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German B1.2

Code: LLC006     Acronym: AB1.2

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2019/2020 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
E-learning page: http://moodle.up.pt/
Responsible unit: Department of Germanic Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LA 37 LA - Study Plan 2 - 6 52 162
LLC 19 LLC - Monodisciplinary Study Plan 2 - 6 52 162
LLC - Bidisciplinar Study Plan (Portuguese Studies) 2 - 6 52 162
LLC - Bidisciplinar Study Plan (Two Foreign Languages) 2 - 6 52 162
LRI 26 LRI - Study Plan 2 - 6 52 162

Teaching language



The unit course German B1.2 will enable the learners of German to achieve a knowledge grade for the B1.1 level (independent user) such as indicated in the Common European Framework of Reference in the four basic language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing.

By the end of the semester students should be able to:
- understand the main points of oral and written texts that consist mainly of everyday related language;
- engage in conversation on topics that are familiar;
- produce well-structured texts on topics that are familiar or of personal interest, describing impressions and expressing their opinions;
- master the terminology and appropriate use of grammatical structures;
- extend their knowledge about different social and cultural realities of the German speaking countries.

Learning outcomes and competences

Based on the curricular unit’s intended learning outcomes (German B1.2), teaching methods adopted in classes aim at developing all language kills: oral and written and oral comprehension, written and oral expression, as well as the study of vocabulary and grammar.

The proposed activities will be based on a communicative methodology, which motivates the students to start “learning to learn”, moving to a more active part in language study.

Grammar and vocabulary will be studied as essential tools to comprehend or produce statements corresponding to different acts of speech. Regarding listening (oral comprehension) and reading (written comprehension) learners will develop - through the activities proposed by the manual (DaF kompakt B1) and the use of multimedia resources - the necessary competencies for understanding clear standard texts and/or speech sequences. Student’s ability to read and understand written texts will be developed through various methodologies and types of exercices.

Regarding the speaking comprehension students will solidify grammatical and lexical knowledge through communicative activities. The listening will be trained not only by the use of the German language by the teacher during lessons, in all situations, but also by working with audiovisual materials (to allow them access to the language usage in dialogues, interviews, radio programs and other sources of everyday life). Further, students will study the appropriate grammatical and lexical structures for describing images, and will produce simple texts for describing experiences and giving reasons and explanations.

Oral and written tests permit teacher and students to check their progress in reviewing of existing knowledge and in the acquisition of new contents. The study of the German language will be enhanced by supplementary materials made available to the students.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

This course unit assumes the contents studied in the UC German B1.1. 


In the German language classes B1.2 vocabulary and idiomatic expressions related to the thematic areas of the course book (DaF kompakt B1) will be addressed.Students will learn aspects of migration in German-speaking countries and study relevant issues in the political-geographical context in Germany and Europe. Other topics such as intercultural conflicts, concern for the environment and the relationship between different generations in Germany will be addressed throughout the course. On the basis of these topics, students will develop the lexical and grammatical skills necessary for the construction of statements relating to the following acts of speech: Formulate hypotheses and prognoses, comment on everyday situations regarding intercultural differences, discuss controversial themes, describe a graphic, express feelings.
On the grammatical level, verbal tenses and modes, main and subordinate clauses, modal verbs will be focused.
In addition, students will consolidate the basics of German syntax (Satzklammer, Ergänzung, Angabe, Kasusmarker, Verbstellung im Haupt- und Nebensatz).

Through working with adapted and authentic texts and the use of multimedia resources, the sociocultural aspects of the German speaking countries will be shown.

Mandatory literature

Clamer, Friedrich/Heilmann, Erhard; Übungsgrammatik für die Grundstufe (Niveau A2/B1), Liebaug-Dartmann, 2007. ISBN: 978-3-922989-70-7
Sander, Ilse et al.; DaF kompakt B1, Klett, 2011. ISBN: 978-3-12-676180-2

Comments from the literature

A monoligual dictionnary is needed.

For Grammar Revision (A1-B1):

Fandrych, Christian/Tallowitz, Ulrike. Klipp und Klar, Teil: A1/B1 mit Lösungen - Übungsgrammatik Grundstufe Deutsch in 99 Schritten. 2014 (1. Auflage). Klett Verlag.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The communicative approach and different teaching strategies will involve the integration of different language skills, which should be used throughout the course, so as to make authentic and meaningful communication the goal of classroom activities. Students are guided to make German language learning a process of creative construction.

The type of assessment is the distributed evaluation which will stimulate regular participation, offering a regular analysis on the process of acquiring competences. This mode of assessment implies an active and continuous participation in class, self-study, engagement and delivering of the proposed works.

Linguistic-pragmatic and sociolinguistic skills, developed in both comprehension and oral interaction, as interpretation of written texts and textual production will be evaluated through oral communications and written tests according to the CEFR (oral assessment: 40%, written tests: 60%). In classes the students should interact with peers and teachers exclusively in German.


Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 36,00
Prova oral 40,00
Teste 24,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 108,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Students must attend 75% of all classes in order to qualify for formal assessment.

Working students and other students legally exempt from regular class attendance should contact the teacher right at the beginning of the semester to define a form of alternative assessment. Otherwiese they risk to be excluded from assessment.

Calculation formula of final grade

The final grade is composed by the average of the written and oral grades, with the weight of the written evaluation (written tests and textual production) being 60% and the weight of the oral evaluation (mean of all oral components) being 40%.

For approval, the student must:
- obtain a minimum of 10 values in each component (at least 9,5 values in the written component and at least 9,5 values in the oral component)
- obtain a final average of at least 10 values (at least 9,5 values on a scale of 0-20).

Examinations or Special Assignments

According to the FLUP Regulations.

Internship work/project

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

In accordance with the FLUP Assessment Regulations.
Working students and other students legally exempt from regular class attendance should contact the teacher right at the beginning of the semester to define a form of alternative assessment. Otherwiese they risk to be excluded from assessment.

Classification improvement

In this course unit, only the component "final exam" is subject to improvement ("melhoria" or "recurso"). Students who want to improve the final exam (melhoria) must enroll in advance at the Academic services of FLUP. 


In view of the exceptional situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the replacement of face-to-face classes with online classes starting in mid-March, this semester there will be some changes in the evaluation and in the evaluation components. At this time, there is the possibility of conducting face-to-face tests at the end of the semester, in the normal season and in the appeal season. Therefore, the method of evaluation becomes the following:


Evaluation type:

Distributed evaluation with final exam (no changes in this)


Assessment Components:

Written component 60% of the final grade (minimum grade 9,5 %); oral component 40 % of the final grade (minimum grade 9,5) (no changes )

Written component Change: The written component will consist of the exame final only.

Oral component: oral test 20% of the final grade, Change: the oral test will be conducted online via Zoom.

Further components of the oral grade (that will be in total 20 % of the final grade) are: Participation in class (with or without physical attendence), homework, 3 minute presentation via Zoom, vocabulary test.


Formula of Assessment Components:

Exame final: 60 %

Oral test: 20 %

Further components of the oral evaluation: 20 %


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