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Estudos Irlandeses

Código: LLC033     Sigla: EIRL

Ocorrência: 2008/2009 - 2S

Ativa? Sim
Unidade Responsável: Departamento de Estudos Anglo-Americanos
Curso/CE Responsável: Licenciatura em Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas

Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos

Sigla Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Anos Curriculares Créditos UCN Créditos ECTS Horas de Contacto Horas Totais
EELRI 0 Plano Oficial - LEELRI 4 - 6 52 162
LA 1 Pl. Oficial - Líng.Aplicadas-Rel. Empresariais 2 - 6 52 162
Pl. Oficial - Línguas Aplicadas- Tradução 3 - 6 52 162
LLC 22 Plano Bidisciplinar de Inglês/Alemão 3 - 6 52 162
Plano Bidisciplinar de Inglês/Espanhol 3 - 6 52 162
Plano Bidisciplinar de Português/Inglês 3 - 6 52 162
Plano Monodisciplinar - Inglês 2 - 6 52 162
Plano de Inglês (Via Ensino) Alemão 3 - 6 52 162
Plano de Inglês (Via Ensino) Espanhol 3 - 6 52 162
Plano de Inglês (Via Ensino) Francês 3 - 6 52 162
Plano Bidisciplinar de Inglês/Francês 3 - 6 52 162
Perfil de Inglês (Via Ensino) para 2007/2008 3 - 6 52 -

Língua de trabalho



The aim of this course is to help students become familiar with some aspects of a literature and culture that, in spite of being widely and increasingly an object of attention and study, only exceptionally have been included in the Portuguese academic curricula. The scope of the course will correspond to the curricular areas of 'Culture' and 'Literature' as they have traditionally been taught at the Department of Anglo-American Studies.


Students will be introduced to the study of texts (not exclusively literary) from a variety of sources and areas of interest, so as to highlight the mutual influences of social, economic and political processes in the determination of Irish identity/ies. In this regard, special attention will be given to the representations of decisive, so often traumatic, historical processes. This study will also take into consideration the impact caused by the loss of the ancestral language, and the ensuing sense of a truncated identity. Students will be therefore confronted with the ambivalence which characterises an Irish cultural conformation whose language is English, a language often denounced as a bitter colonial legacy - but that otherwise proves decisive for the global circulation of Irish cultural artefacts.

Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem

The fact that the literary and cultural traditions studied in this programme are mostly unknown to students at the beginning of the course may require a stronger protagonism on the part of the teacher, in particular during the preliminary stages of the course. Nonetheless, all the activities will be textually grounded, and students will be expected and encouraged actively to discuss the texts to be studied - and to do so both orally and in the form of short essays. Student participation will be duly considered for assessment.

Palavras Chave

Humanidades > Literatura
Humanidades > História > História social
Ciências Sociais > Estudos culturais

Tipo de avaliação

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Componentes de Avaliação

Descrição Tipo Tempo (Horas) Peso (%) Data Conclusão
Aulas da disciplina (estimativa) Participação presencial 56,00
Exame Exame 2,00 2009-06-06
Total: - 0,00

Componentes de Ocupação

Descrição Tipo Tempo (Horas) Data Conclusão
Preparação de trabalhos escritos e orais Estudo autónomo 60 2009-06-06
Preparação para exame Estudo autónomo 44 2009-06-06
Total: 104,00

Obtenção de frequência

A minimum 75% attendance of all classes.

Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

The model of assessment chosen for this course relies on three different components:

a) a 2-hour written examination on topics from the programme; this test will be taken at the end of the semester;

b) a paper (ranging in length from a minimum of eight to a maximum of fifteen A4 pages, Times New Roman 12, double-spaced) on a well-defined topic. The topic should be chosen under the guidance and with the agreement of the course lecturer. It should be sharply focused, addressing its chosen theme without lengthy introductions on contexts, etc. This should be delivered before the end of May;

c) an oral presentation and discussion of a poem - to be selected with the agreement of the course lecturer. Such presentations should be timed for a maximum of 20 minutes and will be scheduled for the "aulas práticas". Marks given for these will integrate the student’s overall participation in class in the course of the semester.

Formula for assessment:

(a x 3) + (b x 2) + c

Provas e trabalhos especiais

not applicable

Avaliação especial (TE, DA, ...)

the Faculty's guidelines for assessment will be thoroughly applied

Melhoria de classificação

the Faculty's guidelines for assessment will be thoroughly applied


the course will be taught in English
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