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Comparative Histology and Embryology I

Code: MA215     Acronym: HEC_I

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL General and Aquatic Biology

Instance: 2017/2018 - 1S (of 18-09-2017 to 27-10-2017) Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Microscopy
Course/CS Responsible: Aquatic Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LCMA 45 Plan 2012 to 2017 2 - 5 49 135

Teaching language



Provide theoretical and practical knowledge about the structure of cells, tissues and organs, the level of microscopy, especially optical, but also electronic and on their histophysiology. Thus, the bases of knowledge and skills promoted to a better understanding of Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Pathology, etc.. The practical component is based on the study of preparations of normal tissues and organs, subject directly to the optical microscope or indirectly, via his pictures taken by digital means.

It is also intended to demonstrate the importance of knowing and applying the normal histology of tissues and organs in the face of potential modifications of the same, as well as encourage students to make a morphofunctional integration of acquired knowledge and acquire, and use your creativity in planning of multidisciplinary projects, to include a histological component.

Finally, we aim to teach bases embryology general (descriptive and developmental biology) as well as simpler model organisms (invertebrates) that allow students to not only understand their importance as access and understand, then, embryology and general special organimos complex (vertebrates).

Learning outcomes and competences

Acquire solid theoretical knowledge on histology and embryology compared, giving access and understand more complex knowledge to acquire the degree or more advanced courses of study.

Having the ability to observe systematically describe the microscope and diagnose or before histological images, tissues and organs of vertebrates (fish to mammals), as well as to know foresee / histophysiology correlate its structural features from dyeing.

It is intended that students obtain the basic principles of developmental biology and an overview of embryological development in comparative terms, integrating this knowledge with the systematic anatomy and microanatomy of the adult. It is also intended that students have the ability to discern the possible events that may cause teratological cases.

It also demonstrates the importance of knowing and applying the histology of normal tissue and organs against potential modifications thereof. To stimulate students to make a morphofunctional integration of acquired knowledge, and use your creativity in planning multidisciplinary projects that integrate histological component.

Working method



THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL - The program covers the following topics:
Introduction to the study of Histology - A historical perspective 
Epithelial tissue. 
Connective tissue (in general). 
Adipose tissue.
Cartilaginous tissue. 
Bone tissue. 
Muscle tissue.
Nervous tissue and sacus vasculosus. 
Aging and cell death.
Blodd, hemolinph, and haematopoiesis.
Cardiovascular system.
Immune system and lymphatic organs.
Introduction to the study of embryology.
Gametes and fertilization.
Larvae. Cellular basis of morphogenesis.
Cleavage: creation of multicellularity.
Lessons from aquatic invertebrate models.

Mandatory literature

Anthony Mescher; Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas (14th Edition), McGraw-Hill Education / Medical, 2016. ISBN: 978-0071842709
Scott F. Gilbert, Michael J. F. Barresi ; Developmental Biology (11th Edition), Sinauer Associates, Inc., 2016. ISBN: 978-1605354705
Carlos Gonçalves, Vasco Bairos; Histologia. Texto e Imagens (4ª Edição), Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2013. ISBN: 978-989-26-0671-2
Franck Genten, Eddy Terwinghe, Andre Danguy; Atlas of Fish Histology, Science Publishers, 2008. ISBN: 1578085446

Complementary Bibliography

LP Gartner & JL Hiatt; Atlas Colorido de Histologia (6ª Edição), Grupo GEN, 2014. ISBN: 9788527725187
A Holden, LL Layfield & JL Matthews; The Zebrafish: Atlas of Macroscopic and Microscopic Anatomy, Cambridge University Press, 2013. ISBN: 1107621348.
Anil B. Amin, Liisa Mortensen & Trygve T. Poppe; HISTOLOGY ATLAS: NORMAL STRUCTURE OF SALMONIDS, Akvapatologisk Laboratorium AS, Bodø, Norway, 1992. ISBN: 82-992406-1-1
Scott E. Gilbert & Anne M. Raunio; Embryology: Constructing the Organism, Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers, 1997. ISBN: 0-87893-237-2

Comments from the literature

The teachers provide a book to support practical classes and also supplementary materials on selected topics.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Plenary lectures.
Interactive lectures.
Practical lessons.
Making activities which require planning, critical thinking and research.


Natural sciences > Biological sciences > Biology > Developmental biology
Natural sciences > Biological sciences > Biology > Histology

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 35,00
Participação presencial 5,00
Teste 40,00
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de projeto 15,00
Estudo autónomo 70,00
Frequência das aulas 49,00
Total: 134,00

Eligibility for exams

According to the Law (see the UP and ICBAS regulations), namely to have attended 3/4 of all the given classes. Delivery and presentation of that project (see Special Assignments).

Calculation formula of final grade

Formative Assessment: Students are offered weekly exercises to help them monitor the progress of the classes and the individual level of learning. The teachers offer the solutions of the distributed exercises.

Summative assessment by a multiple choice exam (each note is given in the scale of 0-20): final theoretical exam (minimum score = 9.50 / 20 values) + final practical exam (minimum score = 9.50 / 20 values) + Preparation and Presentation of Project + Engagement in the classes.

The final classification is the following weighted average:

Note the theoretical exam x 0.35 + Note the practical test x 0.40 + Project x 0.20 + Participation x 0.05

The "Engagement" rewards attendance, level of commitment, and even the quality of performance of each student during the lessons.

The "Project" may be subject to a bonus (see below).

The student will be approved if it can discipline the minimum values of 9.50, after applying the above formula and has since obtained que35 frequency.

Note: As announced in each school year, grades obtained previously by students will be addressed in the current school year, but will be subject to evaluation formula to apply in the present school year.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Project - Preparation and presentation of a proposal for a scientific project, preferably based on one or more hypotheses or questions, or necessarily integrating component-based / histological approach. The topic is free but it will be agreed with the ruling, which is open to the suggestions made by the students.

The Project shall be prepared and presented as a Web page (simple). The project / page is subject to presentation (up to 10 minutes, followed by a short discussion). Students who make their presentation in English (the writing project and oral presentation) will have a bonus of up to 25% on the note of the project (ie, up to a further 5 out of 20). Students will do a self-assessment of their level of participation in the Project (to be delivered by the group representative).

Work will be performed in groups, usually of 5 students (3 groups/class), being drawn at the time of presentation which group members will present the work. Students who may not be able to present may be requested to answer any questions. Students will do a self-assessment of their level of participation in the preparation of articles. A note to assign to each element of the group may not be the same for everyone, depending on the evaluation made by teachers and according to the results of self-evaluation (given in a scale from 0 to 100%, meaning that the student contributed nothing up to contributing at maximum when comparing with the other members of the group).

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Special examination will be available to all students who have legally entitled to it, on a date to be announced by the Regent, in accordance with the practice in force in ICBAS. Note however that any particular exae (T or TP) can be of a different nature from that applied in normal time or resource (eg, having a lower extension may be oral character, etc.).

Classification improvement

After approval to a discipline, the student can attempt to improve its first grade. Eventually, the student can attempt to improve the previous mark of just one of the exams, either the theory or the practical exam. The responsible will consider the best possible combination of grades. For improvement of the Project, the student must be integrated again in a new working group (of a new school year). After approval, there is no possibility to improve the "Participation".


If the student does not get final approval in a given school year, the grades achieved in the various partial evaluation components may transit times to and / or following school years, a situation that must be confirmed with the conductor at the beginning of each school year. However, the Regent reserves the right not to take previous effort where there is no possibility of recovery, given the changes taking place in the type of course evaluation. If there is partial transport notes, the student is subject to the evaluation formula CURRENT school year.

At a certain time of examinations, the student graduates may choose to perform one final exam (the theoretical or theoretical-practical), BUT IT IS REQUIRED TO RESPOND TO SURVEY OF REGISTRATION THAT THE REGENT MAY IMPLEMENT.

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