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Medieval Art II

Code: FLUP0150     Acronym: ARME2

Instance: 2004/2005 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Heritage Studies
Institution Responsible: Faculty of Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
FIL 1 Official Study Plan - LFIL 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial 2003 - 1º ao 3º ano 3 2,5 5 -
HA 65 Official Study Plan - LHA 2 2,5 5 -


The subject aims to study of the different periods of medieval Portuguese art, informing students about the research and analyses tools of artistic objects, framework and motivation in commissioning works of art, their production and dissemination.


1. Thematic and diachronic options
1.1 Methodologies

2. Pre-Romanesque art
2.1 Swabian and Visigothic ornamental art
2.2 Muslim art
2.2.1 Ceramics
2.2.2 Ivory
2.2.3 Textile art
2.3 Mudéjar art
2.3.1 Illumination and decorative arts

3. Portuguese Romanesque art
3.1 Architectural sculpture
3.2. Religious sculpture
3.3. Sepulchral sculpture
3.4. Painting and illuminations
3.5. Goldsmithery and toreutics

4. Portuguese Gothic art
4.1. Architectural sculpture
4.2. Religious sculpture
4.3. Sepulchral sculpture
4.4. Mural paintings and retable painting
4.5. Illuminations
4.6. Goldsmithery and toreutics

Main Bibliography

ALMEIDA, Carlos Alberto Ferreira de - "Arte da Alta Idade Média", História de Arte em Portugal, v. II.. Lisboa: Publicações Alfa, 1988.
ALMEIDA, Carlos Alberto Ferreira de - "O Românico", História de Arte em Portugal, v. III.. Lisboa: Publicações Alfa, 1988.
ALMEIDA, Carlos Alberto Ferreira de - História da Arte em Portugal. O românico. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2001.
ALMEIDA, Carlos Alberto Ferreira de, BARROCA, Mário Jorge- História da Arte em Portugal. O Gótico. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2002.
DIAS, Pedro - "O Gótico", História de Arte em Portugal, v. IV. Lisboa: Publicações Alfa, 1987.
GUSMÃO, Adriano de - Nuno Gonçalves. Lisboa: 1957.
VÁRIOS - Historia Universal del Arte, v. 3,4 e 5. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1996.
VÁRIOS - Nos Confins da Idade Média. Arte Portuguesa, séculos XII-XV. Lisboa: I.P.M., 1992.
VÁRIOS - No tempo das Feitorias. A Arte Portuguesa na Época dos Descobrimentos, 2 v.. Lisboa: I.P.M., 1992.
VÁRIOS - Nuno Gonçalves. Novos documentos. Estudo da pintura portuguesa do século XV. Lisboa: I.P.M., 1994.
VÁRIOS – Do Tardo-gótico ao Maneirismo. Galiza e Portugal. s./l.: Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza/Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1995.
VÁRIOS - Portugal Islâmico. Os últimos sinais do Mediterrâneo. Lisboa: Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, 1998.
VÁRIOS - O Sentido das Imagens. Escultura e Arte em Portugal (1300-1500). Lisboa: I.P.M., 2000.

Complementary Bibliography

Specific bibliography on each topic will be indicated in the course of the semester.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The teaching methods applied are generally those of didactics in History. However, History of Art requires didactical methods that are specific to this scientific field.
Each class follows a model, combining lectures and interactive methods between teacher, students and portrayal of the artistic object (in PowerPoint, slides and transparencies). Visualizing reproductions of artistic objects not only illustrates the subject’s contents, but also encourages the development of students’ visual culture.
Students are encouraged to observe the image in general and in detail, and they are provided with the most appropriate methods in analyzing a work of art.
Direct observation of the object, implying prior theoretical preparation, will be provided in fieldtrips which, given budgetary restrictions, may vary from year to year.


No specific software required.

Evaluation Type

Eligibility for exams

Students registered in Continuous evaluation must attend at least 75% of classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

1. Continuous evaluation: each component counts for a maximum of 5 marks. The final mark is the sum of the four components.
2. Mark obtained in the final exam.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.

Classification improvement

Final exam in the re-sit exam period.


Language of instruction: Portuguese.
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