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Modelling gas turbine combustor flow fields in isothermal flow experiments

Modelling gas turbine combustor flow fields in isothermal flow experiments
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Bicen, AF
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McGuirk, JJ
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José Laginha Palma
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-008-P1N
Abstract (EN): Future designs of gas turbine combustors will demand an increasingly detailed understanding of their internal flow structure. Acquisition of complete velocity field information in realistic combustor geometries under burning conditions is, however, extremely difficult, if not impossible, and recourse will always be made to the study of isothermal, constant density systems. A question is raised as to the most suitable way in which an isothermal experiment may be tailored to make it as closely as possible a simulation of the equivalent burning flow. A can-type combustor geometry is studied; this includes a swirler-driven primary zone and two rows radially inflowing jets. Two flow splits are considered to simulate the burning flow in a geometrically similar combustor with transply walls for cooling. Laser Doppler anemometry measurements and flow visualizations obtained in a plexiglass water model show that the first flow split results in a typical and totally unsuitable flow patterns for modelling the burning flow. The second flow split produces much improved flow patterns in both primary and dilution zones.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
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