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Fieldwork Methodology I

Code: FLUP0112     Acronym: METCA1

Instance: 2004/2005 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Heritage Studies
Institution Responsible: Faculty of Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
ARQ 109 Official Study Plan - LARQ 1 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 1 2,5 5 -


To provide training in the field of archaeological prospecting by preparing students to use methods and techniques of recognization and register concerning different types of archaeological heritage.
To make students aware of the objectives of prospecting both in the field of research itself and in regional planning, work of impact, etc.
To adjust the programme so as to enable students to develop an Archaeological Survey in a small region, and elaborate a report suitable for the situation at issue.


Archaeological Prospecting
I. Objectives of Archaeological Prospecting
II. How to prepare and develop an archaeological prospecting project
1. Presentation of examples of “situation-types” in which those projects are developed: Municipal and/or regional archaeological maps that cover all chronological and cultural periods (usually used in Physical Planning); Human Occupation Maps relating to a specific chronological and cultural period; Archaeological prospecting in previously defined areas subject to major public works (roads, dams, etc.) and quantitative and qualitative evaluation of collected data; prospecting in areas that have been presently submerged, etc.
2. According to each “situation-type” for which some examples are given in II.1, the following will be indicated:
2.1. Evaluation strategy and methodology for available documentation – artifact and/or sample collection, various types of records, even though some have been carried out for different purposes than those of Archaeology (such as historical and/ or legal documents related to Past events, toponymic surveys, legends, forest reports), etc.
2.2. Evaluation methodology for cartographic information (handling various types of cartography at different scales) and aerial photography.
2.3. Elaboration criteria of one of more file-types that respond to the intended objectives: definition of items, terminology, type of graphic documentation, etc.
2.4. Definition of field survey strategies – “total prospecting”, systematic or non-systematic; systematic prospecting by probability sampling; other variants.
2.5. Definition of prospecting methods- direct field survey; aerial photography accomplished for this purpose; magnetic and electromagnetic prospecting; geochemical prospecting, radioactive prospecting and thermal prospecting -, and processing the obtained record.
3.1. Ways of systematizing collected data and qualitative and quantitative
evaluation of the findings
3.2. How to prepare a Report.

Note: Students will be encouraged to prepare and develop short prospecting projects, the findings of which will be presented in the form of a Report.

Main Bibliography

RENFREW, C. e BAHN, P. (1991), Archaeology. Theories, Methods and Pratice, Thames and Hudson ed.;
CARANDINI, A. (1997), Historias en la Tierra. Manual de Excavación Arqueológica, Ed. Crítica;
HARRIS, E.C. (1991), Princípios de Estratigrafia Arqueológica, Ed. Crítica.

Other references will be indicated in the course of the semester; Moreover, supporting texts will be made available by the lecturer.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Explanatory and interactive methods.


No specific software required.

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Eligibility for exams

Please see 'Evaluation Components' above.

Calculation formula of final grade

Consists of the mark obtained in the written assignment.

Examinations or Special Assignments

In this subject, students are assessed through an individual written assignment which consists in the lectured theme – Archaeological Prospecting.
1- This assignment is carried out on a topic and/or region that is to be indicated and/or agreed upon along with the lecturer.
2- Field work may (and ideally should) be carried out in group (never more than 3 elements), but each element of the group is to carry out the wording individually.
3- The cover should show in the following order: designation of the subject, student’s full name, title of the assignment, academic year (in this case 2004-2005), the course year in which the student is enrolled (1st, 2nd or 3rd), the names of the other elements of the group that carried out the field register, and whether it is a re-sit exam. In the latter case, the previous mark should be indicated. Cover images are not required.
4 – All assignments must compulsorily include:
a) Prospecting/register files of different archaeological seasons or sites, according to a file that will be discussed in class (or files relating to different kinds of seasons).
b) In this file, students must always include references to the following: localization of the sites with respective coordinates (N Latitude, W Longitude and absolute altitude); implantation of the sites in the map (where they appear properly identified); document sources that were consulted and a commentary on them (as well as on spoken information), appropriate topographic profiles (never less than 2) carried out according to the Military Chart of the Portuguese Army Cartographic Services, at scale 1:25 000; evaluation of the site’s state of preservation; at least one schematic design at scale, as well as one or more site profiles, also at scale, and a photogragh.
5 – The assignment can not exceed 40 pages (including the cover but not photographs), and should be written using font size 12, al, 5 spaces or less and each page must comprise wording both on the front and on the back (we should not waste paper).
6- Exposition regarding prospecting methodology in general, that can be stated either at the beginning or end of the assignment, counts for 3 marks maximum.
7 – The remainder of the assignment counts for 17 marks and should include an annotated exposition of the methodology used in this assignment, or that would be used in ideal terms but wasn’t due to lack of conditions (such methodological exposition is highly appraised). This annotation has to be related to the prospecting files being carried out
8 – Bibliographical index of all consulted documents.
9 – These standards concern both 1st year students and those of other years who have not yet completed this subject.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.

Classification improvement

Is achieved by submitting another written assignment.


Language of instruction: Portuguese.
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