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Tumor Testing for Somatic and GermlineBRCA1/BRCA2Variants in Ovarian Cancer Patients in the Context of Strong Founder Effects (2020)
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Peixoto, A; Pinto, P; Guerra, J; Pinheiro, M; Santos, C; Pinto, C; Santos, R; Escudeiro, C; Bartosch, C; Canario, R; Barbosa, A; Gouveia, A; Petiz, A; Abreu, MH; Sousa, S; Pereira, D; Silva, J; Manuel R Teixeira
Resistance Training Attenuates Activation of STAT3 and Muscle Atrophy in Tumor-Bearing Mice (2022)
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Testa, MTD; Cella, PS; Marinello, PC; Frajacomo, FTT; Padilha, CD; Perandini, PC; Moura, FA; duarte, ja; Cecchini, R; Guarnier, FA; Deminice, R
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