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Literatura Inglesa - Literatura e Ensaio Fin-de-Siècle

Código: FLUP1017     Sigla: LILEFS

Ocorrência: 2006/2007 - 2S

Ativa? Sim
Unidade Responsável: Departamento de Estudos Anglo-Americanos
Instituição Responsável: Faculdade de Letras

Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos

Sigla Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Anos Curriculares Créditos UCN Créditos ECTS Horas de Contacto Horas Totais
EAA 15 Plano Oficial - LEAA 2 2,5 5 -
EE 2 Plano Oficial - LEE 4 2,5 5 -
EELRI 2 Plano Oficial - LEELRI 3 2,5 5 -
EFI 5 Plano Oficial - LEFI 2 2,5 5 -
EIA 12 Plano Oficial - LEIA 2 2,5 5 -
EPI 33 Plano Oficial - LEPI 2 2,5 5 -


Apresentar as principais linhas de força do pós-romantismo finissecular na literatura inglesa, tendo em conta os contextos histórico-periodológicos com relevância para a reflexão poética e crítica. Serão utilizados textos com tipologias e géneros diversos, abrangendo não só a escrita literária propriamente dita como também ensaios de reflexão crítica.


A desagregação da estética romântica em múltiplas variantes dos subjectivismo artístico-literário é um processo complexo e gradual que envolve a larga faixa periodológia entre os anos trinta do século XIX e, sensivelmente, os primeiros dez a quinze anos do século XX, ainda que, neste último caso, se trate de reminiscências tardias, ora autónomas ora miscegenadas, no interior de modelos poéticos já modernistas.

1. Referências contextuais ao Vitorianismo

2. Fin-de-siècle
2.1. Decadentismo e Esteticismo: repercussões simbolistas
2.1.1. Arthur Symons
2.1.2. Oscar Wilde
2.1.3. W. B. Yeats

Bibliografia Principal


ALTICK, Richard D. Victorian People and Ideas. NY: W.W. Norton & Com. 1973.
ARMSTRONG, Isobel. Victorian Scrutinies, Reviews of Poetry 1830-1870. London: The Athlone P U London, 1972.
-------- . Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Poetics and Politics. London: Routledge, 1993.
BERGONZY, Bernard. The Turn of a Century: Essays on a Victorian and Modern English Literature. London: Macmillan, 1974.
BRIGGS, Asa. Victorian Things. Chicago: U Chicago P, 1988.
BRISTOW, Joseph, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry. Cambridge: CUP, 2001.
CAMPBELL, Matthew. Rhythm and Will in Victorian Poetry. Cambridge: CUP, 1999.
CHADWICK, Owen. The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: CUP, 1975.
CUNNINGHAM, Valentine. The Victorians: an Anthology of Poetry and Poetics. Blackwell Anthologies Series. Oxford: Blackwells, 1998.
GILMOUR, Robin. The Victorian Period: The Intellectual and Cultural Context of English Literature1830-1890. London: Longmans, 1993.
HOUGH, Graham. The Last Romantics. London: Duckworth, 1983.
HOUGHTON, Walter E. The Victorian Frame of Mind 1830-70. New Haven, London: Yale UP, 1985.
LERNER, Laurence, ed. The Victorians. The Context of English Literature. London: Methuen, 1978.
MILLER, J. Hillis. Victorian Subjects. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990.
PRINS, Yopie. Victorian Sappho. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1998.
TRILLING, Lionel & BLOOM, Harold, eds. The Victorian Prose and Poetry. Oxford, NY: OUP, 1990.


ANDERSON, David, et alii, eds. Symbolism: A Bibliography of Symbolism as an International and Multidisciplinary Movement. NY: NY UP, 1975.
BECKSON, Karl E., ed. Aesthetes and Decadents of the 1890’s: an Anthology of British Poetry and Prose. Chicago, London: Academy of Chicago Publs, 1992.
BOWRA, Maurice. The Heritage of Symbolism. Towbridge: Macmillan, 1973.
BROWN, Julia Prewitt. Cosmopolitan Criticism: Oscar Wilde’s Philosophy of Art. Charlottesville, London: UP Virginia, 1999.
CALINESCU, Matei. Five Faces of Modernity: Modernism, Avant-Garde. Decadence, Kitsch, Postmodernism. Durham: Duke UP, 1987.
CHAI, Leon. Aestheticism: The Religion of Art in Postromantic Literature. NY: Columbia UP, 1990.
COMPAGNON, Antoine. Les Cinq Paradoxes de la Modernité. Paris: Seuil, 1990.
DELLAMORA, Richard. Masculine Desire: The Sexual Politics of Victorian Aestheticism. Chapel Hill, London: U North Carolina P, 1990.
DE MAN, P. Allegories of Reading: Figural Language in Rousseau, Nietzsche, Rilke and Proust. New Haven, London: Yale UP, 1979.
DONALD, Thomas, ed. The Post-Romantics. London, NY: Routledge,1990.
Dijkstra, Bram. Idols of Perversity – Fantasies of Feminine Evil in Fin-de-siècle Culture. Oxford: OUP, 1986.
FIGUEIRA, Dorothy M. The Exotic: A Decadent Quest. Albany: State U NY, 1994.
FRAZER, J. G. The Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. London: Macmillan, 1995 (1922).
FREUD, Sigmund. The Interpretation of Dreams. Harmondsworth, the Pelican Freud Library 4, 1976.
GAGNIER, Regenia A. Idylls of the Marketplace: Oscar Wilde and the Victorian Public. Stanford, California: Stanford UP, 1986.
HUNT, John Dixon. The Pre-Raphaelite Imagination 1848-1900. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1968.
JOHN, Elizabeth P., ed. After the Pre-Raphaelites: Art and Aestheticism in Victorian England. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1999.
KRISTEVA, Julia. La Révolution du Langage Poétique. Paris: Seuil, 1974.
LOESBERG, Jonathan. Aestheticism and Deconstruction. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1991.
LORRAIN, Jean, et alii, eds. The Decadent Reader: Fiction, Fantasy and Perversion from Fin-de-Siècle France. NY: Zone Books, 1998.
MALLARMÉ, Stéphane. Oeuvres Complètes. Paris: Gallimard, 1945.
MILNER, John. Symbolists and Decadents. London: Studio Vista, 1971.
PAGLIA, Camille. Sexual Personae. Art and Decadence from Neffertiti to Emily Dickinson. London, New Haven. Yale UP, 1990.
PIERROT, Jean. The Decadent Imagination 1880-1900. Chicago,

Bibliografia Complementar

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Av. final: nota do exame final.

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