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Medical Sciences

InformationCourse/CS accredited by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).
The Doctoral Programme in Medical Sciences aims to promote advanced training in the field of Medicine through research, particularly clinical research. This programme is designed to achieve levels of excellence by requiring the doctoral student to publish one or more scientific papers in a quality international journal and to be indexed before submitting their dissertation for public examination.
This programme only accepts applications from graduates or masters in Medicine or Dental Medicine. Given that these graduates have a high degree of professional differentiation associated with the exercise of clinical activities, which they will continue throughout their studies as doctoral students, it is not required to carry out curricular units (monographic courses, workshops, etc.) during the probationary year. The 60 credits of the probationary year will be obtained by proving clinical practice in the area of the doctoral degree theme and by participating in national and international seminars and congresses. This circumstance does not exempt the supervisor of the doctoral programme from requiring his/her student to attend curricular units that he/she deems essential for the execution of the research programme related to the thesis.
The programme integrates a 1st year with an annual curricular unit called "Probationary Year". This is an evolution of the one previously successfully practised at ICBAS, but now with a modernised design and functional content adapted to the new requirements of 3rd cycle training. This allows the doctoral student to carry out an initial training tailored and appropriate to their interests, as set out in an advanced training plan to be agreed with the programme direction.
The teaching and/or advanced training components defined in a personalised way for each student can be carried out in a single semester or over the 2 semesters of the 1st year, up to a maximum limit of 30 credits. The remaining 30 credits of the Probationary Year unit must include preparatory work (laboratory or other) to support the preparation of the Thesis.
From the 2nd year, the programme integrates the elaboration of an original thesis, specially elaborated for this purpose, appropriate to the broad knowledge field in Medical Sciences.

Among other requirements, it is as an absolute condition for the delivery and public defence of the thesis that the candidate present at least one scientific article as first author, published or accepted for publication in a Scientific Journal Indexed by “ISI Web of Knowledge”, and two other articles under the same conditions, but not necessarily being the first author of any of them; alternatively, it will be required the publication (or acceptance for publication) of only one paper, with the student as its first author, if it is published in a high impact journal, i.e. with an impact factor greater than 6. 0 according to the bibliographic database “ISI Web of Knowledge”.


See here U.Porto Data Protection Policy

International student
Students covered by the International Student Statute *(Approved by Decree-Law 62/2018 of 06 August) – document available only in Portuguese.

*International student, find all the answers you need to study at the University of Porto, at the following links: 
International Students - Frequently Asked Questions
Regulations for the Application of the International Student Statute of the University of Porto
Special Contests for Admission to Higher Education
General Regulations for Cycle of Studies

Deadlines and criteria (PT/EN)
2 phase: 17 vacancies

Tuition fees 2024/2025

Renewal of registration 2024/2025

Start of the academic year: 2 january 2025

Normal duration of the course: 4 years (8 semesters)


For any clarification regarding the provisional plan of the doctoral project please contact:

Professor Mariana Monteiro
Email: mpmonteiro@icbas.up.pt

Academic Affairs: Helena Martins
Telephone: 220 428 006

Secretariat to Councils, Study Cycles Directors and Specialized Commissions
Email: gabsec@icbas.up.pt

Opening Hours:
10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 15:30

General information

Official Code: 5754
Director: Mariana Monteiro
Assistant Director: Rui Henrique
Acronym: CM
Academic Degree: Doctor
Type of course/cycle of study: Doctoral Degree
Start: 2009/2010
Duration: 8 Semesters

Study Plan


  • Medical Sciences (240 ECTS credits)

Predominant Scientific Areas

Previous Courses/Cycles of Study

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