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Political Communication

Code: MAF033     Acronym: CP

Instance: 2022/2023 - 2S

Active? No
Responsible unit: Department of History, Political and International Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Masters in African Studies

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MAF 0 MAF Study Plan 1 - 6 45 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


This course unit focuses on the main concepts and aspects of political communication, including the democratic performance of the media, mediatisation of politics and the media representation of politics. In addition to propaganda and info-entertainment, the personalisation of politics and exploitation of scandals, special attention is paid to strategic communication in election campaigns and political marketing, and the issues related to the political use of interactive digital media and the implications for the public sphere and for democracy. The seminars look at the main theoretical streams of political communication, juxtaposing empirical evidence from national case studies with that in Portugal. The many topics and diversity of speakers proposed, plus the tutorials offered throughout the semester, will enable students to engage in a critical analysis of the most immediate issues in this area. At the end of the course unit students will have the competences they need to pursue research in the field of political communication.

Learning outcomes and competences

he curricular unit will be organized under a set of experts  lectures sessions  articulated with tutorial guidance given throughout the semester. The goal  of this methodology is that the multiplicity of topics and the diversity of speakers should allow the proposed framework and context of the main points of the program, according  to reported experiences  or theoretical related to explanations.  Alongside the lecture sessions, the purpose of the tutorial guidance given throughout the semester , is to provide students with the means to promote a critical analysis of the issues addressed in the plan either by the  theoretical frameworks, either by  the applicability of practical cases.
It is intended, therefore, that at the end of this course, Masters’ students become equipped with the skills to develop research in the political communication field.

Working method



1 – Introduction and trends in political communication 
2 - The history of political communication
3 - The professionalization of political communication
4 - Propaganda
5 - Media, Democracy and Citizenship
6 - Impact of Media on Politics
7 - New Media and Future Scenarios of Political Communication

Mandatory literature

Correia, João Carlos et al. (org.); Conceitos de Comunicação Política, Livros Labcom, 2010. ISBN: 978-989-654-039-5
Hallin, Daniel C. & Mancini, Paolo; Sistemas de Media: Estudo Comparativo - Três modelos de comunicação e política, Livros Horizonte, 2010. ISBN: 978-972-24-1688-7
Hallin, Daniel C. and Mancini, Paolo; Comparing Media Systems : Three Models of Media and Politics, Cambridge University Press, 2004
Karen Sanders; Communicating Politics in the XXI Century, Palgrave, 2009
Negrine, Ralph; The Communication of Politics, London:Sage, 1996
Negrine, R. & Stanyer, J.; The Political Communication Reader, Routledge , 2007
Norris, Pippa; Virtuous Circle: Political Communication in Post-Industrial Societies, Cambridge University Press, 2000
Quivy, R. & Campenhoudt, L.V.; Manuel de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, Gradiva, 1992
Rawnsley, G.; Political Communication and Democracy, Palgrave Macmillan , 2005

Complementary Bibliography

Baum, Matthew ; Soft News Goes to War, Oxfordshire:Princeton University Press, 2003
Bezzon, Lara C; Comunicação, Política e Sociedade, Alinea, 2005
Blumler, Jay G. & Kavanagh, D.; The Third Age of Political Communication: Influences and Features, 1999
Castells, Manuel; Communication, Power and Counter-power in the Network Society, 2007
Mesquita, Mário; O quarto equívoco – O poder dos media na sociedade contemporânea, Minerva Coimbra, 2003
Santos, Hália C.; A Comunicação Política do XVII Governo de Portugal, 2005
Zaller, John; A Theory of Media Politics - How the Interests of Politicians, Journalists, and Citizens Shape the News, 1999

Teaching methods and learning activities

Expository method, seminars, tutorials and preparation/oral presentation of research projects.


Social sciences > Political sciences
Social sciences > Communication sciences > Media studies
Social sciences > Communication sciences > Public relations

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 20,00
Trabalho de campo 20,00
Trabalho escrito 60,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 40,00
Frequência das aulas 40,00
Trabalho de investigação 40,00
Trabalho escrito 42,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Writing a political communication essay and three book reviews (RL) of books in the same area.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final Grade = Essay 60% + ( BR1 + BR2 BR3) 20% + Attendance 20%

Examinations or Special Assignments

In accordance with the Faculty of Letters regulations.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

In accordance with the Faculty of Letters regulations.

Classification improvement

Elaboration of a scientific article defined by the teacher.

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