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Tailoring for strength of composite steered-fibre panels with cutouts

Tailoring for strength of composite steered-fibre panels with cutouts
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Lopes, CS
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Gurdal, Z
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Camanho, PP
Vol. 41
Páginas: 1760-1767
ISSN: 1359-835X
Editora: Elsevier
Classificação Científica
FOS: Ciências da engenharia e tecnologias > Outras ciências da engenharia e tecnologias
CORDIS: Ciências Tecnológicas > Engenharia > Engenharia aeroespacial
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-003-0D9
Abstract (EN): A large number of composite parts Include cutouts to accommodate windows doors and bolted joints These regions are hot-spots in terms of design because they concentrate stresses hence becoming critical in terms of the structural integrity of the part A traditional approach to the problem of stress concentrations around cutouts is to locally increase the laminate thickness in order to Improve the strength margins Often this practice attracts more loads to the cutout besides increasing part weight A more effective solution is to tailor the panel in-plane stiffness by means of fibre-steered laminates and avoid the stress concentrations altogether The present research demonstrates that It is possible to design and manufacture composite panels whose buckling and first-ply failure responses are insensitive to the existence of a central hole Moreover it is shown that the structural performance of these designs more than doubles that of straight-fibre configurations
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 8
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