wheat microbiomes and develop novel foods and feeds.
Study the role of microbial fermentations in food/feed quality and reduce food waste by recirculating wheat by-products. Determine the interactions between wheat (prebiotics,probiotics,bioactivecompounds,immunogenicproteins,etc.)andthehuman/animalmicrobiota,anditseffectonhumanand animal health.
Assess the perception of food system actors and citizens about microbiomes within food systems.
Enquadramento Científico
Domínio Científico (FOS - Nível 2): Ciências agrárias

Áreas Científicas (CORDIS - Nível 5)

  • Ciências Naturais > Ciências agrárias

Palavras Chave

  • Crop and livestock production ; Agricultural biotechnology and food biotechnology ; Environmentally Friendly Factory Processes ; Plant breeding and plant protection ;Plant nutrition ; Bio-based products (products that are manufactured using biological material as feedstock) bio-based materials, bio-based plastics, biofuels, bio-based and bio-derived bulk and fine chemicals, bio-based and bio-derived novel materials
Mais informações Não existem Documentos associados ao Projeto.

Publicações associados ao Projeto

Instituições Participantes no Projeto
Instituição Contacto Criar Tab?
Nome Nome Curto País Tipo Participação Nome Telefone Email
REQUIMTE - Rede de Química e Tecnologia REQUIMTE Portugal Instituto de ID Coordenador Maria José Cunha 220408860
Orçamentos e Equipas
Orçamento Aprovado: 715.190,00 EUR
Valor Financiado Aprovado: -
Valor co-financiado Aprovado: -
Taxa de Financiamento: -
Orçamento Confidencial:

Pessoas no Projeto

Instituição Nome Nome Curto Função Dedicação (%) Contribuição (%) Afetação
Data de Início Data de Fim
FCUP Susana Isabel Pinto Teixeira Pereira Soares SIPTPS Investigador 2023-01-01 2026-12-31
FCUP Victor Armando Pereira Freitas VAPF Investigador 2023-01-01 2026-12-31

Técnicos no Projeto

Mais informações Não existem Técnicos associadas ao Projeto.
Mais informações Não existem Laboratórios associados ao Projeto.
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