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Educational Policies and Curriculum

Code: MEH014     Acronym: PE_C

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL General Education Training

Instance: 2019/2020 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of History, Political and International Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Teaching History in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MEG 27 MEG - Study Plan 1 - 3 26 81
MEI 0 MEI - Study Plan 1 - 3 26 81
MEIEFA 11 MEIEFA - Study Plan 1 - 3 26 81
MEP 7 MEP - Study Plan 1 - 3 26 81
MEPIEFA 10 MEPIEFA - Study Plan 1 - 3 26 81
MEPLAT 0 MEPLAT - Study Plan 1 - 3 26 81

Teaching language



The course unit, by introducing an holistic perspective on the Portuguese education system, aims to critically reflect on the teaching and learning process and provide future teachers with the ability to the scientifically and pedagogically rationalize, systematize and steer their activities.

Future teachers need a consistent theoretical basis that enables them to develop research on the educational field, where many black boxes persist.

The programme aims to introduce reflection on several themes, such as the construction of modern educational systems, the current political debates on education and their unmeasured social, technical and economic impact, impact the organization of school institutions, the prescriptive and theoretical curriculum, the status and role of the student nowadays and the teacher professionalism. The approach to these themes intends to identify the main lines of the evolution of the Portuguese educational system.

The subject’s main goals are:

- to analyze the historical and political process of construction of contemporary educational systems;

- to understand the diversity of models and variables in school organization and management and their impact on the quality of educational practices;

- to analyze the diversity of orientations in curriculum theory and development and their impact on professional practices and learning outcomes;

- to identify the curriculum components (objectives/competences, contents, strategies and evaluation) in their relevance for the efficacy of the real curriculum.

- to understand the processes, contents, skills and means to foster teachers’ professionalism;

- to develop attitudes of reflection and scientific research.


Learning outcomes and competences

See box of Objectives

Working method



  1. The political construction of the current school model: from the State-Nation process to the transnationalization of education.

  2. The Portuguese education system in a plural perspective: legal, social and organization efficacy.

  3. The school organization: theories, models and their relevance in the ranking era.

  4. Curriculum: theories, development, types, technic units, players and power.

Mandatory literature

BAUMAN, Zygmunt; Los retos de la educación en la modernidad líquida, Editorial Gedisa, 2007
BENAVENTE, Ana et alii; A literacia em Portugal: resultados de uma pesquisa extensiva e monográfica, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1996
BERTRAND, Yves; VALOIS, Paul; Paradigmas educacionais. Escola e Sociedades, Instituto Piaget, 1994
BOURDIEU, Pierre; PASSERON, Jean-Claude; A reprodução – elementos para uma teoria do sistema de ensino, Editorial Veja, s/d.
CANÁRIO, Rui ; O que é a escola? Um "olhar" sociológico, Porto Editora. , 2005
CARVALHO, Rómulo de ; História do ensino em Portugal: desde a fundação da nacionalidade até a fim do regime de Salazar-Caetano, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1986
CORREIA, Luís Grosso ; «Portugal pode ser, se nós quisermos, uma grande e próspera nação. O sistema educativo no Estado Novo», Ler História, nº 35, p. 71-107., 1998
Idem ; «Social patterns of literacy in the city of Porto at the end of the nineteenth century», Paedagogica Histórica, vol. XLIV, nº 1-2, (Fevereiro-Abril), p. 83-105, 2008
COSTA, Jorge Adelino; Imagens organizacionais da escola, Edições Asa, 2003
GARDNER, Howard; Inteligencias múltiples. L ateoría en la práctica, Paidós, 2011
GIMENO SÁCRISTAN, José; Educar e conviver na cultura global, Edições Asa, 2003
LEITE, Carlinda; O multiculturalismo e o currículo no sistema educativo português, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2001
Idem; Para uma escola curricularmente inteligente, Edições Asa, 2003
LIMA, Licínio (org.) ; Compreender a escola: perspectivas de análise organizacional, Edições Asa, 2006
NÓVOA, António (coord.) ; As organizações escolares em análise, Publicações D. Quixote/IIE, 1992
NÓVOA, António; SCHRIEWER, Jürgen (eds.); A difusão mundial da escola, Educa, 2000
Idem ,; Evidentemente. Histórias da Educação, Edições Asa, 2005
OECD; PISA 2009 results: chnages in students performance since 2000, OECD, 2010
PERRENOUD, Philippe ; Ofício de aluno e sentido do trabalho escolar, Porto Editora, 1995
Idem ; Porquê construir competências a partir da escola? Desenvolvimento da autonomia e luta contra as desigualdades, Edições Asa, 2001
STOER, Stephen et alii (orgs.); Transnacionalização da Educação – da crise da educação à ‘educação’ da crise, Edições Afrontamento, 2001
SILVA, Tomaz Tadeu; Teorias do currículo: uma introdução crítica, Porto Editora, 2000
UNESCO ; Para uma política de educação em Portugal, Livros Horizonte, 1982
VIEIRA, Maria Manuel (org.) ; Escola, jovens e media, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2007
WILLIS, Paul; Aprendendo a ser trabalhador, Artes Médicas, 1991

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures; Debate; Supervised research; Tutorial supervision; Group work; Organization and presentation of papers by the students.


Social sciences > Educational sciences > Education
Social sciences > Educational sciences > Education > Curriculum studies
Social sciences > Political sciences > Public policy

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 54,00
Frequência das aulas 27,00
Total: 81,00

Eligibility for exams

Students are required to attend at least 75% of classes, except in cases foreseen in the Assessment Regulations in force at FLUP.

Calculation formula of final grade

Assessment: The type of assessment in this course unit will depend on the number of students enrolled.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable

Classification improvement

Accordance with Assessment Regulations in force.

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