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Preparation of molecularly imprinted hollow TiO2 microspheres for selective photocatalysis

Preparation of molecularly imprinted hollow TiO2 microspheres for selective photocatalysis
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Ferreira, VRA
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Manuel Azenha
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Carlos M Pereira
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Silva, F
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A Revista está pendente de validação pelos Serviços Administrativos.
Vol. 5
ISSN: 2666-8211
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-00T-906
Abstract (EN): Molecularly imprinted materials have been used in selective photocatalysis, essentially due to surface properties, possibility of reuse and low cost, that enhance their industrial and economic interest. The molecular imprinting technique allows the development of photocatalysts with selective recognition for a template molecule, used during synthesis, by increasing the surface area caused by selective recognition sites for the template used. In this work the preparation of hollow titania microspheres was merged with the process of generating selectivity for bilirubin in the shell structure by molecular imprinting. Three major synthesis parameters (solvent, temperature and TiO2 precursor) were studied by performing a set of experiments based in a full factorial design. The selected synthesis conditions were mainly dictated by the maximization of the surface area normalized by the thickness of the TiO2 shell and its controllability. The microspheres kept the integrity of the spherical shape while dispersed in the synthesis solvent. The observed imprinting features for the hollow microspheres prepared in the final synthesis conditions included imprinting factors of 3.1 for the binding strength and 1.3 for the capacity, and bilirubin/protoporphirin selectivity factors of 4.0 in terms of binding strength and 9.6 in terms of binding capacity. These features are very promising, especially the high selectivity factors, given the high resemblance between bilirubin and protoporphirin, and also due to the threat that the somewhat aggressive treatment for the silica core removal, might eventually pose to the templated microstructure of the shell. In fact, the photocatalytic selectivity of the imprinted microspheres was confirmed, with the observation of up to two-fold faster rates of bilirubin consumption vs. protoporphyrin consumption. © 2020
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
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