Few-cycle all-fiber supercontinuum laser for ultrabroadband multimodal nonlinear microscopy (2022)
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Almagro Ruiz, A; Torres Peiro, S; Munoz Marco, H; Cunquero, M; Castro Olvera, G; Dauliat, R; Jamier, R; Shulika, OV; Romero, R; Guerreiro, PT; Miranda, M; Crespo, H; Roy, P; Loza Alvarez, P; Perez Millan, P
Coherent-hybrid STED: high contrast sub diffraction imaging using a bi-vortex depletion beam (2019)
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Pereira, A; Sousa, M; Almeida, AC; Ferreira, LT; Costa, AR; Novais Cruz, M; Ferras, C; Sousa, MM; Sampaio, P; Belsley, M; Helder Maiato
Simultaneous measurement of temperature and refractive index using focused ion beam milled Fabry-Perot cavities in optical fiber micro-tips (2016)
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Andre, RM; Warren Smith, SC; Becker, M; Dellith, J; Rothhardt, M; Zibaii, MI; Latifi, H; marques, mb; Bartelt, H; Frazao, O
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