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German I

Code: MEIEFA013     Acronym: A_I

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Foreign language

Instance: 2022/2023 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Germanic Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Teaching English and Foreign Languages in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education, with specialties in Spanish or French or German

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MEIEFA 5 MEIEFA - Study Plan 2 - 3 21,5 81
MEPIEFA 1 MEPIEFA - Study Plan 2 - 3 21,5 81

Teaching language



This subject is designed as a continuation of German I from the same Master course, and therefore the main aims in the second semester include consolidating all language skills (oral and written comprehension, oral expression, writing, vocabulary and grammar) in order to prepare students for their future work as German teachers. Students, throughout the semester, will:

increase their competence in reading texts in German on topics which are relevant for their future career as language teachers; improve aspects of oral production; continue to apply the specific vocabulary for teaching German ("Unterrichtssprache"), which was introduced in the first semester; acquire more grammatical competence by reviewing and deepening chosen themes of German grammar; apply, in practical situations, the knowledge acquired in German I on the various teaching materials, such as grammars, manuals and websites; extend their competence in the of use of multimedia resources.

Learning outcomes and competences

Students will review and deepen their language knowledge of level B2 and chosen sobjects of leves C1, particularly with regard to the skills needed for teaching activity as German teachers.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

In order to successfully participate in this UC, students must be familiar with the contents provided at level B2 as well as the contents taught in the German UC C1.1 of the Metrado course in which they are enrolled.


Students will read texts about specific subjects related to didactics, psychology, daily routine of school life and the German education system as well as social and cultural issues.
There will be review and consolidation of several grammatical aspects (e.g. the phenomena of inflection, in particular in noun phrases, as this chapter is an indispensable basis for competent teaching of the German language). Students will attain grammatical competence that will enable them to transmit, in a safe and confident way, grammatical contents of the school programs. They will prepare and present papers and participate in projects.
Students are expected to do autonomous research work (in libraries and internet), to do group work and to participate actively in classroom discussions.

Mandatory literature

Butzkamm, Wolfgang; Unterrichtssprache Deutsch. Wörter und Wendungen für Lehrer und Schüler, Hueber, 2007. ISBN: 9783190115860
Klosa, Annette et al. (Hrsg.); Duden. Deutsches Universalwörterbuch, Bibliographisches Institut & F.A. Brockhaus AG, 2006

Complementary Bibliography

Schmidt, Sabine; Schmidt, Karin (Hrsg.); Erinnerungsorte. Deutsche Geschichte im DaF-Unterricht, Cornelsen Verlag, 2012
Engel, Ulrich; Deutsche Grammatik – Neubearbeitung, Iudicium, 2004
Krumm, Hans-Jürgen; Fandrych, Christian; Hufeisen, Britta; Riemer, Claudia (Hrsg.); Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache. Ein internationales Handbuch. Band 1 + 2, De Gruyter Mouton, 2010
Dietmar Rösler;; Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Eine Einführung, J.B. Metzler, 2012
Paul Rusch; Helen Schmitz; Einfach Grammatik. Übungsgrammatik Deutsch A1 bis B1, Langenscheidt, 2007

Teaching methods and learning activities

Practical classes in which students are expected: to work individually or in a group or in pairs, to do note-taking from teacher’s input, to participate actively and to reflect critically on their own development, to do research on a chosen topic, to prepare an oral presentation and a written paper on the results of their research. The mode of assessment is the evaluation without final exam, which requires continuous and active participation by the students: they present oral and written papers, write tests and present research results and a project work. The preparation of papers and class presentations are accompanied by the teacher in the tutorial hours. In these tutorial hours the teacher seeks, together with students, strategies to overcome individual difficulties which were diagnosed during the lessons.


Microsoft Office: Word, Power-Point


Humanities > language sciences > Languages > Modern languages > European languages

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 20,00
Prova oral 10,00
Teste 40,00
Trabalho escrito 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 28,00
Frequência das aulas 27,00
Trabalho de investigação 26,00
Total: 81,00

Eligibility for exams

Students are required to attend at least 75% of classes, except in cases foreseen in the Assessment Regulations.

Calculation formula of final grade

Average of all assignments and evaluation exercises (oral and written).

Examinations or Special Assignments

not applicable.

Internship work/project

not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to FLUP regulations.

Classification improvement

In this course unit, only the component "test" is subject to improvement ("melhoria" or "recurso").


As there is no final exam, working students are asked to contact the teacher in order to agree on an alterantive evaluation modality. If students do not contact the teacher, they risk not to be evaluated.
Teaching Language: German
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