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Evolution of Cartography

Code: GEOGR017     Acronym: EVOCAR

Instance: 2017/2018 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Geography
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Geography

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
GEOGR 13 GEOGR - Study Plan 2 - 6 4

Teaching language



To frame the History of Cartography in the History of Geography and History of Science and Technology. To know the main stages of the History of Cartography mainly the History of Portuguese Cartography.

Learning outcomes and competences

To know the processes of production, dissemination and consumption of cartographic images along History. To know the main cartographers, cartographical institutions and their works in the frame of the differents national schools mainly the Portuguese.

Working method



1 - Evolution of the History of Cartography.
2 - Cartography in Antiquity.
3 - Travels and medieval maps.
4 - Geographical discoveries: mapping the World by Europeans.
5 - Terrestrial Cartography: between administration and war.
6 - "Scientific" Cartography and its institutionalization: academies, societies and institutes.
7 - Maps of Empires and colonization.
8 - Topographical Cartography and Thematic Cartography.

Mandatory literature

Alegria, Maria Fernanda; Cartografia antiga de Portugal continental
Alegria, Maria Fernanda, 1942- 070; História da cartografia portuguesa. ISBN: 978-989-8171-27-6
Buisseret, David 340; Monarchs ministers and maps. ISBN: 0-226-07987-2
Campbell, Tony; Early maps. ISBN: 0-89659-191-3
Cortesão, Armando; Cartografia portuguesa antiga
Cortesão, Armando; History of portuguese cartography
Cortesão, Armando; Portugaliae monumenta cartographica
Dias, Maria Helena; Glossário para indexação de documentos cartográficos
Dias, Maria Helena 340; Os mapas em Portugal. ISBN: 972-8081-70-7
Dias, Maria Helena; As^mapotecas portuguesas e a divulgação do património cartográfico nacional
Edney, Matthew H.; Mapping an empire. ISBN: 0-226-18488-9
Garcia, João Carlos 340; Atlas universal de Fernão Vaz Dourado. ISBN: 978-84-96400-92-4
Harley, J. B. 340; Cartography in prehistoric, ancient, and medieval Europe and the Mediterranean. ISBN: 0-226-31633-5
Jacob, Christian; L.empire des cartes. ISBN: 2-226-06083-9
Monmonier, Mark; How to lie with maps. ISBN: 0-226-53421-9
Palsky, Gilles; Des chiffres et des cartes. ISBN: 2-7355-0336-3
Pelletier, Monique; Cartographie de la France et du monde de la renaissance au siècle des lumières. ISBN: 2-7177-2176-2
Randles, W. G. L.; Geography, cartography and nautical science in the renaissance. ISBN: 0-86078-836-9
Thrower, Norman J. W.; Maps and civilization. ISBN: 0-226-79973-5
Wood, Denis; The power of maps. ISBN: 0-415-09666-9
Woodward, David 340; Art and cartography. ISBN: 0226907228
Woodward, David 340; Cartography in the traditional African, American, Arctic, Australian, and Pacific societies. ISBN: 0-226-90728-7

Teaching methods and learning activities

The combination of theory and practice.


Humanities > History > History of science
Social sciences > Geography

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 10,00
Teste 30,00
Trabalho escrito 30,00
Trabalho prático ou de projeto 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese 16,00
Estudo autónomo 60,00
Frequência das aulas 56,00
Trabalho de investigação 30,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

According to Pedagogical Board Rules

Calculation formula of final grade

Participation in classes = 10%
Research paper = 30%
Oral presentation = 30%
Written test = 30%

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the Evaluation Rules

Classification improvement

According to the Evaluation Rules

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