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Book of Abstracts DCE23: Symposium on Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources

Book of Abstracts DCE23: Symposium on Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources
Livro de Atas de Conferência Internacional
Maria De Lurdes Dinis
Bárbara Fonseca
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Conferência Internacional
DCE 2023 – Doctoral Congress in Engineering 2023
FEUP, PORTO, 15-16 June 2023
Classificação Científica
CORDIS: Ciências Tecnológicas > Engenharia
FOS: Ciências da engenharia e tecnologias
Outras Informações
Assunto: Book of Abstracts DCE 2023
Resumo (PT): This volume contains the peer reviewed and accepted abstracts, presented at the Symposium in Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources, of the 5th Doctoral Congress in Engineering – DCE23, held at FEUP-U.Porto, Porto, Portugal, between June 15th and 16th, 2023. The Symposium's Organizing Committee on Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources welcome you to the 5th Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE23), FEUP, Porto, Portugal. We are pleased to host the 3rd Symposium on Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, organized in collaboration with the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and with the support of the Research Centre CERENA. The DCE is an excellent opportunity for doctoral and master students to share and discuss ongoing research with peers, professors, and professionals from the industry and develop networking opportunities. This year the organization of the Symposium had the collaboration of PhD and Master Students from the following programmes: • Doctoral Programme in Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources (PDEMGR/FEUP) • Doctoral Programme in Earth-Resources (DGEO/IST) • Doctoral Programme in Petroleum Engineering (DEPet/IST) • Master in Mining Engineering and Geo-Environment (M.EMG/FEUP) • Master in Mining and Geological Engineering (MEGM/IST) • Master in Energetic Resources (MERE/IST) The Symposium on Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources focus on a multidisciplinary, advanced and comprehensive approach to scientific or technological issues involved in the life cycle of a mineral resource. The research is preferentially concerned with the fundamental understanding of the basic processes that support the sciences and technologies involved in applying engineering principles to the Earth Sciences. Topics for submission for the Symposium on Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources were focused on: Exploration and Feasibility; Mining Extraction; Mineral Processing; Environmental Mining Impact; Mining Life Assessment (including Resources Assessment, Mining Planning, Mine Closure, Recycling, Life Cycle Assessment, Occupational Assessment, etc.); Energy Resources Engineering; Critical Raw-Materials to leverage the energy and digital transition; and Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials. We want to express our sincere thanks to the invited speakers: Nuno Faria (dst group), Júlio Vieira (EPIROC), Júlio Santos (Stoneset), John Pereira (Savannah Resources) and Margarida Mateus (Secil), who made themselves available to be speaking at DCE23. Finally, we want to express our gratitude and appreciation for the reviewers who helped us maintain the high quality of manuscripts in this Symposium Book of Abstracts. We would also like to thank all members of the scientific committee and the organizing team, particularly Rui Sousa and Bárbara Fonseca, for their hard work and commitment to all organizational aspects. Let us wish that all the participants of the 3rd Symposium on Mining Engineering and Geo- Resources will have a wonderful and fruitful time. We hope that you find it helpful, exciting, and inspiring. Symposium Chair Maria de Lurdes Dinis, CERENA-Polo FEUP, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto On behalf of the Co-Chair, Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee 15 - 16 June 2023 FEUP, Porto, Portugal
Abstract (EN): This volume contains the peer reviewed and accepted abstracts, presented at the Symposium in Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources, of the 5th Doctoral Congress in Engineering – DCE23, held at FEUP-U.Porto, Porto, Portugal, between June 15th and 16th, 2023. The Symposium's Organizing Committee on Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources welcome you to the 5th Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE23), FEUP, Porto, Portugal. We are pleased to host the 3rd Symposium on Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, organized in collaboration with the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and with the support of the Research Centre CERENA. The DCE is an excellent opportunity for doctoral and master students to share and discuss ongoing research with peers, professors, and professionals from the industry and develop networking opportunities. This year the organization of the Symposium had the collaboration of PhD and Master Students from the following programmes: • Doctoral Programme in Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources (PDEMGR/FEUP) • Doctoral Programme in Earth-Resources (DGEO/IST) • Doctoral Programme in Petroleum Engineering (DEPet/IST) • Master in Mining Engineering and Geo-Environment (M.EMG/FEUP) • Master in Mining and Geological Engineering (MEGM/IST) • Master in Energetic Resources (MERE/IST) The Symposium on Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources focus on a multidisciplinary, advanced and comprehensive approach to scientific or technological issues involved in the life cycle of a mineral resource. The research is preferentially concerned with the fundamental understanding of the basic processes that support the sciences and technologies involved in applying engineering principles to the Earth Sciences. Topics for submission for the Symposium on Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources were focused on: Exploration and Feasibility; Mining Extraction; Mineral Processing; Environmental Mining Impact; Mining Life Assessment (including Resources Assessment, Mining Planning, Mine Closure, Recycling, Life Cycle Assessment, Occupational Assessment, etc.); Energy Resources Engineering; Critical Raw-Materials to leverage the energy and digital transition; and Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials. We want to express our sincere thanks to the invited speakers: Nuno Faria (dst group), Júlio Vieira (EPIROC), Júlio Santos (Stoneset), John Pereira (Savannah Resources) and Margarida Mateus (Secil), who made themselves available to be speaking at DCE23. Finally, we want to express our gratitude and appreciation for the reviewers who helped us maintain the high quality of manuscripts in this Symposium Book of Abstracts. We would also like to thank all members of the scientific committee and the organizing team, particularly Rui Sousa and Bárbara Fonseca, for their hard work and commitment to all organizational aspects. Let us wish that all the participants of the 3rd Symposium on Mining Engineering and Geo- Resources will have a wonderful and fruitful time. We hope that you find it helpful, exciting, and inspiring. Symposium Chair Maria de Lurdes Dinis, CERENA-Polo FEUP, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto On behalf of the Co-Chair, Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee 15 - 16 June 2023 FEUP, Porto, Portugal
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Contacto: Maria de Lurdes Dinis (
Nº de páginas: 77
ISBN: ISBN. 978-972-752-305-4
Coleção: FEUP-edições
Edição: 1 ª
Vol.: I
Tipo de Licença: Clique para ver a licença CC BY
Nome do Ficheiro Descrição Tamanho
BoA_Publicado Book of Abstracts - DCE23 - Symposium in Mining Engineering and Geo-Resources 3658.60 KB
Publicações Contidas
Resumo de Comunicação em Conferência Internacional
Maria De Lurdes Dinis (Autor) (FEUP); Ana Silva (Autor) (Outra)
Resumo de Comunicação em Conferência Internacional
Zaid Al-Shomali (Autor) (Outra); Maria De Lurdes Dinis (Autor) (FEUP); Alcides Pereira (Autor) (Outra); Ana Clara Marques (Autor) (Outra)
Resumo de Comunicação em Conferência Internacional
Pietro Merandino (Autor) (Outra); Rui Sousa (Autor) (FEUP); Maria De Lurdes Dinis (Autor) (FEUP); António Fiúza (Autor) (FEUP); M.C.S. Ribeiro (Autor) (FEUP)
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