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History of Education

Code: HISTO022     Acronym: HEDU

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2017/2018 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of History, Political and International Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in History

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
HISTO 41 HISTO - Study Plan 3 - 6 52 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


- To emphasize the Education as an object of knowledge, naturally highlighting the epistemological statute of History of Education.

 - To give to the students the knowledge and the understanding of issues from the past, having always a chronologic but also dynamic perspective, allowing making a comparison between epochs, policies and pedagogical lines.   

- To identify the most relevant moments of the Portuguese educative history, connecting them, as much as possible, with international circumstances. 

- To identify the main lines of the pedagogical thinking, the divulgation means used, the conceptual framework of the made discourses and their penetration in the teaching methodologies and also in the practices or resources employed.

- To highlight the complexity and diversity of the educative situations, the rehearsed and implemented (or not) experiences, the innovations and restrictions, always putting in perspective with the historical contexts.

- To create reflection habits about primary and secondary sources that allows justified and critical conclusions about situations and educative policies.

- To deepen thematics, selected beforehand, through historic-education investigation techniques that allows not only an evaluation of the autonomy in the learning process, but also in the ability to convey in a way that is coherent, with fundament and conceptually rigorous as a result of that scientific investment.  

- To provide elements that guarantee autonomy that is posterior to the teaching learning process, in a collective context.

- To understand information, techniques, methodologies and practices that allows facing any educative situation in an investigative and contextualized perspective. 


Learning outcomes and competences

- Instrumental competences – that guarantee basic knowledge and allow an analysis and synthesis capacity on any thematic of historic-educative nature; capacity to use any sources, to know how to select them according to the themes and epochs, to analyse the information through a critical reading of the different discourses, are also included in this area of competence.

- Systemic competences – those that, additionally to the other disciplines of the degree course, guarantee capacity to investigate, capacity to research, capacity to produce works autonomously, capacity to express orally and in writing, in a fluent and creative way and capacity to make presentations in a synthetic and clarifying way.

- Interpersonal competences – capacity to work in teams, ability to express oneself and intervene in public, capability of critical sense and self-evaluation, capacity to adequate their behaviour accordingly to the groups, being able to build consensus and to resolve conflicts.  


Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

- Mastering of the contemporary historic contexts (including the period from the second half of the eighteenth century to the present day - beginning of XXI century) to better understand the pedagogical and educational perspectives.


Theoretic lessons

1. History and History of Education

2. Genesis of the scholar model (XVI-XVIII centuries)

3. From the Portuguese pedagogical ideals in the XVII century to the State Teaching system

4. Tradition and innovation in the liberal education ideology

5. The space of education in the perspectives of the Regeneration of the country (second half of the XIX century).

6. Generosity, utopia and reality in the republican project

7. The perspectives of Pedagogical Innovation in the 1920’s.

8. The National Education (1930-1960)

9. The reform of the Technical Teaching (1948) in the context of internal and external changing

10. The international pressure on the Portuguese education (1950-1990)

11. The slow alphabetization of the Portuguese (XIX-XX centuries)

12. The educative changes in thirty years of Freedom (1974-2004)

13. Reformations and expectations, illusions and disillusions in a perspective of historical long



Practical and tutorial lessons

1. History of Education and Historic Research (the stages of the research process/ production of knowledge).

2. The use of secondary sources and the production and use of data bases (existing examples and proposals of construction)

3. The primary sources and the space of Archives in the researching process

4. The Legislation on Education: from the law circuit to the identification of research contents

5. The Education Statistics – interest and usefulness 

6. The school manuals as a source of investigation

7. The formation of teachers – historical perspective

8. The discourse of the political power: from the parliament debates to the deans’ speeches

9. Investigative space of the Education and Teaching Press I

10. Investigative space of the Education and Teaching Press II

11. Material Culture of School – sources: iconographic, cinematographic, television contents and materials

12. Oral History and History of Education








Mandatory literature

Alves, Luís Alberto Marques; História da educação
Alves, Luís Alberto Marques; República e educação
Azevedo, Joaquim; O^ensino secundário na Europa. ISBN: 972-41-2387-1
Candeias, António; Educação, estado e mercado no século XX. ISBN: 978-972-772-917-3
Fernandes, Rogério; O^pensamento pedagógico em Portugal. ISBN: 972-566-052-8
Magalhães, Justino 340; Fazer e ensinar história da educação em Portugal. ISBN: 972-8098-32-4
Nóvoa, António 300; Dicionário de educadores portugueses. ISBN: 972-41-3611-6
Nóvoa, António 340; Liceus de Portugal. ISBN: 972-41-3173-4
Nóvoa, António; Evidentemente. ISBN: 972-41-42140
Nóvoa, António 300; A^imprensa de educação e ensino. ISBN: 972-9380-14-7
Pintassilgo, Joaquim 340; A^história da educação em Portugal. ISBN: 978-972-41-4917-2
Pintassilgo, Joaquim; Républica e formação de cidadãos. ISBN: 972-772-038-2

Complementary Bibliography

Adão, Áurea; O^estatuto sócio-profissional do professor primário em Portugal (1901-1951)
Alves, Luís Alberto Marques; O^Porto no arranque do ensino industrial
Barroso, João 340; A^escola entre o local e o global. ISBN: 972-8036-23-X
Alves, Luís Alberto Marques 070; Ensino técnico. ISBN: 978-972-729-065-9
Azevedo, Joaquim; Sistema educativo mundial. ISBN: 978-989-8151-02-5
Figueira, Manuel Henrique; Um^roteiro da educação nova em Portugal. ISBN: 972-24-1295-7
Ó, Jorge Ramos do; O^governo dos escolares. ISBN: 972-8036-31-0
Azevedo, Joaquim; Avenidas de liberdade. ISBN: 972-41-1536-4
Cardim, José Eduardo de Vasconcelos Casqueiro; Do ensino industrial à formação profissional. ISBN: 972-8726-64-2
Carneiro, Roberto 300; O^futuro da educação em Portugal
Fernandes, Rogério; Génese e consolidação do sistema educativo nacional
Grácio, Sérgio; Política educativa como tecnologia social
Grácio, Sérgio 220; Sociologia da educação
Mónica, Maria Filomena; Educação e sociedade no Portugal de Salazar
Stoer, Stephen R., 1943-2005; Educação, estado e desenvolvimento em Portugal

Comments from the literature

No more coments.

Teaching methods and learning activities


- The theoretical sessions are presented in informatics support with some sentences about the theme and mostly from authors that are indicated in the basic bibliography. The questioning on some of them, the request for comments, the possibility to exchange opinions between students, will allow the teacher to acknowledge the degree of knowledge about the theme (diagnosis), to provide consistent and scientifically proved information about the theme, to verify the degree of participation of each student and to incorporate in the teaching some eventual student researches.

- The practical sessions seek mostly to provide bibliographic elements, sources, places for informatics research or data bases that guarantee the students’ training with those means, to increasingly become more autonomous in the research, guaranteeing that after the discipline’ approval they are able to work, research or simply inform themselves about various themes of History of Education. In order to obtain this competence, it is important to highlight the demonstration about transmission in these sessions, to exemplify more than just inform. With this purpose in mind, texts can be provided beforehand, mainly with primary sources – parliament speeches, diplomas, news, … - , to be analysed and discussed in the sessions. Near the final moments of evaluation, it can be possible to analyse one text produced by one student or group.


- The tutorial sessions aim to accompany the teaching learning process and, besides that, to help the students, individually or in groups, in the preparation of works they have to present in the continuous evaluation process.


Social sciences
Social sciences > Educational sciences

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Teste 70,00
Trabalho escrito 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 54,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Trabalho de investigação 54,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams


Mandatory 75% attendance of planned classes, unless established otherwise by law.


Calculation formula of final grade

Test 70%+Written work 20%+Oral participation 10%= 100%


Examinations or Special Assignments

According to the present evaluation regulation.

Internship work/project


Not applicable


Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the present evaluation regulation.

Classification improvement

According to the present evaluation regulation.



Teaching Language - Portuguese


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