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Rural Geography

Code: GEOGR068     Acronym: GRUR

Instance: 2017/2018 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Geography
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Geography

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
GEOGR 71 GEOGR - Study Plan 2 - 6 4

Teaching language



- Use appropriately the fundamental concepts and theories associated with rural areas.
- Find, process and interpret carefully, the main sources of information used in the analysis of spaces of rurality, including statistical information, documentary and bibliographical.
- Integrate the fundamental knowledge of the scope of ruralities an interdisciplinary approach.
- Understand the typological diversity of rural areas in a diachronic perspective, as well as their natural and anthropic grounds that in a very complex combination, justify such diversity.
- Understand and interpreting the great issues that concern the spaces of rurality, simultaneously developing skills for defining intervention strategies.
- Questioning the sustainability / revitalization of rural areas with a view to integrated planning of these spaces at the beginning of the XXI century, in a reflective and critical alignment.

- Working as a team, sharing ideas, methods and strategies in a highly interactive environment, foreseeing develop skills leading to the definition of intervention strategies at different scales.

Learning outcomes and competences

- Seizure of fundamental methodologies and theoretical frameworks within ruralities an interdisciplinary approach.

- Search, process and interpret the main sources of information used in the analysis of rural areas (statistical information, documentation, literature ...)

- Knowledge of typological diversity of European rural areas, its potential and problems

- The importance of multifunctionality of European rural areas

- Perception of the importance of the agricultural and forestry sector in the European / global context

- Identify the characteristics of those territories, their reasoning and problem.

- Develop skills leading to the development of strategies for sustainable intervention in these spaces.

- Questioning the sustainability / revitalization of Europe's rural areas with a view to integrated planning of these spaces in a reflective and critical alignment.

- Working as a team, sharing ideas, methods and strategies in a highly interactive environment, foreseeing develop skills leading to the definition of intervention strategies at different scales.

Working method



The European Rural Space in a dynamic and globalized context

1 - Diversity of agricultural production systems, pastoralist and agro-pastoralist of the Ancient World

1.1-The "Obscure Period"

1.2-The medieval economy and large regional variations

1.3-The era of mutations


2 - The territories of rurality in the Modern World

2.1-The "New Agriculture"

2.2 The transformation of agrarian structures

2.3-The influence of the new extra-European countries

3 - The contemporary era and new challenges of rurality

3.1 The recent territorial rearrangements

3.2 The Community Support framework and solidarities financial / institutional

3.3-The multifunctionality and preservation of natural resources and landscape

Mandatory literature

Covas, António;; A caminho da segunda ruralidade
Pierre Barral; Les sociétés rurales du XXe siècle, Armand Colin, Paris, 1998
Chaléard, J,L.; Charvet, J.P.; Géographie Agricole et Rurale, Beli, Paris, 2004
Comissão Europeia; Investir no futuro da Europa. Quinto relatório sobre a coesão económica, social e territorial, Serviço das Publicações da União Europeia, 2010
Covas, António; As^medidas rurais. ISBN: 972-9175-87-X
António Covas; Ruralidades III, temas e problemas da ruralçidade pós-agrícola e pós-convencional, Universidade do Algarve, Col. Economia e Gestão, 2008
EU-DGARD; Rural Development in the European Union. Statistical and Economic Information. Report 2012, 2012
Woods, Michael; Rural, Routledge, Edition Publ. in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2011
FAO; The State of food and agriculture, 2012
Figueiredo, E.; A periferia das periferias - áreas protegidas em espaços rurais, Princípia Ed., Estoril, 2007
BATH, B. H.; ; História Agrária do Ocidente Medieval (500-1850), Ed. Presença, Lisboa
António Covas; A grande transição; Maria das Mercês Covas, Edições Colibri, 2011
Alain Berger; Pascal Chevalier; Geneviève Cortes; Marc Dedeire; Héritages et trajectoires rurales en Europe, L'Harmattan, 2009
Martine Guibert et Yves Jean (Dir.); Dynamiques des espaces ruraux dans le monde, Armand Colin, Paris, 2011

Complementary Bibliography

Ant´; Ruralidades III, temas e problemas da ruralçidade pós-agrícola e pós-convencional
Alain Berger; Pascal Chevalier; Genevi`; Héritages et trajectoires rurales en Europe

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures and practical classes in which will be taught the basic syllabus. Predominates in these expository but with intense participation of students component.
- The lectures are complemented with practical application, in which they perform work for the application of apprehended themes; this work will finish in group.
-Another component of the course is the tutorials.

- Research will further that the student acquires diverse methodological skills in order to be able to organize a properly framed work, questioning reality and to make proposals in order to solve the various problems that focus on spaces of rurality.


Microsoft Office Word Projector "data-show" e computador de sala Projector "data-show" e computador de sala Microsoft Office Excel Microsoft Office Power Point


Social sciences > Geography > Regional geography
Social sciences > Geography > Economic geography
Social sciences > Demography
Social sciences
Social sciences > Economics > Agrarian Sciences

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Defesa pública de dissertação, de relatório de projeto ou estágio, ou de tese 5,00
Exame 60,00
Participação presencial 5,00
Trabalho escrito 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese 26,00
Estudo autónomo 80,00
Frequência das aulas 56,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Minimum of 75% of class attendance, except in the cases foreseen in the regulations in force The student must obtain a grade of at least 9.5 to pass the subject. Attendance is compulsory in both theoretical, practical and tutorial classes, and is an integral part of assessment.

Calculation formula of final grade

Minimum of 75% of class attendance, except in the cases foreseen in the regulations in force Final marks result from the exam on theoretical contents, together with marks obtained in the practical assignment. The practical marks will only be considered if the students pass the theoretical part. The practical part includes fieldwork. The final average mark will be calculated as follows: - Theoretical component: 60% - Practical component: 30% - Oral presentation, debate, participation: 10%

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicabe

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the Evaluation Rules

Classification improvement

According to the Evaluation Rules

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