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Contemporary Pedagogical Perspectives

Code: FLUP0323     Acronym: PPEDCO

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Teaching Education - Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education
OFICIAL Educational Training

Instance: 2004/2005 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Autonomous Section of Education
Institution Responsible: Faculty of Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
EAA 0 Official Study Plan - LEAA 2 2,5 5 -
EFA 0 Official Study Plan - LEFA 3 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEFA 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 4º ao 5º ano 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 3 2,5 5 -
EFI 0 Official Study Plan - LEFI 3 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEFI 3 2,5 5 -
EIA 3 Official Study Plan - LEIA 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 3 2,5 5 -
EPA 3 Official Study Plan - LEPA 2 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEPA 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 4º ao 5º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 2 2,5 5 -
EPE 5 Official Study Plan - LEPE 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -
EPF 9 Official Study Plan - LEPF 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 2 2,5 5 -
EPI 4 Official Study Plan - LEPI 2 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEPI 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 4º ao 5º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 2 2,5 5 -
EPO 2 Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEPO 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 2 2,5 5 -
FIL 4 Official Study Plan - LFIL 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial 2003 - 1º ao 3º ano 3 2,5 5 -
GEO 4 Official Study Plan - LGEO 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial 2003 - 1º ao 3º ano 3 2,5 5 -
HIS 18 Official Study Plan - LHIS 1 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 4º ao 5º ano 1 2,5 5 -


This subject’s programme will focus on identifying and characterizing some of the major contemporary pedagogic perspectives associated with the issue of the Other from a relational point of view. In this context, students will analyze, namely, the environmental, intercultural and the pedagogy of the project as pedagogies of otherness. Consequently, it will be our purpose to reflect on the reconfiguration of the status and role of pedagogy in our days.


1. Models and purposes in education
1.1. The notion of pedagogy
1.1.1. Clarification of the key concepts: instruct, educate, train
1.2. The issue of the existence of the Other.
1.2.1. Irreducibility, distance and relationship.

2. Configurations of the Other present in different pedagogic conceptions.
2.1. The Other in traditional pedagogy
2.2. The Other in the New School pedagogies
2.3. The Other in the pedagogies of otherness

3. Reciprocal constitution of subjects: Man as a pragmatically solidary being with the Other.
3.1. Intercultural pedagogy
3.1.1. Educational implications of cultural pluralism.
3.1.2. An ethics of difference.

3.2. Environmental pedagogy
3.2.1. Critical revision of Man/Nature relationships.
3.2.2. From responsible preservation to solidary preservation.

3.3. The pedagogy of the project.
3.3.1. Contemporary meaning of the project.
3.3.2. The project’s anthropological dimension and educational value.
3.3.3. Elements for a methodology of the project.

Main Bibliography

ABDALLAH-PRETCEILE, Martine, Vers eu Pédagogie Interculturelle, Paris, Ed. Anthopos, 1996.
BOUTINET, JEAN-PIERRE, Antropologia do Projecto, trad., Lisboa, Ed. Instituto Piaget, 1996.
BROAUTE, Jean, Les courrents de la pédagogie contemporaine, Cronique Social, Lyon, 1998.
BUBER, M., La Vie en Dialogue. Paris, Aubier, 1959.
CAMILLERI, C., Anthropologie Culturelle et Éducation. Paris, UNESCO, 1985.
CARIDE, J.A. et al. 1991, Educación Ambiental: Realidades y perspectivas. Ed. McGraw Hill / Interamericana de España. Madrid .
CARVALHO, A , A Educação como Projecto Antropológico, Porto, Afrontamento, 1993.
CARVALHO, A, Utopia e Educação, Porto, Porto Editora, 1994.
CARVALHO, A. (org.), Filosofia da Educação: temas e problemas, Porto, Afrontamento, 2001.
CLANET, Claude, L’interculturel – introduction aux approches interculturelles en Educatio et en sciences humaines, Toulouse, Presses Universitaire du Miral, 1993.
COLOM, A.J. e Sureda, J. (1989), Pedagogia Ambiental. Madrid: Ceac.
COUTO, Maria João, Da Comunicação entre as diferenças. Reflexões em torno da educação social e do seu sentido contemporâneo. Porto, ed. fotocopiada, Gráfica da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 1996.

Complementary Bibliography

A bibliografia complementar é distribuida aos alunos no decurso do semestre.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The study of the different points of the programme is based on the interpretation of texts by pedagogues. The texts selected will be read and commented in class. Students are expected to participate, namely through the presentation of written assignments.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Eligibility for exams

Not applicable.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final examination or final examination + written assignments.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Students may propose assignments

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable.

Classification improvement

Students may do a second exam at the end of the academic year to improve their grade.


Language of instruction: Portuguese.
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