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Historical Readings of Space

Code: MHP011     Acronym: LHE

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Geography

Instance: 2021/2022 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of History, Political and International Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Master in History and Heritage

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MHP 11 MHP - Study Plan 1 - 8 55 216

Teaching language

Portuguese and Spanish


To apprehend and locate the main theoretical concepts and methodological tools in the relationship between History and Geography

Critical consultation of ancient cartography exemplars; elaboration of ‘historical restitution’ cartography.

Fieldwork and survey of historical evolution traits in space.

Learning outcomes and competences

To apprehend and locate the main theoretical concepts and methodological tools in the relationship between History and Geography:
i) geography as “location”: spatial and cartographical designation of historical sources’ information;
ii) geography as “environment”: understanding of the effects of nature and natural resources use in the evolution of communities through time;
iii) geography as “landscape”: understanding of the dialectical relationship between the production of territory and its representation in literature, painting, photography, cinema, etc.;
iv) geography as “region”: identification of the unitary character of the relationship between space and time in teh buildi
strengthening of the ‘identity’ of a region (‘longue-durée’).
v) geography as “critical assessment”: re-evaluation, alongside with the many epistemological standings during the past two decades in the discipoline of Geography, of the ‘situated’ disposition of science itself, in the production of the diverse and enduring ‘visions of the past’.
Naturally, this formally analytical enumeration should not prevent, but the opposite, that the diverse geographical-historical conceptions and practices to be intertwined and provide mutually enlightenment.

To critically look up to ancient cartography exemplars, confronting them with the information drawn out of other historical sources, determinedly apllying the principle of mutual ‘validation’ (or ‘refutation’) of historical information; to construct ‘cartographies of restitution’, isolating and overlapping the elements that synthetically more adequately characterize a significant ‘moment’ in the historical ‘evolution’ of a particular space.

Recognize, in present-day features, the traits of landscape evolution; both those that validate the information drawn upon other historical sources, and those that allow to build-up hypotheses that those others may not consider. To base a conception of ‘heritage’ that includes not only the present-day territory as legacy of the past but also the differential value of that legacy from an historical-geographical point of view and its use by the communities that inhabit it.

Working method



I – Evolution and characterization of present-day historical-geographical thought.
1. Distribution, diffusion and ‘time-geography’
2. Historical ecology and environmental history.
3. Spaces of production, social topography, landscape and representation.
4. Regional geography and local history.
5. Situated knowledge: scale and identity.

II – Cartography and ‘historical restitution’ of space.
1. Ancient cartography: critical use of a historical source.
2. ‘Historical restitution’ of space and its cartography.

III – Fieldwork and space survey.
1. Programming and planning of fieldwork.
2. Spatial and temporal domains.
3. Surveying: principles and methods.
4. Archiving: logical and material organization.

Mandatory literature

Baker, A; Geography and history, Cambridge University Press., 2003
Alan R. H. Baker; Ideology and landscape in historical perspective. ISBN: 0-521-41032-0
Bertin, Jacques; Semiology of graphics. ISBN: 0-299-09060-4
Cosgrove, Denis 340; The iconography of landscape. ISBN: 0-521-38915-1
Daveau, Suzanne, 1925-; Espaço e tempo
Josefina Gómez Mendoza; Viajeros y paisajes. ISBN: 84-206-2556-6
ULL; Journal of historical geography. ISBN: 0305-7488
Jean-Robert Pitte; Histoire du paysage français. ISBN: 2-235-0180-1
Ribeiro, Orlando, 1911-1997; Introduções geográficas à história de Portugal
Ribeiro, Orlando, 1911-1997; Geografia e civilização

Complementary Bibliography

Daveau, Suzanne, 1925-; A^descoberta da África Ocidental. ISBN: 972-8325-81-9
Daveau, Suzanne, 1925-; A estrada coimbrã
Daveau, Suzanne, 1925-; História e geografia
Devy-Vareta, Nicole; A^floresta na memória e no futuro do espaço rural. ISBN: 972-42-3657-9
Domingues, Álvaro; Vida no campo. ISBN: 978-989-8217-19-6
Garcia, J. C.; Teles, P.; Os estudos geográficos na Geografia histórica de Portugal (1918-1985)., Centro de Estudos Geográficos de Lisboa., 1987
Ribeiro, Orlando, 1911-1997; A^ilha da Madeira até meados do século XX
Ribeiro, Orlando, 1911-1997; A^formação de Portugal
Schama, Simon; Le^paysage et la mémoire. ISBN: 2-02-017277-1

Teaching methods and learning activities

Students are required to read papers and book chapters (made previously available) that directly relate to the contents of each theoretical-practical class. The participative character of these classes requires conversation and discussion among all elements of class, by which concepts and notions get gradually more grounded and give participants of a adequate structured vision of the theory of historical-geographical research.

The students are required to analyse cartographic exemplars in classroom, and to engage research in cartographic archives, in order to develop skills to the elaboration of ‘historical restitution’ cartography, according to a critical appreciation of the criterions used, and valuing automatic cartography tools.


The participation in the planning of a fieldwork trip, will provide students with essential skills regarding the process of planning, survey and archiving/processing of historical information. 


PPT e PDF de apoio aos seminários


Social sciences > Geography > Historical geography

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Trabalho de campo 40,00
Trabalho escrito 40,00
Trabalho laboratorial 20,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 92,00
Frequência das aulas 24,00
Trabalho de campo 30,00
Trabalho de investigação 50,00
Trabalho laboratorial 20,00
Total: 216,00

Eligibility for exams

Attending 75% of classes

Calculation formula of final grade

Explanatory and participating-in-discussion classes.
Distributed evaluation tests [40%]

Critical reading of cartographic exemplars.
Automatic cartography.
Evaluation: Critical elaboration of a ‘historical restitution’ cartography exemplar [

Involvement in programming of a fieldwork trip.
Evaluation: Elaboration of a correlated report [

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Accordance with Assessment Regulations in force.

Classification improvement

Accordance with Assessment Regulations in force.

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