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Media Technologies

Code: FLUP0425     Acronym: TECMED

Instance: 2004/2005 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences
Course/CS Responsible: Journalism and Communication Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
JCC 78 Official Study Plan - LJCC 1 5 9 -
Official Study Plan - LJCC 1 5 9 -


Computer Science

To master the concepts related to computer architecture, operating systems and computer networks.
To master word processing tools, table and spreadsheet tools and tools for the elaboration of presentations.
To introduce students to tools for creating web pages and for image processing.


To develop visual perception and to understand photography as a visual language;
To learn photography skills.


To provide the different basic media of video language and to become acquainted with studios and the nature of major production facilities.
To develop decision-making and opinion skills in a (small-scale) individual or group work.
To master text processing in the scope of video language and for different themes.


Computer Science

Computer Architecture
Computer Components
Operating Systems
Computer Networks
Concept of Computer Network
OSI Model, bridge, routers, gateways
Word Processing (Microsoft Word 2000)
Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel 2000)
Image Processing (Adobe Photoshop)
Creating Web Pages (Macromedia Dreamweaver)


Definition of the concept
Principles of Photography
Notions on the History of Photography
Photography as Art
Image and Perception
Reflecting upon the image
Photographic Narrative
Some photographic genres
How the photographic camera works
Image Composition
Additional equipment and techniques
Lab techniques
Color Photographs
Photography in the Digital Era

Video Technology

Video Support: technical features and potentialities
Camera: type of equipment, technical potentialities and motion record
Reading, recording and mounting equipment
Studios: types of studios, their working modes and components
Production systems: production phases, means, protagonists, reproduction and distribution.
Image, duration and intentionality
Scene and sequence: study of shot to shot relations
Audiovisual composition of the sequence
Language and expression: video language testing and comprehension
Script and text: standards for the scriptwriting process
Recording and dubbing technique.

Main Bibliography

Computer Science

MAGALHÃES, Alberto; Hardware para PCs e Redes Curso Completo, FCA
TANENBAUM, Andrew; Computer Networks; Prentice Hall
COMER, Douglas E.; The Internet Book: Everthing you need to know about Computer Networking and How the Internet Works; Prentice Hall;
SOUSA, Maria José; Sergio Sousa; Microsoft Office 2000 p/ todos; FCA
WATERS, John K.; The everything Microsoft Word 2000 Book; Adams Media Corporation
CATAPULT, Inc; Microsoft Excel 2000 Passo a Passo ; Mcgraw-Hill
DUFFY, Tim; Basics of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, Outlook 2000 and FrontPage 2000; Prentice Hall
ACTIVE EDUCATION; Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 Passo a Passo; Mcgraw-Hill
FLYNN, Nancy; Flynn, Tom; Writing effective e-mail: improving your electronic communication; Crisp Pubns
FERREIRA, Fernando ; Fundamental do PhotoShop 5; FCA
ADOBE CREATIVE TEAM; Adobe Photoshop 5.5 Classroom in a book; Adobe PR
CAPITÃO, Vasco ; Dreamweaver ultradev 4s; FCA


Essential Readings:

. BARTHES, Roland; A Câmara Clara, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1981
. LANGFORD, Michael; Tratado de fotografia, Lisboa, Dinalivro
. LANGFORD, Michael; A fotografia passo a passo, Lisboa, Publiclub, 1980
. ADAMS, Ansel; The Camera, EUA, Litle, Brown
. ADAMS, Ansel; The Negative, EUA, Litle, Brown
. ADAMS, Ansel; The Print, EUA, Litle, Brown
. SONTAG, Susan; Ensaios sobre a fotografia, Lisboa, Publicações D.


ALMEIDA, M. F.; Cinema e Televisão- Lisboa: T. V. Guia, s. d.
COMPARATO, D.; Da Criação ao Guião – Lisboa: Ed. Pergaminho, Lda, 1994.
FRANCASTEL, P.; Imagem, Visão, Imaginação – Lisboa: Edições 70, 1987
MILLERSON, G.; Técnicas de Realización y Producción en Television – Madrid: IORTV, 1998
MILLERSON, G.; The Technique of Lighting for Television and Motion Pictures–London: Focal Press, 1972
STROEBEL, L.; ZAKIA, R.; The Focal Encyclopedia of Photography – Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1995

Complementary Bibliography

. BAZIN, André; O que é o Cinema; Ed. 70, col. Arte & Comunicação, Lisboa, 1972
. BERGER, John; Modos de Ver, Ed. 70, col. Arte & Comunicação, Lisboa, 1987
. DALY, Tim; Fotografia Digital, um guia prático, Ed.Centralivros, Lisboa, 2000
. EVENING, Martin, Adobe Photoshop for Photographers, Oxford; Focal Press, 1999
. FREUND, Giséle; La fotografia como documento social, Ed. GG, Barcelona, 1983
. FRIZOT, Michel (dir.) Nouvelle Histoire de la Photographie; Ed. Adam Biro, Paris, 1994
. LOVELL, Ronald, ZWAHLEN, Fred e FOLTS, James; Fotografia, Manual Completo
Celeste ediciones, 1998
. LEVINSON, Paul, A Arma Suave, História Natural e Futuro da Revolução da Informação; Ed. Bizâncio, Lisboa, 1998.
. PERNIOLA, Mario; Do Sentir; Lisboa, Ed. Presença, 1983

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical exposition of the subject matters to be addressed, that is to say, for each technology approached in this subject. Solid practical component comprising the development of technology related work and respective applications.


To be indicated by the lecturers.

Evaluation Type

Eligibility for exams

Students are required to attend at least 75% of classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

Computer Science: 50%
Final exam: 20%
Practical work: 30%
Minimum mark of 10 from a scale of 20.

Photography: 25%
Continuous evaluation (practical work developed throughout the semester): 10%
Final project: 15%

Video. 25%
Practical work:: 17,5%
Reports/ Continuous evaluation: 7,5%

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.

Classification improvement

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.


Language of instruction: Portuguese.
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