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Bases de Análise Gramatical_Inglês

Código: LLC012     Sigla: BAGR_I

Ocorrência: 2009/2010 - 1S

Ativa? Sim
Unidade Responsável: Departamento de Estudos Anglo-Americanos
Curso/CE Responsável: Licenciatura em Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas

Ciclos de Estudo/Cursos

Sigla Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Anos Curriculares Créditos UCN Créditos ECTS Horas de Contacto Horas Totais
LLC 82 Plano Bidisciplinar de Inglês/Alemão 1 - 6 52 162
Plano Bidisciplinar de Inglês/Espanhol 1 - 6 52 162
Plano Bidisciplinar de Alemão/Espanhol 1 - 6 52 162
Plano Bidisciplinar de Alemão/Francês 1 - 6 52 162
Plano Bidisciplinar de Português/Inglês 1 - 6 52 162
Plano Monodisciplinar - Alemão 1 - 6 52 162
Plano Monodisciplinar - Inglês 1 - 6 52 162
Plano de Inglês (Via Ensino) Alemão 1 - 6 52 162
Plano de Inglês (Via Ensino) Espanhol 1 - 6 52 162
Plano de Inglês (Via Ensino) Francês 1 - 6 52 162
Plano Bidisciplinar de Inglês/Francês 1 - 6 52 162

Língua de trabalho



By the end of this 14 week course, students should:
( 1) Have a better understanding of grammatical terminology at a basic level;
(2) Be able to appreciate the importance of good spelling & punctuation;
(3) Have an understanding of word classes & different lexical items, and be able to distinguish between them: i.e. Closed classes - pronoun, determiner, auxiliary/primary/modal verb, preposition, conjunction; Open classes - noun, adjective, lexical verb, adverb;
(4) Have an understanding of the grammatical distinction between morpheme, word, phrase, clause and sentence;
(5) Be able to understand the distinction between simple, compound and complex sentences;
(6) Know the five basic clause/sentence elements - S, VP,O,C and A, and be able to practise these effectively in exercises related to the Simple Sentence;
(7) Be able to understand the distinction between Transitive, Intransitive and Copular verbs and use them appropriately;
(8) Recognise the form and functions of Noun Phrases, and understand the grammar of relative clauses.
(9) Understand the distinction between FINTENESS/NON-FINITENESS


This will be divided into separate units per week, and will include:
(1) Introduction: Overview of contents of course. Why study grammar? Basic terminology.
(2) Bad and good grammar and its impact on understanding/people's impressions/employment. Closed & open word classes.
(3) A more detailed look at nouns, verbs, pronouns, prepositions, etc.
(4) Morpheme, word, phrase, clause & sentence (1);
(5) Morpheme, word, phrase, clause & sentence (2);
(6) Clause & sentence elements & functions (1);
(7) Clause & sentence elements & functions (2), + Finiteness v. non-finiteness; verb complementation;
(8) Types of sentence; declarative, interrogative, negative, imperative etc.
(9) Conjunctions; co-ordination; cohesion; simple, compound & complex sentence (1); Spelling & punctuation (1);
(10) Spelling & punctuation (2); Simple, compound & complex sentence (2); Summary, revision & clarification;
(11) Final revision and test.

Bibliografia Obrigatória

Cholij M. & Geetha N.; English Basics (A companion to grammar & writing), (Cambridge) C.U.P., 2004. ISBN: 0-521-52060-6
Leech G, Cruikshank B, Ivanic R; An A-Z of English Grammar & Usage, Longman/Pearson Education Ltd, 2001. ISBN: 0-582-40574-2
Swan M; Practical English Usage (3rd edition), [Oxford) O.U.P., 2005. ISBN: 0-19-442098-1
Yule G; Oxford Practice Grammar (Advanced), Oxford University Press, 2006. ISBN: 978 0-19 432754-1

Bibliografia Complementar

Crystal D; Rediscover Grammar (3rd edition), [Harlow]Longman/Pearson Education , 2004. ISBN: 0-582-84862-8

Observações Bibliográficas

All the books in these lists are either essential or extremely useful. A student guide with explanations & exercises will be provided by the teacher, but the books are an essential accompaniment for anyone who is taking the course seriously. AKD

Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem

(1) Class explanations & instructions;
(2) Written class & homework exercises, some involving an inductive approach to learning;
(3) [Depending on class size] oral quizzes, drills & exercises, question/answer sessions, etc. (The degree of formality/informality of the teaching will depend on class size and attitude of students).
(4) Possibly a student support 'texto', explaining the above points and incorporating appropriate exercises.
(5) Revision and summary of the content, at the end of the course.


Not applicable

Tipo de avaliação

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Componentes de Avaliação

Descrição Tipo Tempo (Horas) Peso (%) Data Conclusão
Participação presencial (estimativa) Participação presencial 56,00
Exame Escrito Exame 6,00 2010-02-19
Trabalhos de casa Trabalho escrito 40,00 2009-12-18
Orientação tutorial Teste 20,00 2009-12-18
Total: - 0,00

Componentes de Ocupação

Descrição Tipo Tempo (Horas) Data Conclusão
Estudo individual e em grupo Estudo autónomo 40 2009-12-18
Total: 40,00

Obtenção de frequência

Students are expected to attend 75% of the lessons and a register of attendance will be kept.

Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

40% - test done during the semester; 60% - final exam done after the semester ends.

Provas e trabalhos especiais


Avaliação especial (TE, DA, ...)


Melhoria de classificação

According to the criteria in force at FLUP -
February 2009


Language of instruction: English
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