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Classical Archaeology II

Code: FLUP0122     Acronym: AC2

Instance: 2004/2005 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Heritage Studies
Institution Responsible: Faculty of Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
ARQ 45 Official Study Plan - LARQ 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 2 2,5 5 -


To acquaint students with Roman construction techniques.
To explain Roman urbanism.
To distinguish between urban and rural communities.
To define villa, aedificia, fassum and vicus.
To understand the meaning of forum.
To evaluate the importance of the temple and of the basilica in Roman culture.
To understand the importance of the Roman Nation in the development of the Empire.
To evaluate the impact of mining in Roman economy.
To distinguish a Roman bridge from other bridges.
To understand the Roman methods related to bridge construction.


1. Roman Roads
1.1 Literary texts
1.2 Itineraries
1.3 Medieval and modern sources
1.4 Toponymic sources
1.5 Characteristics of Roman roads
1.6 Roads hierarchy
1.7 Works of art: bridges
1.8 Roman roads in the Iberian Peninsula
1.9 Roman roads in Portugal

2. Roman ceramics: the lamps
2.1 History of research
2.2 Technological characteristics
2.3 Typologies
2.4 Iconography
2.5 Chronology
2.6 Function of the lamp
2.7 Workshop markings
2.8 Commercialization / diffusion

Main Bibliography

1. Roman Roads:

ADAM, J. – La Construction Romaine, Paris, 1994
CHEVALLIER, R. – Les Voies Romaines, Picard, 1997
CUNTZ, O. – Itineraria romana, I, Leipzig, 1990, 2.ª ed.
FERNANDEZ CASADO, C. – Historia del puente en España, Madrid, 1980
FUSTIER, P. – La Route. Voies antiques. Chemins anciens. Chaussés modernes, Paris, 1968
GAZZOLA, P. – Pnti romani, Florence, 1963
LAGRANGE, F. – La concepcion des ponts, Caesarodunum, 1982
O’CONNOR, C. – Roman Bridges, Cambridge, 1993
RABANAL ALONSO, M.A. – La red viaria en la Hispania romana, Zaragoza, 1990
RABANAL ALONSO, M.A. – Enlaces viarios romanos entre España e Portugal, Hispania Antigua, XVI, 1992
QUILICI, L. – La tecnica do construzione stradale in età romana, in La strade nelle Marche I, Ancône, 1987
ROLDAN HERVAS, J.M. – Itineraria Hispana, Valladolid, 1975
Vários – Simposio sobre la red viaria en la Hispania romana, Zaragoza, 1990

2. Roman Ceramics: the lamps.

ALARCÃO, J. et alii – Fouilles de Conimbriga, Vol. VI, Céramiques diverses et verres, Paris, 1976
ALMEIDA, J.M. Ferreira de – Introdução ao estudo das lucernas em Portugal, in Arqueólogo Português, Série 2, 1, Lisboa, 1958
AMARE TAFALLA, M.T. – Lucernas Romanas de Bilbilis, Institución Fernando el catolico, Zaragoza, 1984
AMARE TAFALLA, M.T. – Lucernas Romanas, Universidade de Zaragoza, 1987
AMARE TAFALLA, M.T. et alii – Representaciones arquitectonicas en lucernas romanas, Leon, 1994
BALIL, A. – Marcas de ceramistas en lucernas romanas halladas en España, Archivo Español de Arqueologia, Vol. 41, Madrid, 1968
BAILEY, D.M. – Greek and Roman Pottery Lamps, London, 1972
BARBERA, Mariarosaria et alii – La lucerne tardo-antiche di produzione africana, Museo Nazionale Romano, Roma, 1993
BONNET, Jacqueline – Lampes cerámiques signées, DAF, n.º 13, Paris, 1988
DENEAUVE, J. – Lampes de Carthage, Paris, 1969
FICH, Cleo Rickman et alii – Cosa: the lamps, Univ. of Michigan Press, Michigan, 1994
HARRIS, W.V. – Roman terracotta lamps: the organization of an industries, in Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. LXX, London, 1980
LUZÓN NOGUE, J.M. – Lucernas mineras de Rio Tinto, in Archivo Español de Arqueologia, Vol. XL, 115-116, Madrid, 1967
MAIA, Maria Garcia Pereira; MAIA, Manuel – Lucernas de Santa Bárbara, Castro Verde, 1997
MORILLO CERDAN, A. – Una producción de lucernas en la Peninsula Ibérica: el taller militar de Herrera de Pisuerga, Palencia, España, in Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia, 33, Porto, 1993
SZENTLÉLEKY, Tihamér – Ancient Lamps, Amsterdam, 1969
VEGAS, M. – Motivos decorativos en lucernas de disco romanas: sus antecedentes y paralelos, in Pyrenae, 2, Barcelona, 1966

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures and interactive methods.


No specific software required.

Evaluation Type

Eligibility for exams

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.

Calculation formula of final grade

Average sum of the marks obtained in the submitted assignments (for continuous assessment) or mark of the final exam (for final assessment).

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.

Classification improvement

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.


Language of instruction: Portuguese.
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