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Inglês II

Código: FLUP0682     Sigla: ING2EE

Ocorrência: 2004/2005 - A

Ativa? Sim
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Unidade Responsável: Departamento de Estudos Anglo-Americanos
Instituição Responsável: Faculdade de Letras

Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos

Sigla Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Anos Curriculares Créditos UCN Créditos ECTS Horas de Contacto Horas Totais
EAA 0 Plano Oficial - LEAA 2 3 10 -
Plano Especial 2 3 10 -
EE 35 Plano Oficial - LEE 2 3 10 -
EEFI 0 Plano Oficial - LEEFI 2 3 10 -
EEIA 0 Plano Oficial - LEEIA 2 3 10 -


In the second year of the English component of the European Studies course there is a gradual shift in emphasis from the British perspective explored in Year 1 to a broader European perspective in Year II. The starting point will be in Britain moving outwards to the rest of Europe. It is from this that the English language will be examined and students' linguistic ability challenged and developed.

- to increase students' awareness of European organisations and how they function, including the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights
- to compare different European perspectives via the study of current issues affecting Europe
- to help students improve their linguistic ability in English so they may confidently address issues using the English language
- to practise appropriate study skills in order to facilitate learning



The following cultural themes will be covered:
Politics, The Law, International Relations, and Education.
The above themes will be examined in a European context. Students will be expected to put forward a Portuguese perspective (or that of another country depending on where the student was brought up) which will bring personal experience to the issues concerned.
In addition to the stated themes, any current issues of interest which are related to the above may be dealt with as branching themes as they arise.

It is thought that students in Year 2 of the European Studies course still need a substantial grammar input, which will eventually be an aid to advanced communication. The first part of the grammar book listed in the bibliography below will be used. Common areas of difficulty involving grammar which has not been specified will be dealt with in class and problems of individual students, in tutorials.

This will largely be developed around the main themes of the course. Students will be expected to thoroughly brainstorm themes before they are discussed, as a starting point to combine the known with the new. It is advisable that students keep vocabulary records, which can be added to as the course develops.

Students will practise a variety of reading modes via authentic English texts. Reading will form a large part of the student self-study programme. It is important that students keep up to date with current developments taking place in Europe.

Types of writing to be analysed and practised are: summaries and discursive texts.

Listening skills will largely be developed via exposure to recorded materials Students will listen for various purposes: for gist, specific information, and pronunciation, including stress and intonation as conveyors of attitude.

Pronunciation: special attention will be given to word and sentence stress, and vowel and consonant sounds in an attempt to improve students' pronunciation. A range of activities will be set up in order to develop speaking skills including discussions, debates and simulations. Students will practise exponents for: expressing opinions, making suggestions, making comparisons and describing procedures.

Bibliografia Principal

Students are expected to have access to the following:
O'DRISCOLL, James. Britain, Oxford, OUP, 1997 (revised edition)

Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, Macmillan (2002).

Reference will also be made to the following grammar book:
HEWINGS, Martin, Advanced Grammar in Use, Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press (1999).

British Newspapers. On-line editions of: The Guardian, The Independent, The Times,
The European, particularly the Special Reports and Documentaries

Bibliografia Complementar


Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem

Active learning and participation will be encouraged at all times. Students will be expected to initiate their own research into specific issues of current debate related to the main themes of the course and liaise with the teacher for guidance. Cross-curricular links will be made in order to enrich this subject and others studied within the European Studies course.



Tipo de avaliação

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Obtenção de frequência


Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

Ver componentes de avaliaçao.

Provas e trabalhos especiais


Avaliação especial (TE, DA, ...)


Melhoria de classificação



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