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Modal Interferometric Sensor Based in a Birefringent Boron-doped Microstructured Fiber

Modal Interferometric Sensor Based in a Birefringent Boron-doped Microstructured Fiber
Artigo em Livro de Atas de Conferência Internacional
Statkiewicz Barabach, G
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Carvalho, JP
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Frazao, O
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Olszewski, J
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Mergo, P
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Santos, JL
Urbanczyk, W
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Ata de Conferência Internacional
International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics
Braga, Portugal, 3 a 7 de Maio de 2011
Publicação em ISI Web of Knowledge ISI Web of Knowledge - 0 Citações
Publicação em Scopus Scopus - 0 Citações
Classificação Científica
FOS: Ciências da engenharia e tecnologias > Engenharia electrotécnica, electrónica e informática
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-002-X98
Abstract (EN): Microstructured optical fibers (MOFs) have been widely studied owing to their potential for obtaining novel transmission, nonlinear and sensing characteristics. Sensing applications of MOFs cover various types of devices for measurements of different physical and specific chemical compounds in gases and liquids employing evanescent field techniques. Such fibers can also be used as active and passive elements in fiber-optic polarimetric and interferometric sensors. We present an in-line fiber modal interferometer fabricated in boron-doped highly birefringent microstructured fiber. The boron-doped region located in the middle of the core decreases the effective index of the fundamental mode and facilitates coupling between the fundamental and the first order mode. The coupling regions have the form of fiber narrowings fabricated using CO2 laser and are distant by a few millimeters. The spectral intensity at the sensor output is modulated only by intermodal interference produced by a short piece of fiber between the two coupling points. Moreover, as the fiber is highly birefringence, each pair of polarization modes produces its own intermodal fringes, which results in the contrast modulation of the overall interference signal observed at the fiber output, and provides an additional degree of freedom to measure simultaneously a pair of measurands.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
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Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Statkiewicz Barabach, G; Carvalho, JP; Frazao, O; Olszewski, J; Mergo, P; Santos, JL; Urbanczyk, W
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