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U.Porto Former Students (Alumni)

Fotografia Alumni U.Porto

Having a degree from the University of Porto (U.Porto) is much more than a framed paper on the wall. The U.Porto is determined to boost a close relationship with its Former Students (ALUMNI), understanding them as part of their history, but also as excellent representatives of the University in the country and the world.

To strengthen this close relationship and to make known the benefits from being an U.Porto Alumni Community, it is absolutely necessary to have the contacts updated in the Alumni U.Porto Office, which is done using the U.Porto Alumni Portal. The U.Porto undertakes to respect to the legislation on personal data protection, ensuring their confidentiality.


Feel free to contact the Alumni U.Porto Office whenever you need any clarification or want to provide some information.

Alumni U.Porto, Círculo Universitário
Rua do Campo Alegre, 877
4150-180 Porto, Portugal
+351 220 408 093 | alumni@reit.up.pt

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