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Intertidal biofilms on rocky substratum can play a major role in estuarine carbon and nutrient dynamics

Intertidal biofilms on rocky substratum can play a major role in estuarine carbon and nutrient dynamics
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Magalhaes, CM
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Adriano Bordalo
Wiebe, WJ
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Vol. 258
Páginas: 275-281
ISSN: 0171-8630
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-000-K4B
Abstract (EN): Problems associated with increasing eutrophication of estuaries have stimulated many investigators to examine primary productivity and nutrient dynamics and transformations within and between the water column and sediments. Surprisingly, rocky surfaces, both natural and man-made, while comprising significant areas of many estuaries, have received virtually no investigation. In the Douro River estuary (Portugal), a flooded granitic valley, human intervention has progressively replaced intertidal soft sediments with hard surface areas. In this study we examine the role of the inorganic nutrient and metabolic dynamics of intertidal rocky biofilms in the lower estuary. Hourly net primary production (389 +/- 168 mg O-2 m(-2) h(-1)) greatly exceeded hourly net respiration rates (50 +/- 18 mg O-2 m(-2) h(-1)), results comparable to those of adjacent muddy and sandy sediments. These rocky biofilms consistently removed NO3+ and SiO44- from the water column (-595.4 +/- 236.7 and -305.7 +/- 209.6 mumoles m(-2) h(-1), respectively), whereas the net flux of NH4+ depended on light conditions (-123.15 +/- 22.45, 144.54 +/- 151.90 mumoles m(-2) h(-1), for light and dark treatments respectively). NO2- and PO43- net fluxes were low, with no clear trends in flux direction (-0.57 +/- 9.1 mumoles NO2- m(-2) h(-1) and 1.4 +/- 10.5 mumoles PO43- m(-2) h(-1)). Although rocky substrata constitute only 21% of the total planar intertidal zone of Douro estuary, they were responsible for 43% of the nitrate and 45% of the silicate uptake when compared to sandy and muddy sediment hourly rates within the total intertidal area. Thus intertidal rocky biofilms can represent important sites for biogeochemical activity.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 7
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