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Theories and Analysis of Functionally Graded Beams

Theories and Analysis of Functionally Graded Beams
Outra Publicação em Revista Científica Internacional
J. N. Reddy
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Eugenio Ruocco
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Jose A. Loya
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Título: Applied SciencesImportada do Authenticus Pesquisar Publicações da Revista
Vol. 11 15
Páginas: 1-24
Editora: MDPI
Publicação em ISI Web of Knowledge ISI Web of Knowledge - 0 Citações
Publicação em Scopus Scopus - 0 Citações
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-00V-90X
Abstract (EN): This is a review paper containing the governing equations and analytical solutions of the classical and shear deformation theories of functionally graded straight beams. The classical, first-order, and third-order shear deformation theories account for through-thickness variation of two-constituent functionally graded material, modified couple stress (i.e., strain gradient), and the von Karman nonlinearity. Analytical solutions for bending of the linear theories, some of which are not readily available in the literature, are included to show the influence of the material variation, boundary conditions, and loads.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 24
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