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Língua A I - Inglês I

Código: FLUP0876     Sigla: LA1-I1

Ocorrência: 2006/2007 - A

Ativa? Sim
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Unidade Responsável: Departamento de Estudos Anglo-Americanos
Instituição Responsável: Faculdade de Letras

Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos

Sigla Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Anos Curriculares Créditos UCN Créditos ECTS Horas de Contacto Horas Totais
EE 0 Plano Oficial - LEE 1 3 10 -
EELRI 20 Plano Oficial - LEELRI 1 3 10 -


This is the first part of a progressive four-year syllabus. The aims in the first year are:
(1) To develop the receptive and productive primary communicative skills of participants (listening, speaking, reading and writing).
(2) To review and develop an accurate knowledge and understanding of English grammar in context.
(3) To extend students’ lexical resource and develop their ability to use this appropriately and with sufficient precision to communicate effectively.
(4) To introduce students to the International Phonetic Alphabet and to enable them to recognise and discriminate between different vowel and consonant sounds.
(5) To introduce topics of current political social, economic and cultural relevance in European and other countries. The approach will be a combination of British Studies and European Studies, with particular emphasis on the recently extended European Union.
(6) To highlight the importance of English for International Communication (EIC).
(7) To provide reflective, self awareness training in study skills in order to assist students in making the transition to the academic requirements of a university course.


This will be based on textbooks (see below) which will provide a solid foundation for class work and home study and will be of especial benefit to students working on their own. The principal rhetorical functions will be description and argument. A variety of genres (prose, verse, video, debate etc.) will be available, but attention will be concentrated on short prose texts for reading and writing, and both formal and informal style in classroom discussions.

(1) Themes: These will be based on the first seven chapters of Britain (see bibliography below) and will focus on: Country and People, History, Geography, Identity, Attitudes, Political life and The Monarchy.

(2) Grammar: A general overview of the grammar and structures of the English language using How English Works, (see bibliography below). The work in this area of the course will be principally of a remedial nature and will use a grammar Texto , providing practice exercises linked to the textbook. Common areas of difficulty will be dealt with in class and problems of individual students will be reviewed in tutorials.

(3) Vocabulary: This will focus on the topics covered in the first seven chapters of the textbook Britain. and be linked to current topical issues concerning the European Union such as the euro, the role of the EU in the global economy and national identities in the EU. These will be used to provide classroom discussion and integrated skills work specifically relevant to students of European Studies.

(4) Pronunciation and Spelling: basic vowel and consonant sounds recognition and discrimination.

(5) Listening: Skills will largely be developed via exposure to recorded television/radio news programmes, documentaries debates and dictations. Students will listen for various purposes for gist, specific information and pronunciation.
(6) Reading: Students will practise extensive and intensive reading using a wide range of authentic texts, including a novel or work of non- fiction, as well as the basic course text book Britain.

(7) Speaking: Students will be engaged in a range of activities which will enhance speaking skills. These will include roleplays, simulations , discussions and debates. Students will analyse and practise functional exponents for use in specific contexts for these activities.

(8) Writing: Types of writing to be analysed and practised will be: 1st Semester – descriptive. 2nd Semester – discursive / comparative.

(9) Study Skills: Learner training in study skills in order to help students to understand and develop appropriate strategies for learning i.e. using the library and the internet for research purposes.

Bibliografia Principal

All students must buy the following books:

Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, Oxford: Macmillan, 2002. (An English-English dictionary from any of the other principal publishing groups - Oxford, Cambridge, Longman, Collins - is also acceptable).
O’ Driscoll, J. (1997) Britain, Oxford: OUP.
Swan, M. and Walter, C. (1997) How English Works, Oxford: OUP.
A set of Grammar Practice worksheets available from Oficína Gráfica.
A contemporary novel (to be decided).

N.B. The course programme above applies to the following courses:

Lingua Estrangeira I - Inglês (1st semester)
Lingua Estrangeira II- Inglês (2nd semester)
Língua Estrangeira A I – Inglês I
Lingua Estrangeira B I – Inglês I
Lingua A I – Inglês I
Lingua B I – Inglês I

Bibliografia Complementar

Greenbaum, S. and Quirk, R. (1990) A Student's Grammar of the English Language; Harlow: Longman.

Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem

A communicative approach with the emphasis on accuracy and fluency in written and spoken English.


Not applicable

Tipo de avaliação

Obtenção de frequência

75% attendance.

Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

50% oral and 50% written.

Provas e trabalhos especiais

Oral presentation.

Avaliação especial (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable.

Melhoria de classificação

July 2007.


Language of instruction: English.
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