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Luís Gabriel Barboza

Fotografia de Luís Gabriel Antão Barboza
Name: Luís Gabriel Antão Barboza
Sigla: LGAB
Estado: Active


Categoria: Professor Auxiliar Convidado
Professional Group: Docente
Vínculo: (7,9%)
Department: Population Studies

Apresentação Pessoal

Luís Gabriel is an environmental scientist with a background in marine and freshwater ecology, ecotoxicology and microplastic pollution. He holds a primary degree in Environmental Management (Federal University of Technology – Paraná, Brazil), a master degree in Ecology and Limnology (State University of Maringá, Brazil) and received his PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Abel Salazar, University of Porto, Portugal (ICBAS-UP). He is currently a integrated researcher of the research team of Ecotoxicology, Stress Ecology and Environmental Health of Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR, Portugal) and research fellow at the Ecotoxicology and Ecology Lab (ICBAS-UP). Luís Gabriel is interested in anthropogenic impacts (including multiple stressors) on marine and freshwater organisms and ecosystems, as well as how these impacts may in turn affect us humans. 

Áreas de Interesse

  1. Natural sciences > Environmental science > Ecology
  2. Natural sciences > Environmental science > Ecology > Ecotoxicology
  3. Natural sciences > Environmental science > Water science > Water quality monitoring
  4. Natural sciences > Environmental science > Global change
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